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Psycholinguistics. LECTURE# 14. Psycholinguistics. Intraspecies Communication Forms of Communication Functions of Communication Evolution of Communication. Psycholinguistics. Forms of Communication

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  1. Psycholinguistics LECTURE# 14

  2. Psycholinguistics • Intraspecies Communication • Forms of Communication • Functions of Communication • Evolution of Communication

  3. Psycholinguistics • Forms of Communication • The best known forms of communication involve the display of distinctive body parts, or distinctive bodily movements • e.g. the Herring Gull • Parent ----- Nest--------chick • brightly colored bill, yellow with a red spot food • tap the bill on the ground • Accidental swallowing of pieces of brightly colored plastic or glass is a common cause of mortality among gull chicks).

  4. Psycholinguistics • Another important form of communication is bird song, usually performed mainly by males, though in some species the sexes sing in alternation (this is called duetting and serves mainly purposes of strengthening pair-bonding and repelling competitors). • Bird song is just the best known case of vocal communication; other instances include the warning cries of many monkeys, the territorial calls of gibbons, and the mating calls of many species of frog.

  5. Psycholinguistics • olfactory communication • e.g. • - Many mammals → glands that generate distinctive and long-lasting smells, and have corresponding behaviors that leave these smells in places where they have been. • - Bees carry with them a pouch of material from the hive which they release as they reenter, the smell of which indicates if they are a part of the hive and grants their safe entry.

  6. Psycholinguistics • Functions of Communication • agonistic interaction: everything to do with contests and aggression between individuals. Many species have distinctive threat displays that are made during competition over food, mates or territory; much bird song functions in this way. • courtship rituals: signals made by members of one sex to attract or maintain the attention of potential mate, or to cement a pair bond. • food-related signals: many animals make "food calls" that attract a mate, or offspring, or members of a social group generally to a food source. Perhaps the most elaborate food-related signal is the dance language of honeybees studied by Karl von Frisch.

  7. Psycholinguistics • alarm calls: signals made in the presence of a threat from a predator, allowing all members of a social group (and often members of other species) to run for cover, become immobile, or gather into a group to reduce the risk of attack. • metacommunications: signals that modify the meaning of subsequent signals. The best known example is the play face in dogs, which signals that a subsequent aggressive signal is part of a play fight rather than a serious aggressive episode.

  8. Psycholinguistics • Evolution of Communication • By comparing related species within groups, it is found that movements and body parts that in the primitive forms had no communicative function could be "captured" in a context where communication would be functional for one or both partners, and could evolve into a more elaborate, specialized form. • The early ethologists assumed that communication occurred for the good of the species as a whole, but this would require a process of group selection which is believed to be mathematically impossible in the evolution of sexually reproducing animals.

  9. Psycholinguistics • Interpretation of animal communication • It is important to note that while many gestures and actions have common, stereotypical meanings, researchers regularly seem to find that animal communication is often more complex and subtle than previously believed, and that the same gesture may have multiple distinct meanings depending on context and other behaviors. So generalizations such as "X means Y" are often, but not always accurate. • e.g. dog’s tail wag

  10. Psycholinguistics • Animal Communication and Human Behavior • Ethologists have argued that facial gestures such as smiling, grimacing, and the eye-brow flash on greeting are universal human communicative signals that can be related to corresponding signals in other primates. • Humans also often seek to mimic animals' communicative signals in order to interact with the animals. For example, cats have a mild affiliative response involving closing their eyes; humans often close their eyes towards a pet cat to establish a tolerant relationship. Stroking, petting and rubbing pet animals are all actions that probably work through their natural patterns of interspecies communication.

  11. Psycholinguistics • Animal Communication and Linguistics • Human languages are characterized for having a double articulation. It means that complex linguistic expressions can be broken down in meaningful elements (such as morphemes and words), which in turn are composed of smallest meaningless phonetic elements, or phonemes. Animal signals, however, do not exhibit this dual structure. • In general, animal utterances are responses to external stimuli, and do not refer to matters removed in time and space. Matters of relevance at a distance, such as distant food sources, tend to be indicated to other individuals by body language instead, for example wolf activity before a hunt, or the information conveyed in honeybee dance language.

  12. Psycholinguistics • Human language is largely learned culturally, while animal communication systems are known largely by instinct. • In contrast to human language, animal communication systems are usually not able to express conceptual generalizations. • Human languages combine elements to produce new messages (a property known as creativity). One factor in this is that much human language growth is based upon conceptual ideas and hypothetical structures, both being far greater capabilities in humans than animals. This appears far less common in animal communication systems.

  13. Psycholinguistics • Wild Children & Language • Wild? • A feral child (feral, i.e. "wild" or undomesticated) • → a human child who, from a very young age, has lived in isolation from human contact and has remained unaware of human social behavior, and unexposed to language. • → also includes children who have been purposely kept apart from human society, e.g. kept in a room in solitary confinement. • How do they learn language??

  14. Psycholinguistics • Language Acquisition in the Wild • Quite obviously, feral, isolated and confined children who entered isolation before they could learn to talk never learned human language while in the wild, since they had nobody to teach them. They cannot spontaneously learn language.

  15. Psycholinguistics • What many feral children do learn is to mimic animal sounds, and especially the sounds of their host families. Those that have lived with wolves are often reported as barking or whining, and those that have lived wild on their own are sometimes adept at recognizing and imitating the sounds of many different birds. • What makes feral children particularly interesting to scientists researching the critical period hypothesis is whether or not they learn to speak after their return to human society.

  16. Psycholinguistics • The Critical Period Hypothesis • contends that the ability to learn a language is limited to the years before puberty after which, as a result of neurological changes in the brain, the ability is lost • unless they are exposed to language in the early years of life, humans lose much of their innate ability to learn a language, and especially its grammatical system.

  17. Psycholinguistics • What Language to Teach? • Since language acquisition is so difficult for feral children who've missed out on the critical period, some attempts have been made to teach children sign language. However, sign language is a language in its own right and requires the same neurological development.

  18. Psycholinguistics • After Returning to Civilization • The ability of feral children to learn language on their return to human society is very varied. • Some children acquire normal language ability, but only if found before the onset of puberty. E.g. Isabelle → in two years she covered the stages of learning that usually take six years. • Some also learnt to speak normally, but it is assumed that they could speak before their period of isolation.

  19. Psycholinguistics • Famous Examples • List • Romanian Dog-Boy • Ugandan Monkey-Boy

  20. Psycholinguistics Charles F. Hockett (1974)

  21. Psycholinguistics • Facts about Human Language • Human is capable of producing brand new sentences never before uttered in the history of the universe • → mental grammar • Children develop complex grammars rapidly and without formal instruction and grow up to give consistent interpretations to novel sentence constructions that they have never before encountered • → universal grammar

  22. Psycholinguistics • Vocal-auditory channel • Design Features of Language • Human communication utilizes sounds produced by a vocal system and received by an auditory system. • The system leaves the rest of the body free to engage in other activities • E.g. people also talk in the dark

  23. Psycholinguistics • Sounds are transmitted in all directions • The auditory system with two ears make it possible to detect and locate the source of the sounds with precision. • Important for survival

  24. Psycholinguistics • Transitory • Sounds are heard and they rapidly disappear, allowing successive exchanges

  25. Psycholinguistics • Interchangeable • Senders of sounds can also act as receivers and vice versa.

  26. Psycholinguistics • Total Feedback • The senders of sound signals can also hear the sounds they are sending, so they can adjust or change the signals.

  27. Psycholinguistics • Specialization • The biological power of language signals is small but the result or consequence can be immense. • The signals are produced solely for the purpose of communication

  28. Psycholinguistics • Semanticity • The sound signals are meaningful. • The series of sounds are assigned with meaning.

  29. Psycholinguistics • Arbitrariness • There is no necessary connection between the form of the signal and the thing being referred to. • Onomatopoeic words?

  30. Psycholinguistics • Convention • The system and the meanings are conventional – agreed upon by the speech community

  31. Psycholinguistics • Discreteness • The sounds that make up the signal can be separated. • Sentences can be parsed into phrases, phrases into words, words into morphemes, morphemes into phonemes.

  32. Psycholinguistics • Displacement • Human beings can communicate about things, activities, and ideas that are not tied to a certain place or time. • They even talk about things that do not exist.

  33. Psycholinguistics • Productivity • The system is open for new inventions and development. • New words, terminologies, expressions are coined or created.

  34. Psycholinguistics • Socialization • Or Traditional Transmission • Human language is not something inborn. • Human beings learn their first language through a process of socialization in a teaching-learning environment.

  35. Psycholinguistics • Duality of Patterning • The order of sounds that make up a signal may be changed to form a new word because they consist of phonological elements (phonemes) that do not carry meaning. • E.g. tap, pat, apt

  36. Psycholinguistics • Prevarication • A message may be a truth or a lie or nonsensical. • Human beings can lie and negate. • The negation occurs only in verbal language

  37. Psycholinguistics • Reflexivity • Human language can be used to talk about itself. • Parts of speech are correctly used unconsciously. • E.g. run is a verb, room is a noun

  38. Psycholinguistics • The system can be learned • A speaker can learn another language and use it. • It is possible to translate from one language to another.

  39. Psycholinguistics • Progress in determining how linguistic representations are derived from print will be made as researchers move beyond the short, monosyllabic words that have been the focus of much current research and modeling. • In addition, experimental techniques that involve the brief presentation of stimuli and the tracking of eye movements are contributing useful information.

  40. Psycholinguistics • These methods supplement the naming tasks and lexical decision tasks that are used in much of the research on single word reading. • Although many questions remain to be answered, it is clear that the visual representations provided by print rapidly make contact with the representations stored in the mental lexicon. • Once this contact has been made, it matters little whether the initial input was by eye or by ear. • The principles and processing procedures are much the same.

  41. Psycholinguistics • The mental lexicon • So far, in discussing how listeners and readers access information in the mental lexicon, we have not said much about the nature of the information that they access. • It is to this topic that we now turn. • One question, which relates to the trade-off between computation and storage in language processing, is whether the mental lexicon is organized by morphemes or by words.

  42. Psycholinguistics • Under a word-based view, the lexicon contains representations of all words that the language user knows, whether they are single-morpheme words such as cat or polymorphemic words such as beautifully. • Supporting this view, Tyler, Marslen-Wilson, Rentoul, and Hanney (1988) found that spoken word recognition performance was related to when the word began to diverge from other words in the mental lexicon, as predicted by the cohort model, • but was not related to morphemic predictors of where recognition should take place.

  43. Psycholinguistics • Under a morpheme-based view, in contrast, the lexicon is organized in terms of morphemes such as beauty, ful, and ly. • In thisview, complex words are processed and represented in terms of such units. • The study by Taft and Forster (1975) brought morphological issues to the attention of many psychologists and pointed to some form of morpheme-based storage.

  44. Psycholinguistics • As mentioned earlier, these researchers found that nonwords such as vive (which is the stem of revive) were difficult to reject in a lexical decision task. • Participants also had trouble with items such as dejuvenate which, although not a real word, consists of genuine prefix together with a genuine root. • Taft and Forster interpreted their results to suggest that access to the mental lexical is based on root morphemes and that obligatory decomposition must precede word recognition for polymorphemic words.

  45. Psycholinguistics • More recent studies suggest that there are in fact two routes to recognition for polymorphemic words, one based on morphological analysis and the other based on whole-word storage. • In one instantiation of this dual-route view, morphologically complex words are simultaneously analyzed as whole words and in terms of morphemes. • In the model of Wurm (1997, Wurm & Ross, 2001), for instance, the system maintains a representation of which morphemes can combine, and in what ways.

  46. Psycholinguistics • A potential word root is checked against a list of free roots that have combined in the past with the prefix in question. • In another instantiation of the dual-route view, some morphologically complex words are decomposed and others are not. • For example, Marslen-Wilson, Tyler, Waksler, and Older (1994) argued that semantically opaque words such as organize and casualty are treated by listeners and readers as monomorphemic and are not decomposed no matter how many morphemes they technically Contain.

  47. Psycholinguistics • Commonly encountered words may also be treated as wholes rather than in terms of morphemes (Caramazza et al., 1988; Schreuder & Baayen, 1995). • Although morphological decomposition may not always take place, the evidence we have reviewed suggests that the lexicon is organized, in part, in terms of morphemes. This organization helps explain our ability to make some sense of slithy and toves.

  48. Psycholinguistics • Ambiguous words, or those with more than one meaning, might be expected to cause difficulties in lexical processing. • Researchers have been interested in ambiguity because studies of this issue may provide insight into whether processing at the lexical level is influenced by information at higher levels or whether it is modular. • In the former case, comprehenders would be expected to access only the contextually appropriate meaning of a word. • In the latter case, all meanings should be retrieved and context should have its effects only after the initial processing has taken place.

  49. Psycholinguistics • The original version of the cohort model (Marslen-Wilson & Welsh, 1978) adopts an interactive view when it states that context acts directly on cohort membership. • However, later versions of cohort theory (Marslen-Wilson, 1987; 1990; Moss & Marslen- Wilson, 1993) hold that context has its effects at a later, integrative stage.

  50. Psycholinguistics • Initially, it appears, both meanings of an ambiguous morpheme are looked up in many cases. • This may even occur when the preceding context would seem to favor one meaning over the other. • In one representative study (Gernsbacher & Faust, 1991), participants read sentences such as Jack tried the punch but he didn’t think it tasted very good. • After the word punch had been presented, an upper-case letter string was presented and participants were asked to decide whether or not it was a real word. • Of interest were lexical decision targets such as HIT, which are related to an unintended meaning of the ambiguous word, and DRINK, which are related to the intended meaning.

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