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Theorists in Early Childhood Education: A review

Theorists in Early Childhood Education: A review. Facilitator: Joanna Merton Inspire Me Professional Development Company. Learning Outcomes. To have an awareness of different theorists and their philosophy of practice for early childhood education.

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Theorists in Early Childhood Education: A review

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  1. Theorists in Early Childhood Education: A review Facilitator: Joanna Merton Inspire Me Professional Development Company

  2. Learning Outcomes To have an awareness of different theorists and their philosophy of practice for early childhood education. A sound knowledge on how too introduce these theorists into the personal philosophy/centre philosophy, as well as documentation processes and reflective practices. How to link the theorists to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and National Quality Standards (NQS)

  3. EYLF and NQS Are you using the EYLF and NQS outcomes, practices and principles to critically reflect on your practices? NQS Quality Area 1: Educational Program and Practices EYLF Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world EYLF Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners

  4. Who are the Theorists? Loris Malaguzzi – The Reggio Emilia approach Maria Montessori – The Montessori approach Erik Erikson – 8 stages of development Jean Piaget – Stages of theory Lev Vygotsky – Zone of Proximal Development Howard Gardner – Theory of Multiple Intelligences

  5. An overview of the Reggio Emilia approach The Reggio Emilia Approach is named after the town of Reggio Emilia in the Emilia Romagna province of Northern Italy. Loris Malaguzzi set up the schools that reflected the parent and communities vision.

  6. Principles of Reggio Emilia Children are strong, interested, capable and curious. Children learn best when working with others: other children, families, educators and the community. Children have “the hundred languages” through which they show us what they know in many ways. The set up of the environment is crucial for learning.

  7. Principles of Reggio Emilia Educators listen to and observe the children closely, ask questions, and explore the children’s ideas through spontaneous and intentional teaching. Educators provide experiences that “provoke” children’s thinking and learning. Educators document the children’s work. Parents and communities provide ideas and skills, which make them active participants in the children’s learning. www.childrensgarden-vail.com

  8. The Hundred Languages

  9. Reflection on Reggio Emilia in Italy http://www.messaggiplanetari.it/?lang=en

  10. Video of Children Talking about the Environment https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=78&v=VbOwJYecyV8 http://www.messaggiplanetari.it/?lang=en

  11. Recycled Materials

  12. Creativity and Imagination

  13. Technology

  14. Lighting

  15. Reggio Australia https://www.reggioaustralia.org.au/

  16. Reggio Emilia in Practice How can services adapt the Reggio Emilia approach? What does Reggio Emilia approach look like in practice?

  17. An overview of the Montessori approach Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870. At the age of 28 she became the director of a school for mentally-disabled children. After 2 years under her guidance, these children, took a school examination along with normal children and passed successfully. They were considered uneducable in the past. Montessori education looks at multi-age grouping and 3 hour work periods.

  18. Principles of the Montessori approach The Prepared Environment is crucial to the Montessori approach. Natural environments are important to learning. Educators are observers and respect the children’s abilities and that what the children are doing is considered their ‘work’. Work centres and environment are arranged according to subject areas, and children are free to move around the room with no time limit.

  19. Learning Styles All intelligences and styles of learning – musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, intuitive, natural, and the traditional linguistic and logical-mathematical are nurtured and respected. Children are given the opportunity to care for themselves, others and the environment.

  20. An overview of the Erikson’s theory Erik Erikson recognised the basic ideas of Freudian theory. Erikson believed that humans develop through their life span. Erikson developed eight psychosocial stages that humans encounter throughout their life. The stages are Trust versus Mistrust; Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt; Initiative versus Guilt; Industry versus Inferiority; Identity versus Role Confusion; Intimacy versus Isolation; Generativity versus Stagnation; and Integrity versus Dispair.

  21. An overview of Piaget’s theory Jean Piaget’s stages of theory describes the cognitive development of children. In Piaget’s view, early cognitive development included the processes based upon actions and later progresses into changes in mental operations. Piaget had 4 Stages of Development – Sensorimotor (birth to about age 2); Pre-operational – (2 years until 7 years); Concrete (7 years until around 12 years); and Formal Operational (adolescence)

  22. An overview of Vygotsky’s theory Lev Vygotsky’s theory stresses the importance of social interaction in the development of cognitive processes, and had a strong believe that community plays a central role in the process of “making meaning”. Zone of Proximal Development. The concept that relates to the difference between what a child can achieve independently and what a child can achieve with guidance and encouragement from others.

  23. An overview of Gardner’s theory Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is defined by “the ability to find and solve problems and create products of value in one’s culture” The seven intelligences include: linguistic, logical-mathematical; spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal and intrapersonal.

  24. Activity: How do you learn best? The seven intelligences include: linguistic, logical-mathematical; spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal and intrapersonal. How do you learn best?

  25. Presentation Activity Break into 5 groups. Each group will have time to discuss a theorist or philosophy and report back to the whole group about what they think? Do you agree with the theorist or philosophy? Why or why not? Which theorist or philosophy do you resonate with the most? Why?

  26. Theorists in Practice - Philosophy How can we incorporate the theorists into our practices and philosophy? Spend time in individually or in pairs working on a personal/centre philosophy for review. Keep a journal that shows critical reflection of the practices in line with the theorist or philosophy chosen? What is your opinion of theorists and philosophies?

  27. Ongoing learning and Reflective Practice What theories, philosophies and understandings shape and assist my work? Who is advantaged when I work in this way? What questions do I have about my work? What am I challenged by? What am I curious about? What am I confronted with? What aspects of my work are not helped by the theories and guidance I usually draw on to make sense of what I do? Are there any other theories that could help me to understand better what I have observed or experienced? How might these affect my practice?

  28. References The Early Years Learning Framework of Australia http://www.childrensgarden-vail.com/what-reggio-emilia https://sites.google.com/site/tourosgottesman/theories-of-early-childhood http://www.earlychildhoodnews.com/earlychildhood/article_view.aspx?ArticleID=19 https://www.reggioaustralia.org.au/

  29. Thank You Please contact Jo Merton for further information and professional development opportunities: www.joinspireme.com joanna.merton.inspireme@gmail.com 0450 548 101

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