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Take 5 9/21

Take 5 9/21. What is the difference between active transport and passive transport? What is osmosis? Why is it important? What is endocytosis and exocytosis?. Take 5. If cells are placed in a strong sugar solution, water will _____.

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Take 5 9/21

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  1. Take 5 9/21 • What is the difference between active transport and passive transport? • What is osmosis? Why is it important? • What is endocytosis and exocytosis?

  2. Take 5 • If cells are placed in a strong sugar solution, water will _____. • If a cell is placed in salt water, water leaves the cell by _____. • The structure most responsible for maintaining cell homeostasis is the _____.

  3. Take 5 • In which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line at the equator? • Describe cytokinesis • Describe telophase

  4. Take 5 Mitosis • The process by which a cell’s nucleus divides is called _______________. • The stage of the cell cycle where the cell undergoes intense growth.______________ • Name the correct sequence of the cell cycle. • What is the result of mitosis? G1 (gap 1) G1, S, G2, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis 2 identical Cells

  5. Take 5 • A cell moves particles from a region of lesser concentration to a region of greater concentration by __________________. • As a cell grows, its __________ increases more than its ____________. • Each of the following is an example of passive transport except: Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis Exocytosis Diffusion Active transport volume Surface area ________________

  6. Section 8.2 Cell Growth and Reproduction

  7. I. Cell Size Limitations • Cell come in a wide variety of ____________ and shapes. • EX: Red blood cells only 8 micrometers, nerve cells can reach up to one meter in length…. • Diffusion limits cell size • Within the cell, nutrients and wastes move by ____________ • Diffusion become slow and inefficient as the distance become _______________ sizes diffusion larger

  8. I. Cell Size Limitations • DNA limits cell size • __________ are used throughout the cell to perform critical cell function. • There is a limit to how quickly these directions for protein production can be _____________ • Surface area-to-volume ratio • As the cell’s size __________, its volume increases much faster than its surface area. Proteins copied increases

  9. I. Cell Size Limitations • EX: Cell has 1 mm sides Cell has 2 mm sides

  10. I. Cell Size Limitations 2. Because cell size can have a dramatic effect on a cell, cells _______ before they become too large to function properly. divide

  11. II. Cell Reproduction The process by which new cells are produced from one cell • Cell division= _______________________ __________________________________ • Cell division results in _______ cells that are identical to the original parent cell. EX: Old cells on the soles of your feet are being shed and replaced. • The discovery of chromosomes * _______________=cell structure that carry the genetic material that is copied and passed from generation to generation of cells. two Chromosomes

  12. II. Cell Reproduction • Early biologists observed that just before ____________, several short stringy structures suddenly appeared in the nucleus. • These structures seemed to vanish after division of the cell. • These structures are called ______________. * Accurate transmission of chromosome during cell division is critical. Cell division chromosomes

  13. II. Cell Reproduction • The structure of the eukaryotic chromosomes • For most of a cell’s lifetime ___________ exist as chromatin. • _____________= long strands of DNA wrapped around proteins called histones. 1. The chromosomes of a eukaryotic cell undergo changes in shape and structure during the different phases of the _____________. (fig 8.10 on page 205 chromosomes Chromatin Cell cycle

  14. Chromatin vs Chromosomes

  15. III. The Cell Cycle Cell Cycle • _____________= is the sequence of growth and development of a cell. • As a cell proceeds through its cycle, it goes through _________ general periods. • ___________________________________ • ___________________________________ • Interphase • During interphase a cell grows in ____________ and carries on ________________. • _____________ are duplicated in preparation for division. two Interphase- period of growth Mitosis- Period of division size metabolism Chromosomes

  16. III. The Cell Cycle • Mitosis • Following interphase, a cell enters its period of _____________ division • This is the process by which two daughter cells are formed, each containing a complete set of ___________. • _____________ and ____________ make up the bulk of the cell cycle. • Following mitosis the cytoplasm divides separating the two daughter cells, this is called cytokinesis. (fig 8.11, page 206) nuclear chromosomes Interphase Mitosis

  17. IV. Interphase: A Busy Time 3 • Interphase is divided into _______ stages • _______ (gap1)- the cell undergoes intense growth • ________ (synthesis)- genetic material copied • _______(gap 2)- centrioles, mitochondria or other organelles replicate, cell prepare for division. G1 S Phase G2

  18. IV. Interphase: A Busy Time

  19. V. The Phases of Mitosis • Although cell division is a continuous process, biologists recognize four distinct phases of mitosis. • _________________ • _________________ • _________________ • _________________ Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

  20. V. The Phases of Mitosis • Prophase: The first phase of mitosis (fig 8.13 pg 207) • The chromatin coils to form visible chromosome • Each duplicated chromosome is made up of _______ halves • The two halves are called _________ chromosomes, and they are exact copies of each other. • They are held together by a structure called a __________, which help scientist identify chromosomes. 2 Sister Centromere

  21. Nucleus V. The Phases of Mitosis • ________________ begins to disappear. • In animals cells, the centrioles begin to migrate to opposite ends of the cell. • _______________ begin to appear Spindle Fibers Lkjlj;lj;lkj;ljkjk Kjk S S S S S S S S S

  22. V. The Phases of Mitosis • Metaphase: The Second stage of Mitosis • Doubled chromosomes become __________ to the spindle fibers by their centromeres. • Chromosomes begin to line up on the ____________, or equator. • Each __________ chromatid is attached to its own spindle fiber. * The ensures that each new cell receives an identical and complete set of chromosomes. attached midline sister

  23. Metaphase

  24. V. The Phases of Mitosis • Anaphase: The Third phase of Mitosis • The centromeres split and the sister chromatids are ___________ apart to opposite poles for the cell. (fig8.13, pg 207) pulled

  25. V. The Phases of Mitosis • Telophase: The Fourth phase of Mitosis • Spindle fibers start to break down, the ___________ reappears and new nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes. • A new ___________ begins to form between the two new nuclei. nucleolus membrane

  26. Telophase

  27. VI. Cytokinesis • Cytokinesis differs between plants and animals • ____________ cells- the plasma membrane pinches in and the two new cells are separtated. • ___________- the cell plate is laid across the cell’s equator, a cell membrane forms around each cell and new cell walls form on each side of the cell plate. Animal Plants

  28. Cytokinesis

  29. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlN7K1-9QB0

  30. VII. Results of Mitosis • Levels of organization in multicellular organisms • In multicellular organisms, cell growth and reproduction result groups of cell that work together as ________________. • Tissues organize in various combinations to form ____________. • Multiple organs that work together to an organ _____________. • All organ systems work together for the survival of the organism. Tissue organs Organ system

  31. Section 8.3 Control of the Cell Cycle

  32. I. Normal Control of the Cell Cycle Proteins • Some cells divide rapidly, while other divide slowly. • _____________ and enzymes control the cell cycle. • Cell cycle is controlled by proteins called ____________ and a set of enzymes that attach to the cyclin. • ____________= is a result of uncontrolled cell division. • The loss of control may be caused by ________ factors or by changes in enzyme production. • Enzyme production is directed by ________, which are segments of DNA. cyclins Cancer environmental genes

  33. I. Normal Control of the Cell Cycle • Cancer: A mistake in the Cell Cycle • Currently, scientists consider cancer to be a result of changes in one or more of the _________ that aid in controlling the cell cycle. • These changes are due expressed as _________ when something prompts the damaged genes into action. • Cancerous cells form masses of tissue called _______. • In later stages, cancer cells enter the ________ system and spread throughout the body forming new tumors. genes cancer tumors circulatory

  34. I. Normal Control of the Cell Cyclehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pP4bMm9yNQ • The Cause of Cancer • It is difficult to pinpoint because both _______ and _____________ factors are involved. Ex of environmental factors- cigarette smoke, air and water pollution and exposure to ultraviolet radiation • Cancer Prevention 1. Healthily __________ and not using __________ are recommended to reduce the risk of cancer. genetic environmental diet tobacco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSTPBZz03Rk

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