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M55 Flights in AMMA-SCOUT

Date. Type of flight. Time (UTC). 31/07/06 01/08/06. Transfers: Verona-Marrakech-Ouaga. 21:25-01:17 11:00-15:00. 04/08/06. TTL characterization - LRT. 8:26-12:13. 07/08/06. Deep convection - MCS close-up. 12:15-16:07. 08/08/06. CALIPSO validation. 11:45-15:51. 11/08/06.

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M55 Flights in AMMA-SCOUT

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  1. Date Type of flight Time (UTC) 31/07/06 01/08/06 Transfers: Verona-Marrakech-Ouaga 21:25-01:17 11:00-15:00 04/08/06 TTL characterization - LRT 8:26-12:13 07/08/06 Deep convection - MCS close-up 12:15-16:07 08/08/06 CALIPSO validation 11:45-15:51 11/08/06 Deep convection - aged outflow 14;45-18:22 13/08/06 TTL characterization/ CALIPSO 12:50-16:23 16-17/08/06 Transfers: Ouaga-Marrakech-Verona 13:27-17:13 4:10-7:51 4 Aug 2006: LRT, with FALCON following same route, earlier and lower M55 Flights in AMMA-SCOUT In WA, CPT was warmer and lower in altitude. Isoentropes were also lower. An aerosol nucleation event was detected, in clear air Characterization of the chemicals and water vapour distribution in the upper-troposphere lower-stratosphere from the M55 aircraft observations during the AMMA campaignFrancesco Cairo (CNR), Kathy Law (SA-IPSL-CNRS), Hans Schlager (DLR), Federico Fierli (CNR), Stephan Borrmann (U. Mainz), M. Streibel (SCOUT Ozone Unit), C. Schiller (FZ), M. Volk (U. Frankfurt), S. Viciani (CNR), V. Yushkov (CAO), I. Bouarar (SA), C. Blom (MPI-K), F. Ravegnani (CNR), F. Stroh (FZ), S. Arabas (U. Warsaw), E. Kerstel (Utrecht), P. Mazzinghi (CNR), A. Ulanovsky, AMMA-AOC and many others… In Darwin, convection was observed reaching higher See http://www.isac.cnr.it/~utls/m55amma/ 7 Aug 2006: MCS flight, with the DLR falcon Enhanced CO in a dry environment 1 Aug 2006: Transfer flight Marrakesh – Ouagadougou TTL Moister Than Darwin Sampled LS airmasses with very different characteristics A second aerosol nucleation event was detected, during the dive Biomass Burning influence Enhanced CCN was observed with very low fine mode fraction, at the top of the sounding INCREASED CCN IN LS 8 Aug 2006 CALIPSO flight. Enhancement in water, coincident with decrease in CO and increase in CO2 Also CFC11/CFC12 as indicator of different air age shows peculiar behaviour N2O and CFC11 mixing ratio Show airmasses of different origins Moist layer in the MCS wake, above a cirrus deck 13 Aug 2006 During the Dive, enhanced CO2 and CCN. Biomass burning Nucleation event Slightly above a subvisible cirrus at the tropopause NOy, CO and CCN Enhancement in NOy in clouds, coincident with enhanced CO and a nucleation event 16 Aug 2006 low CCN on ascent inside a cloud, with a very low (0.1) ratio of non volatile fraction high NOy and low CO2 were also detected. Large water content at the hygropause, and water enhanced above. Ozone reduced in the stratosphere Ozone with layered structure Enhanced CO2 above that level LS richer in O3 11 Aug 2006 (volcano?) Not depolarizing aerosol at 460K With reduced N2O, CCN and increased O3, water Conclusions Tropical Stratosphere: Only last local Ouagadougou flight reaches into isolated tropical pipe Observation region is inactive in terms of isentropic mixing across subtropical barrier TTL: No evidence for isentropic inmixing from extratropical stratosphere below tropopause CONVECTION: Max. outflow level @ 360 K or 14-15 km. Evidences of BB catchment, Vertical mixing: CO shows small overshooting signature, not in CO2 Volcanic aerosol observed on one flight Ouaga TTL wetter and warmer than in Darwin, Ouaga isoentropes lower, In our observation, Ouaga convection reached lower than in Darwin. CCN and O3 in LS are much higher in Ouaga. water enhanced in LS

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