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Telecommunications/ICTs Policies and Regulations for persons with disabilities in Vietnam

Telecommunications/ICTs Policies and Regulations for persons with disabilities in Vietnam. Ms. Hoang Anh Department of Science and Technologies Ministry of Information and Communications. PWDs - Introduction. Total population: 86 mil - People with disabilities : 6.7 mil (7.8%)

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Telecommunications/ICTs Policies and Regulations for persons with disabilities in Vietnam

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  1. Telecommunications/ICTs Policies and Regulations for persons with disabilities in Vietnam Ms. Hoang Anh Department of Science and Technologies Ministry of Information and Communications

  2. PWDs - Introduction • Total population: 86 mil - People with disabilities : 6.7 mil (7.8%) - Women with disabilities: 3.6 mil (53.8%) - Children with disabilities: 1.2 mil • Source: General Directory of Statistic, Vietnam’s Population and housing census conducted in 2009. • Other statistics on PWDs in Vietnam of international organizations give the ratio of PWDs population more than 10%.

  3. PWDs - Introduction • 75% PWDs living in country • 69% PWDs in working age (and 15% of them have a job). • 80% PWDs depending on their families and social pension. • 75% households with People with disabilities live in rural areas and 32.5% is classified as poor households

  4. Policies and regulations on ICT accessibility • Government documents: • People with disabilities Act (2010) • Decision No. 1019/QĐ-TTg (2012) • Ministry documents: • Circular No. 26/2009/TT-BTTTT • Circular No. 28/2009/TT-BTTTT

  5. Government documents • People with disabilities Act: • Rights of PWDs on access information technology; • Implementation of PWDs access ICT policies; • Agencies, in their responsibility, communicate and educate to enhance PWDs awareness; • Apply and develop ICT for PWDs; • Broadcasting programs with Vietnamese subtitle and sign language; • Give incentives to research, develop and provide ICT products and services for PWDs.

  6. Government documents • Decision No. 1019/QĐ-TTg, Project for aiding handicapped people 2012-2020 • Aim: Increasing the rate of PWDs accessing and using ICT; • Activity: Ading PWDs to access and use ICT; • Responsibility agency: Ministry of Information and Communications

  7. Ministry documents • Circular No. 26/2009/TT-BTTTT, rules for information supply and accessibilities guarantee for websites of government agencies, the following are details contents related with PWDs : • Access to all funtions of website through keyboard; • Using suitable colour and contrast rate; • Apply text contents for non-text contents (images, charts…); • Not use blinking characters; • Using directory for contents of website;

  8. Ministry documents • Circular No. 28/2009/TT-BTTTT, rules for using standards, assistive technologies aiding people with disables to access to and use information and communications, the details are following: • List of standards aiding PWDs accessing ICT; • National broadcasting programs must using technologies to aid people with hearing problems;

  9. Standardization • TCVN 8701:2011: Public Internet Access Points – technical requirements for aiding older persons and persons with disabilities to access to and use. • TCVN 9247:2012: Telecommunication products and services assisting persons with disabilities and older persons– basic requirements. • TCVN 9248:2012: Telecommunication products and services assisting persons with disabilities and older persons– Design guidelines for interactive services using DTMF input

  10. Standardization • TCVN 9249:2012: Information and communication products and services assisting persons with disabilities and older persons - Design guidelines ; • TCVN 9803:2013: Telephone transmission quality – Coupling Hearing Aids to Telephone sets; • TCVN 9804:2013: Service quality - Sign language and lip-reading real-time conversation using low bit rate video communication

  11. Other activities • Designing and constructing somes websites following WCAG 2.0; the e-learning system for blind people. • Programming: - Vietalk4Jaw – Vietnamese format engine using with screen reading software Jaw - A software converting e-document (of primary school) for vocally disabled people • Voice control system for electronic wheelchair • Talk helper software. • Researching on: • Obstacle alarming device for visually disabled people • Hearing aid device

  12. Planning actions • Continue to research on policies and regulations to improve ICT accessibility; • Continue to develop ICT accessibility standards; • Research and develop ATs and products using ATs; • Operate accessible websites; • Apply ICT to construct accessibility education programs; • Support ICT training cources, ICT products for PWDs; • Increase the number of television programs using sign-language interpretation.

  13. Proposals • Supporting projects on improving IT knowlegde of PWDs. • Give consultants to help ICT companies to design and provide ICT services that PWD can access and use. • Enhancing experience exchange on making policies and implemantation from ITU consultants and other coutries.

  14. Thank you Ms. Hoang Anh Department of Science and Technologies Ministry of Information and Communications E-mail: hganh@mic.gov.vn

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