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Kocaeli University Faculty of Law Institutional Profile

Kocaeli University Faculty of Law Institutional Profile. Evaluation Visit of the European Universities’ Association 20-22 February 2006. Aim. To describe Kocaeli University Faculty of Law in terms of: Facilities Administration Education International Academic Relations. 1. Facilities.

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Kocaeli University Faculty of Law Institutional Profile

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  1. Kocaeli UniversityFaculty of LawInstitutional Profile Evaluation Visit of the European Universities’ Association 20-22 February 2006

  2. Aim To describe Kocaeli University Faculty of Law in terms of: • Facilities • Administration • Education • International Academic Relations

  3. 1. Facilities • Teaching facilities • Lecture halls/seminaire rooms • Library • Internet connection • Recreation facilities • Halls of residence

  4. Teaching/Study/Research Facilities • Lecturing Facilities • LECTURE HALLS: Capacity • Amphitheatres Room 1 128Persons • Amphitheatres Room 2 210 Persons • Amphitheatres Room 3 128 Persons • Amphitheatres Room 4 182 Persons • Lecture Halls Room 5 64 Persons • Total 712 Persons • In addition, there are seminar rooms for group studying and LL.M. courses.

  5. Teaching/Study/Research Facilities • Research Facilities • Library (Faculty of Law) • Subscribed to all major journals • Reorganizing law library collection • Free ADSL internet access

  6. Recreation Facilities • Students’ cafeteria • Student House • Park

  7. Recreation Facilities • Social-cultural-academic/scientific activities • Each student has a personal advisor from the faculty • Lecture Halls and meeting rooms available for student organized events • Law Club organizes meetings, social gatherings, theatre, folkloristic dance, etc.)

  8. 2. Administration • General Information • Students Involvement • Human Resources • Teaching Staff/Faculty • Students

  9. Student Involvement • Student involvement • Each class elect one student as their class representative. • All student representatives elect a student faculty representative • Student faculty representative is invited to join Faculty Executive Board Meetings in matters regarding students’ affairs • Twice yearly all student representatives have a feed-back meeting with the Dean

  10. Faculty Members • Number of Academic Staff: 37+6 Visiting Scholars • The Faculty has three departments: - Department of Private Law - Department of Public Law - Department of Economy and Public Fiance

  11. Human Resources: • Students

  12. Educationa. Undergraduate Education • Undergraduate Curriculum • Teaching Methods • Exam Methods and Evaluation • Quality Assurance: Feedback

  13. 3. Education • Duration: 4 years -5 years starting from 2007 so as to improve the quality of law education.

  14. Academic Calendar for 2005/2006 academic Year:

  15. Samples of The Lecture ContentsHHU 201 LAW OF OBLIGATIONS (GENERAL PROVISIONS)

  16. Objective: • The main objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic principles and the theories of law obligations (General Provisions). • Learning Outcomes:At the end of the lessons, students should understand the following: • The General Principles of Law of Obligations • The qualifications of the obligations • Freedom of contract • Contents • The concept of obligation, liablility, debt, claim, and other fundamental issues, Principles of the obligations, contracts, offer, acceptance and other features needed to establish a contract, validity, contract interpretation, representation, breach of contract and remedies, the default of the debtor and creditor, the concepty of tort, the types of unjust enrichment.

  17. Teaching and Learning Material • Syllabus and selected papers • Course book • References • Basic coursebook: M. Kemal Oğuzman, M. Turgut Öz, Borçlar Genel Hükümler, Gözden Geçirilmiş Geniletilmiş 4. Bası, İstanbul, Filiz Kitapevi, 2005. • Teaching Methods • Lectures • A combination of ex cathedra teaching and interactive method. • Evaluation Methods • One visa(40 %), one final examination (60%) (written)

  18. Undergraduate Curriculum and Teaching • Teaching Method • Conducted through lectures and seminars • Each course has its own statement of aims and learning outcomes • Utilizing problem based learning system

  19. Undergraduate Curriculum and Teaching • Exam methods and Evaluation • Midterm Exam • Final Exam • The exam will cover all course content • Consist of case studies, short answer and long answer • Provide clear and concise directions and time limit in the exam papers. • Issue a model answer • Reading the students exam papers: Conceal students’ name, grade one question at a time, in one sitting if possible, utilize a model answer sheet (key points)

  20. Quality Assurance • Apply quality assurance program so as to improve teaching and to evaluate course’s strengths and weakness • Student Feedback • Course evaluation questionnaire • Providing Feedback to Students - Issue model answers with marked work - Provide feedback to groups of students

  21. Student feed-back • Student feed-back form • In use since 2002 • Validated, anonymous, semi structured questionnaire featuring items (yes/no, qualitative/open-ended) • Evaluates quality of Law School education at KOU Law School from the student’s point of view • Administered with every Department • Results are used to re-evaluate curriculum content and teaching yearly

  22. KOCAELİ UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF LAW STUDENT FEED BACK FORM FACULTY MEMBERS • - • You can use the back of this page to continue. • Your concrete and careful evaluation is of great importance for the future of our Faculty of Law education. • Please inidicate your personal views in a realistic manner • You are not obliged to indicate your gender • Please use an ink pencil and do not overwrite • THANK YOU!

  23. b. Graduate Program • Master of Laws (LL.M) program is carried out by the Institute of Social Science of the Kocaeli University • Course and thesis based program • Public Law and Private Law

  24. 4. International Academic Relations • Working to promote international relations with law schools from various parts of the world • Try to conclude Bilateral agreements with universities in Europe • Visiting Scholar

  25. Thank youhukuk@kou.edu.tr

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