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Fractions Decimals Percentages

Fractions Decimals Percentages. Finding a Percentage without a Calculator. Finding a Percentage with a Calculator. www.mathsrevision.com. Conversion between % Fractions and Decimals. Starter Questions. www.mathsrevision.com. Percentages. Without a Calculator. Learning Intention.

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Fractions Decimals Percentages

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  1. Fractions Decimals Percentages Finding a Percentage without a Calculator Finding a Percentage with a Calculator www.mathsrevision.com Conversion between % Fractions and Decimals Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  2. Starter Questions www.mathsrevision.com Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  3. Percentages Without a Calculator Learning Intention Success Criteria • To understand the process of how to calculate a percentage without a calculator. • We are learning how to calculate a percentage without a calculator. • Be able to calculate a percentage without a calculator. www.mathsrevision.com Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  4. Percentages Without a Calculator To working out a simple percentage it is easier to use the fraction equivalent. You should already know www.mathsrevision.com Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  5. Percentages Without a Calculator www.mathsrevision.com Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  6. “of” means multiple Percentages Without a Calculator Find 25% of £40 1 0 = www.mathsrevision.com = 10 Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  7. Percentages Without a Calculator Find 75% of £300 7 5 = www.mathsrevision.com = 225 2 2 5 Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  8. Percentages Without a Calculator For more difficult percentages use this method. Find 15% of 360 10 % → 36 ÷ 2 ÷ 2 www.mathsrevision.com 18 5 % → 15 % → 54 Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  9. Percentages Without a Calculator Find 12% of 240 10 % → 24 2.4 1 % → x 2 x 2 www.mathsrevision.com 4.8 2 % → 12 % → 28.8 Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  10. Percentages Without a Calculator Find 3.5% of 1200 1 % → 12 36 3 % → x 3 ÷ 2 x 3 www.mathsrevision.com 6 0.5 % → ÷ 2 3.5 % → 42 Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  11. Percentages Without a Calculator Now try TJ N4+ Ex 3.1 Ch3 (page 15) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  12. Starter Questions www.mathsrevision.com Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  13. Percentages With a Calculator Learning Intention Success Criteria • To know how to calculate a percentage using a calculator. 1. We are learning to calculate a percentage of a quantity using a calculator. • Show working. www.mathsrevision.com Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  14. of means multiple Percentages With a Calculator Find 17% of £450 www.mathsrevision.com Remember money 2 decimal places Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  15. Percentages With a Calculator Find 4% of £70 www.mathsrevision.com Remember !! money 2 decimal places Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  16. Percentages With a Calculator Now try TJ N4+ Ex 3.2 Ch3 (page 16) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  17. Starter Questions www.mathsrevision.com Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  18. Percentages Comparing Percentages Learning Intention Success Criteria • To know how to convert a fraction to a percentage. 1. We are learning to convert a fraction to a percentage and use them in context. • Be able to compare percentages in context. www.mathsrevision.com Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  19. Percentages Comparing Percentages Converting a fraction to a percentage Do the division x 100 Fraction Decimal Percentage www.mathsrevision.com Do the division x 100 0.75 75% Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  20. Percentages Comparing Percentages Write the following fractions as percentages. = 27% = 15% www.mathsrevision.com = 29% Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  21. Percentages Comparing Percentages Paul scored : 24 out of 30 in English and 36 out of 40 in Maths. By finding the percentage score for each, which is his best subject ? English Maths www.mathsrevision.com Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  22. Have you updated your Learning Log ? Percentages Comparing Percentages Now try TJ N4+ Ex 3.3 Ch3 (page 17) www.mathsrevision.com Are you on Target ? I can ? Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

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