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Iaith ar Waith Language at Work

Iaith ar Waith Language at Work. Opportunities for language to be used naturally across the curriculum Language should be familiar to the pupils Welsh lessons should not be abandoned!. Welsh Language Development Datblygiad yr Iaith Gymraeg. Planning Cynllunio.

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Iaith ar Waith Language at Work

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  1. Iaith ar WaithLanguage at Work

  2. Opportunities for language to be used naturally across the curriculum Language should be familiar to the pupils Welsh lessons should not be abandoned! Welsh Language Development Datblygiad yr Iaith Gymraeg

  3. PlanningCynllunio • Planning for opportunities to use Welsh is the responsibility of subject leaders, supported by the Welsh co-ordinator. • Language patterns used should show progression through the school. For examples, please refer to the language grid.

  4. ResourcesAdnoddau • Tedi Twt • Ar y Ffordd • Awen books – Cyfres Dysgu Difyr • Hwyl Drwy’r Flwyddyn series • KS2 Geography books: Patagonia, Ffrainc, Botswana, etc • Poetry

  5. Examplar LessonsGwersi Enghreifftiol • NGfL Cymru Go to the bottom of the page, click on ‘WJEC – National Welsh and Welsh Medium Programme’ Go to the right hand side of the page, click on ‘Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 Welsh Second Language’ At the same place, click on ‘Development of Welsh in English medium primary schools’ • ESIS Help Llaw DVD Maths, level 2 clip 4, history (hot seating), level 2 clip 7

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