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Perencanaan Kurikulum ( Evaluasi dan Up-date)

Perencanaan Kurikulum ( Evaluasi dan Up-date). D. Lyrawati Applied Approach 2012 LP3 - Universitas Brawijaya. Landasan. Keputusan Mendiknas . Republik Indonesia Nomor : 232/U/2000 tentang Pedoman Penyusunan Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi dan Penilaian Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa

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Perencanaan Kurikulum ( Evaluasi dan Up-date)

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  1. PerencanaanKurikulum(Evaluasidan Up-date) D. Lyrawati Applied Approach 2012 LP3 - UniversitasBrawijaya

  2. Landasan • KeputusanMendiknas. Republik Indonesia Nomor : 232/U/2000 tentangPedomanPenyusunanKurikulumPendidikanTinggidanPenilaianHasilBelajarMahasiswa • Undang-Undang RI No. 20 tahun 2003 tentangSisdiknas • PeraturanPemerintah No. 19 tahun 2005 tentangStandarNasionalPendidikan •  kurikulum program studimenjadiwewenanginstitusipendidikan

  3. Kurikulum • David Pratt (1990) : “An organized set of formal teaching and learning intentions“. Mengacu kepada definisi tersebut, hakekat sebuah kurikulum adalah sebuah dokumen tertulis tentang struktur pembelajaran yang memiliki manajerial yang jelas dan terencana (organized), mengikat(formal) dosen maupun mahasiswa dalam sebuah proses belajar mengajar yang mempunyai tujuan yang jelas (teaching-learning intentions). Sebagai sebuah struktur, maka kurikulum harus terdiri dari: rumusan tujuan, materi ajar yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai tujuan beserta distribusinya secara tepat ke dalam semester, distribusinya ke dalam matakuliah, dan distribusinya dalam beban belajar, proses belajar mengajar dengan model pembelajaran yang sesuai, evaluasi proses (yang dapat diamati) dan hasil belajar yang terstandarisasi (dapat diukur), untuk menghasilkan pengukuran (scoring) dan penilaian (grading) serta pengambilan keputusan yang adil, objektif, dan jujur http://fk.ub.ac.id/id/spma/ujmpd/04_Pedoman%20Pend%20Jur_Kedokteran.pdf Accessed Dec 14, 2010

  4. KepMenDikNas 045/U/2002 pasal 3 dan 5 : Kurikulum terdiri dari • Kurikulum Inti sebagaipencirikompetensiutama yang ditetapkansecaranasional, • KurikulumPendukungyang berisikompetensipendukungataukompetensi lain yang bersifatkhususdangayutdengankompetesiutamasuatu program studi yang ditetapkanoleh program studiitusendiri. needs, relevance, standards (contents, performance, opportunity to learn), requirements, essential vs specific interests, breadth vs depth, sequence, inductive vs deductive, criteria of mastery, examination http://fk.ub.ac.id/id/spma/ujmpd/04_Pedoman%20Pend%20Jur_Kedokteran.pdf Accessed Dec 14, 2010

  5. Ketercapaian tujuan kurikulum • Dalam konteks kurikulum konvensional, ketercapaian tujuan kurikulum dinyatakan dengan kelulusanatasseluruhmatakuliahdisiplinilmu (discipline-based). • DalamkonteksKurikulumBerbasisKompetensi (KBK), ketercapaiantujuankurikulumdinyatakandengantelahdikuasainyakompetensi yang ditetapkan yang diukurberdasarkanStandarKompetensi yang digunakan http://fk.ub.ac.id/id/spma/ujmpd/04_Pedoman%20Pend%20Jur_Kedokteran.pdf Accessed Dec 14, 2010

  6. Tugassiapa Leading Excellence highlights the importance in a university of every staff member ‘taking the lead’ in their own area of expertise or responsibility PengembangandanpenjaminanmutukurikulumdiUniversitas Brawijaya dilakukansecaraterstrukturoleh: • LP3 • Unit/timkurikulum/.........education unit • UJM • .... http://pjm.ub.ac.id/file%20upload/SPMI/Dokumen%20Normatif%20UB/06%20Pedoman%20Pendidikan%20UB%202009-2010.pdf Accessed Dec 14, 2010

  7. LP3 Lembaga ini mempunyai tugas pokok: melakukan upaya-upaya untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan mutu staf pengajar dalam proses belajar mengajar, mengkaji dan mengembangkan kurikulum yang sesuai dengan perkembangan pembangunan nasional, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, mengkaji penataan fakultas, jurusan, program studi, pascasarjana dan diploma dalam kerangka pelaksanaan pendidikan akademik dan profesional yang sesuai dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta kebutuhan pembangunan nasional, serta mengkaji dan mengembangkan cara-cara pelaksanaan pendidikan akademik dan profesional yang efisien. http://pjm.ub.ac.id/file%20upload/SPMI/Dokumen%20Normatif%20UB/06%20Pedoman%20Pendidikan%20UB%202009-2010.pdf Accessed Dec 14, 2010

  8. Unit Kurikulum (e.g. MEU) dan UJM • Unit Kurikulum /Medical Education Unit (MEU)berfungsi sebagai unit penunjang fakultas dibawah dan bertanggungjawab kepada Dekan dalam perencanaan, pengkajian, dan pengembangan, monitoring dan evaluasi internal terhadap kurikulum, proses belajar mengajar, keterampilan instruksional dosen, dan infrastruktur Akademik Fakultas. • Unit Jaminan Mutu (UJM) adalah unit penunjang fakultas di bawah dan bertanggungjawab kepada Dekan dalam hal pengendalian standar dan penjaminan mutu Jurusan.   Unit Jaminan Mutu (UJM) bertugas: • Menyusun Standar Penjaminan Mutu Jurusan dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi penyelenggaraan Kurikulum di masing – masing Program Studi. • Menyusun dan melaksanakan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Monitoring dan Evaluasi terhadap Jurusan. • Bersama Medical Education Unit melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi penyelenggaraan kurikulum dan proses belajar mengajar oleh Jurusan. http://pjm.ub.ac.id/file%20upload/SPMI/Dokumen%20Normatif%20UB/06%20Pedoman%20Pendidikan%20UB%202009-2010.pdf Accessed Dec 14, 2010

  9. Curriculum Document Develop a detailed curriculum of a program of study should include the following components: • Curriculum Foundations • Curriculum Content • Curriculum Evaluation If the curriculum can be used by and improve the professional community, please use resources available to design, deliver, and renew effective programs for the improved quality of education.

  10. Humanistic Viewpoint • Rooted in progressive philosophy - child centered (what is good for the child). • Curriculum activities concerned with life experiences, group games, group projects, learning and interest centers, creative problem solving, and active learning.

  11. Academic Viewpoint • Referred to as the traditional, encyclopedic, synoptic, intellectual, and knowledge oriented. • Tends to be historical or philosophical and social to some degree. • Concerned with the broad aspects of schooling, including a historical approach to education.

  12. Behavioral Viewpoint • Oldest, still the major approach. • Relies on technical and scientific principles. • Includes paradigms, model, and step-by-step strategies. • Goals and objectives are specified. • Content and activities are sequenced based on objectives. • Learning outcomes are evaluated based on goals and objectives.

  13. Perencanaandanevaluasikurikulum Cektujuan/atribut/kompetensi yang dicanangkanakandicapaisetelahmengikuti program pendidikan • Apakahsesuaidengan yang diinginkanoleh stakeholders (Mahasiswa, Tenagaprofesional yang terkait, Universitas, Dosen, Orangtuamahasiwa, Pengguna, dll) • Apakahrelevandengankebutuhanprofesidanmasyarakat, perkembanganilmudanteknologi. • Apakahsesuaidenganperaturan yang berlaku

  14. Quality has been defined as: • value for money, • fitness for purpose, • transforming (Harvey and Green).

  15. Global (intnl) and local focus Services: To meet the needs Bates, 2010; Bailey, 2010: FIP: 5th Global Pharmacy Education Consultation

  16. Dodds, 2010 (JakMED: quality assurance in curriculum development)

  17. Evaluasikurikulum • Apakahkurikulum yang dilaksanakantelahmenjamintercapainyavisi, misi program studidankompetensidanatributmahasiswasetelahmenyelesaikanstudi • Where are we going to • Where are we now • What next (where do we go and how)

  18. Jawaban: ? • Already met the target or very close to meeting the target • Progress sufficient to reach the target if prevailing trends persist. • Progress insufficient to reach the target if prevailing trends prevailing persist. • No progress or deterioration • Missing or insufficient data

  19. Dodds, 2010 (JakMED: quality assurance in curriculum development)

  20. Dodds, 2010 (JakMED: quality assurance in curriculum development)

  21. Dodds, 2010 (JakMED: quality assurance in curriculum development)

  22. Dodds, 2010 (JakMED: quality assurance in curriculum development)

  23. Mapping What, where, when, and how to; teach; assess; and evaluate ------------- Check against each other whether all suitable Modified from Dodds, 2010 (JakMED: quality assurance in curriculum development)

  24. Modes of pedagogy Lecture, PBL, Small group discussion Practicum, Lab skill, etc Forms of Assessment MCQ, Short answer question (SAQ), essay, presentation, OSCE, Mini-Cex, etc Modes of Assessment Grading,(norm-referenced, A-E), Behaviour/Check-list (criteria-referenced, Fail/Pass), Mix/modified form of check-list, Peer Assessment, etc Times of Assessment Mid-sem (check understanding for each subject;identifydificulties earlier), final-sem (comprehensive understanding and final feedback) Formative, sumative, etc Modified from Dodds, 2010 (JakMED: quality assurance in curriculum development)

  25. Question guide Questions to introduce curricular change (apply at course or curriculum level). Analyze current teaching practices and learning goals • What would be one thing you would want to change about student learning in your course? • In thinking about observations of your classroom, is there a recurring challenge or issue you would like to address through an adjustment in your teaching or course design? • What does student learning or student understanding mean in the context of your course within the discipline? • What does it mean when a student “gets it”? What does it mean to say that a student is not “getting it”? • Where does your course fit into the curriculum, your department, etc. http://cndls.georgetown.edu/support/assessment/eightsteps/[12/6/2010 11:19:38 AM]

  26. Explore Curricular Questions • What do you want a graduate to know or be able to do well? • What do you value about this discipline? • What do you want to preserve about the current curriculum? • What would you describe as the areas in the curriculum that could be strengthened? http://cndls.georgetown.edu/support/assessment/eightsteps/[12/6/2010 11:19:38 AM]

  27. Gather Data • Is what you value being transferred to (and acquired by) students? • What are your current questions about student learning? • What methods and data will help you determine what students are taking away from the major? • How might you match questions about student learning to particular assessment strategies to implement in one semester (surveys, focus groups, essays, etc.) http://cndls.georgetown.edu/support/assessment/eightsteps/[12/6/2010 11:19:38 AM]

  28. Brainstorm the Ideal Major • What would the ideal major accomplish? • How and where can the department ensure that the curricular goals for students will be met at the course level? • Resources: Revisit disciplinary association mission statements. Discuss as a department how the curriculum meets or could meet the mission. http://cndls.georgetown.edu/support/assessment/eightsteps/[12/6/2010 11:19:38 AM]

  29. AIM Batch 2 (versi PJM UB)

  30. Feedback

  31. Dst.

  32. Tracer study • Data • As one of the basic data for up-dating curriculum • To justify and validate whether particular education program achieves its predetermined objectives • Quality of graduates (de facto? On paper only?)  IMPACT TO SOCIETY

  33. Curriculum explicit? • Curriculum implicit? • Curriculum null? Cunningham & Cordeiro, 2006: Educational Leadership a problem based approach

  34. Cases • Introduce seven new core units which would be common to a number of its undergraduate degrees • Shifts from conventional system to block system • Internasionalisation • Low satisfaction for a strategically important core first year unit taught across all departments in the faculty.

  35. Jawaban: ? AIM:

  36. Laporanevaluasi KBK – UB (LP3 2012) • Borangdari DIKTI • Borang yang diisidandikompilasiuntukmemudahkanmelihatkecenderunganumumdiUniversitas Brawijaya. • Dari semua data yang diperolehternyataada 6 kelompokFakultas: FakultasEkonomi; FISIP; MIPA; Teknik; PascadanKedokteranHewan ( tidaksemua program studidalamfakultastercakup

  37. Hasilanalisis data yang diperoleh LP3 MayoritasFakultasdan program studitelahmengimplementasikan KBK : • Menyusunkurikulumdenganmempertimbangkandanmelibatkan stake holders; asosiasi program studidantim program studi. • Kurikulummencantumkansemuaelemenkompetensi • SKS ditentukanberdasarkankedalamandankeluasankompetensi

  38. KBK UB • Strukturkurikulumdisusunsecara serial denganmemperhitungkankuliahprasyarat • Rumusanrancanganpembelajaranlengkapmencantumkanbahankajian, pokokbahasandansubpokokbahasansertareferensi, metodepembelajaran, criteria penilaian, dankemapuanakhir yang ingindicapai. Umumnya program studi/fakultasmengaturpembelajaranberdasarkansatuanwaktu/minggu, namunadajuga yang telahmelakukanpembelajaran modular.

  39. KBK UB • Metodepembelajarandisampaikanbaikpadaawalkuliah, maupunsaatkuliah, beberapa program studimencantumkandalambukupedomanakademikdanwebsitenya. • Jenismetodepembelajaran yang digunakanumumnyakombinasiceramhdiskusi, prktikum, tugasdanbeberapa program studimenggunakanpembelajaranberbasiskasusdan student-centered learning, sertakunjunganketempatrelevandengantopikkuliah (off-class).

  40. KBK UB • Pembelajarandilakukanolehtimpengampusesuaikemampuan yang dituju, beberapajugamempertimbangkanketersediaansumberdayadosen (kombinasidosenmudadan senior sertasesuai jam/bebankerja) • Penilaiankompetensidillakukanmelaluikombinasiujiantengahdanakhir semester, quiz dantugas. Yang tidaktersurat, mungkinhampirsemua program studijugamelaksanakanpenilaian skill/praktiukum.

  41. Thank you very much for your attention

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