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Christine M. Day

Christine M. Day. A Contemporary and Empowered Principled Leader. Brianne Ryan, Jill Kaufman, Jill Dilibero, Chase Walsh, Danielle Malek, Isabel Stearns, and Jessica MacLeod. Agenda. What is a “principled leader”? Christine Day at Starbucks Personal background/values

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Christine M. Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Christine M. Day A Contemporary and Empowered Principled Leader Brianne Ryan, Jill Kaufman, Jill Dilibero, Chase Walsh, Danielle Malek, Isabel Stearns, and Jessica MacLeod

  2. Agenda • What is a “principled leader”? • Christine Day at Starbucks • Personal background/values • Christine Day at lululemon athletica • Leadership style • Beliefs • Crisis management • Questions?

  3. What is a Principled Leader? Motivating Mobilizing Empowering Self-aware Emotionally Intelligent Accountable

  4. 20 Years of Success at Starbucks: 1986-2007 1986 • Office Manager/ Assistant to Howard Schultz (Starbucks founder) 1988-2003 • Senior Vice President, Finance & Administration • Vice President of Sales and Operations for Business Alliances 2004-2007 • President, Asia Pacific Group

  5. Self-Awareness at Starbuckssteps taken to motivate others Self-awareness Self-aware managers give “serious thought to their styles, strengths and weaknesses” (Caproni, P., 2004). Starbucks China, 2011 • Work-life balance • Drove change, especially for women

  6. Business School Experience • 12-week Harvard program • Benchmarking • Networking • The female CEO: Men and women have very different views of what is manageable “I knew I wanted to be a CEO. And I knew I couldn’t do it at Starbucks. Your first opportunity isn’t running a $10 billion company.” – Christine Day, 2008

  7. lululemon, Meet Christine Day! Why Christine, why now? • Track record • Authenticity and quality • Values community and culture She enhanced lululemon’s foundations Ambassadors Educators Mantra

  8. Challenge the Processinnovate and seek opportunity • Continuous improvement • Look outside yourself • Learn from failure Disconnect between founding managers and new members Encourage higher education “The world is changing so quickly, you need to take a step back, invest in yourself and look at things happening on the global stage.” - Christine Day, 2011

  9. Enable Others to Actpromote trust and ownership Applications: • Focus on teams • Build trust • Collaborate • Take ownership • Encourage personal growth within company

  10. Employee Empowerment and Motivation Building Trust at lululemon No Micromanaging Create jobs “big enough for people” Managers have ownership Encourage to create their “own magic” Responsible for actions “If you screw up, you clean it up” • $300 to each store • $2,700 per year for community outreach

  11. Model the Way and Encourage the Heartset the example and recognize achievement • Take charge in a crisis • Give voice to values • Care Emotional intelligence Empathy Social Skill Bethesda, MD lululemon athletica store

  12. Inspire a Shared Visionbe purpose-led and passionate “Take leadership, don’t wait for it. Inspire, empower lives, and believe you have the ability to change the world.” – Christine Day Deloitte “Women of Influence” Luncheon Series, May 2011

  13. Questions?

  14. References: Acker, D. [Headshot of Christine Day in black] (2009). Retrieved from http://citytv.rdmmedia.topscms.com/images/2c/47/61d7b07d44d68b37d0b1c5365917.jpeg Brown, H. (2009, April 9). From lattes to yoga pants. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/2009/04/09/lululemon-athletica-ceo-forbes-woman-power-career.html Caproni, P. (2004). What predicts success? Management skills for everyday life: The practical coach. (1-30). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Christine M. Day, Executive Profile. (2012). Retrieved from http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=12619668&ticker=LLL:CN&previousCapId=34125194&previousTitle=LULULEMON%20ATHLETICA%20INC Edgecliff-Johnson, A. (2011). A chief executive’s game plan in trying times.Financial Times. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.exed.hbs.edu/assets/Documents/game- plan-trying-times.pdf Duggan, P. (2012, January 27). Brittany Norwood receives life, no parole, for killing Jayna Murray in Lululemon yoga store. The Washington Post. Retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/brittany-norwood-receives-life-sentence-in-bethesda-yoga-store-murder/2012/01/27/gIQAeEx8VQ_story.html Goleman, D. (2004). What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, 82(1), 82-91. [Image of Harvard Business School logo] (2011). Retrieved from http://assets.bizjournals.com/boston/news/1101-harvard-logo-315*280.jpg?v=1

  15. References continued: [Image of Jodie painting at Houston lululemon store] (2010). Retrieved from http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__oqPXD7x5BQ/TDqFb-rsQnI/AAAAAAAAA-4/Rl8120aqDOM/s1600/lulu+event.jpg [Image of Starbucks China] (2011). Retrieved from http://blog.cafedudesign.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/IMG_0470.jpg [Image of two women posing] (2012). Retrieved from http://www.lululemon.com/_images/_about/yogahill.jpg Joy, E. [Image of Christine Day, CEO] (2011). Retrieved from http://www.lululemon.com/community/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Christine-Day.jpg Kouzes, J.M. & Posner, B.Z. (2007). Chapter 1: The five practices of exemplary leadership. TheLeadership Challenge (3-25). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Leahey, C. (2012). Lululemon CEO: How to build trust inside your company. Retrieved November, 19 2012, from http://management.fortune.cnn. com/2012/03/16/lululemon-christine-day/ Levin-Epstein, A. & Day, C. (2011). Lululemon CEO Christine Day on making it to the top [Interview transcript]. Retrieved from http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505125_162-47540462/lululemon-ceo-christine-day-on-making-it-to-the-top/ Mathat, A. [Image of Roundtable Lunch at Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit] (2011). Retrieved from http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6039/6209420748_d5cca9bb07_m.jpg McGregor, D. (1960). The human side of enterprise, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 

  16. References continued: Shambora, J. (2008, November 6). Guest post: Lululemon CEO Christine Day on making a comeback. Retrieved from http:// postcards.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2008/11/06/guest-post-lululemon-ceo-christine-day-making-a comeback/ Smale, B. [Image of Christine Day] (2008). Retrieved from http://fortunepostcards.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/lululemon_ceo.jpg Temchine, M. [Image of Bethesda, MD lululemon athletica store] (2011). Retrieved from http://img.wpdigital.net/rf/image_90w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/03/19/Education/Advance/Images/lululemon_01_1300498380.jpg Twomey, R. [Image of Christine Day] (2011). Retrieved from http://i2.cdn.turner.com/money/galleries/2011/fortune/1111/gallery.business_person_year.fortune/images/christine_day_lululemon.jpg Walker, M. (2011, September 29). Lululemon Athletica - Driving a culture of individual and organizational development, accountability and innovation. HRM Today. Retrieved from http://www.hrmtoday.com/featured-stories/lululemon-athletica-driving-a-culture-of-individual-and-organizational-development-accountability-and-innovation/ Women of Influence Inc. (2011, May 12). Christine Day, CEO, lululemon athletica. Retrieved from http://www.womenofinfluence.ca/watch-christine-day-ceo-lululemon-athletica/

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