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Relationships Are Complicated!

Explore the complex interactions between biotic and abiotic factors in ecosystems. Learn about niches, competition, mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Discover how organisms rely on each other for survival.

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Relationships Are Complicated!

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  1. Relationships Are Complicated!

  2. What are biotic and abioticfactors? • Ecosystems are influenced by an array of factors, some living and others not. • The biological influences on organisms are called biotic factors. • This includes any and all living things that may interact with an organism. • In other words, the ecological community! • Physical, or nonliving, influences on organisms are called abiotic factors. • This includes, temperature, precipitation, nutrients, sunlight, shelter, etc. • Together, biotic & abiotic factors determine the success of an organism and its ecosystem.

  3. What is a habitat? • It is the area where an organism lives. (the organism’s address) • It includes both biotic and abiotic factors.

  4. What is a niche? • It is the full range of biotic and abiotic factors in which an organism lives and how it uses those conditions. (A niche is an organism’s occupation.) • This includes the type of food the organism eats, how it obtains food, which other organisms can eat it, and the ability to reproduce. • It also refers to the temperature, nutrients, and habitat necessary to survive.

  5. Competitive Exclusion Principle • No two species can occupy the same niche in the same habitat at the same time.

  6. Bay Breasted Warbler Yellow-Rumped Warbler Cape May Warbler

  7. We all live together! • Most all living things have to interact with one another for survival. • Symbiosis – describes any relationship that develops between two species because they live together • The way in which different species interact serves to define the type of ecosystem. • There are various forms of symbiosis:

  8. Competition • Competition is when both organisms use the same space and resources at the same time. • Competition can occur between organisms of the same species or different species • Both organisms are harmed because they expend energy

  9. Competition The two flowering plants are competing for the same space Which means both of them are harmed. http://elementy.ru/images/eltbook/competitive_exclusion_principle_520.jpg

  10. Competition – introduced species The Eastern Bluebird is being forced into smaller numbers by the House Sparrow, an introduced species. http://my.core.com/~paper-images/Eastern_Bluebird022v.jpg http://photogallery.canberrabirds.org.au/images/Sparrow_House_Dabb.jpg

  11. Kudzu Competition • Kudzu was introduced to the • United States in 1876 at the • Centennial Exposition in • Philadelphia, PA. It “outcompetes” other native plants so they don’t have a place to grow. http://news.uns.purdue.edu/images/+2005/nice-kudzu.jpg &imgrefurl=http://www.yahoolavista.com/kudzu/&h=288&w=432&sz=35&hl=en&start=11&tbnid=tp85kKj4SEtsvM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=126&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkudzu%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D

  12. Competing for Mates Big Ram Rumble

  13. Mutualism • a relationship where both organisms benefit in some way • This can involve providing food, protection, a place to live or even pollination.

  14. Mutualism - Clownfish and Anemone The clownfish gets protection from the anemone and in return the clownfish keeps the anemone free from dirt and debris. Clown Fish http://www.bigfishhooked.com/clown_fish_and_anenome.jpg

  15. Mutualism - Lichens Lichens consist of a fungus with an algae or photosynthetic bacterium living inside the fungus. The alga provides food for both of them and the fungus provides a habitat for the algae. tbnid=7aE_8wrZkK9LJM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=148&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlichen%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN

  16. Termites and Endosymbiotic Protists http://web.cc.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/~deb10/termite/image22.gif http://www.ppru.cornell.edu/news/national_program_poster/picture/Humans1.jpg

  17. Mutualism – Ant and Aphid Ant & Catepillar Movie http://www.richsoil.com/antsandaphids/ants_aphids_sugar.jpg

  18. Oxpecker and Ox http://www.vet.uga.edu/vpp/NSEP/fmd/Images/oxpecker.jpg

  19. ox-pecker http://www.wildlife-pictures-online.com/image-files/impala_knp-9113_blog.jpg

  20. More Ox peckers http://www.wildlifesafari.info/images/birds/oxpecker_yellow-billed.jpg

  21. Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria and Plants http://www.nitragin.com/images/inoc/pg4-1.jpg http://www.pitt.edu/~biohome/Dept/Img/graphics/vo_nodule.jpg

  22. Commensalism • a relationship where one organism benefits & the other is “unaffected.”

  23. Cattle Egret and Cattle http://www.schmoker.org/BirdPics/Photos/ShorebirdsWaders/CAEG6.jpg

  24. Sharks and Remoras http://www.mcss.sc/images/Newsletter/ws_johannes.jpg

  25. Commensalism – whale and barnacle The barnacle larvae swim around, attach to the whale, and form the adult. This habitat is a good one for providing food. The whale does not “appear” to be harmed. • http://www.coolantarctica.com/Antarctica%20fact%20file/wildlife/whales/humptail.jpg

  26. Commensalism – limpets on mussel shell

  27. Parasitism • a relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed

  28. Cuckoo Bird and Small Nesting Birds http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~seal/niche/images/figure03.jpg http://www.arkive.org/media/60E33029-6DA4-4C7A-89BC-30DEE08BC0C2/Presentation.Large/Dunnock_nest_with_three_dunnock_eggs_and_one_cuckoo_egg_.jpg YouTube: Cuckoo Bird & Duck

  29. Leeches and Mammal Host http://www.biopharm-leeches.com/images/hand2.jpg

  30. Mistletoe – a plant parasite Mistletoe lives off the branches and stems of Other trees. It can photo- synthesize a little but not enough to meet its needs. The tree can be very harmed. http://www.wcosf.org/other_photos/Mistletoe_1_600.JPG

  31. Tapeworm and Mammal Host http://gecko.gc.maricopa.edu/~lsola/bio182/labreview/platyhelminthes/tapeworm.jpg http://twc.bc.ca/images/toons/Bleachers-Tapeworm.gif http://www.britishbeef.co.uk/scolexpicture.jpg

  32. Tobacco Hornworm and Wasp Cocoons http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/chatham/ag/SustAg/GSFgraphics/hornwormparasiteweb.jpg

  33. Heartworms and Dogs The worm larvae are transferred from dog to dog through the bite of an infected mosquito. The mosquito sucks larval heartworms with blood from an infected dog. The mosquito then bites another dog and transfers these microscopic larva as it bites. During the next few months, these larva migrate through the dogs body arriving at the heart several months later where they become adults. http://www.greatlakesbcrescue.org/HealthNTraining/heartworms.JPG

  34. Predator-Prey • a relationship where one organism benefits and the other dies.

  35. Predator prey In this Predator-Prey relationship, the spider is eating an insect that it has trapped. http://www.flickr.com/photos/flashmaggie/50552812/

  36. Predator-Prey • In a predator-prey relationship one organism benefits and the other is killed.

  37. The Ultimate Predator – a Wildcat! http://www.birdsasart.com/cheetah-w-prey-_T9J1935-Sambura-WR,-Kenya.jpg

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