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BOLOGNA Scanning Lab

BOLOGNA Scanning Lab. INFN - Sezione di BOLOGNA Physics Dep. of Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. M.Pozzato – Ankara – 09/04/02. MIC4. MIC5. PC. PC. RACK. ESS Lab 2. Automatic Scanning for NTD. MIC3. EMU Storage. Bologna scanning LAB. corridor. MIC1 100x. MIC2. RACK.

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BOLOGNA Scanning Lab

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  1. BOLOGNA Scanning Lab INFN - Sezione di BOLOGNA Physics Dep. of Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna M.Pozzato – Ankara – 09/04/02

  2. MIC4 MIC5 PC PC RACK ESSLab 2 Automatic Scanning for NTD MIC3 EMUStorage Bologna scanningLAB corridor MIC1100x MIC2 RACK ESSLab 1

  3. Bologna Group Bologna INFN technical support

  4. Infrastructure status • HARDWARE: • MIC1: high magnification obj (100x) • MIC2, MIC3: currently working for scanning of OPERA events • MIC4: currently working for scanning of glued emulsions • MIC5: devoted to plate changer tuning (not glued emulsions) and for manual check • SOFTWARE: • Computing infrastructure upgraded not to the the last release • All data taking with ScanGrid now (3 servers currently installed and working) • Local DB scheme upgraded to last one.

  5. Bologna Event Summary (*) Received bricks are 59 but one is not taken here into account  see slide8.

  6. Event: 221948297 Brick: 1056705 TT muon slopes: KALMAN: -0,123509 -0,280414 LINEAR: -0,1188975 -0,2695353 1 CS Prediction (not the muon) Prediction matched on plate 57 and scanback done  Passing through track TS done to look for muon candidate The track is not related to the CC event but to a rock muon  this brick should not be extracted.

  7. Not connected (3CC without muon pred – 2 NC)

  8. Event: 227267569 Brick: 1048764 (CC) - : TX = -0.203 TY = 0.267 6 predictions received from LNGS (2 tracks seem duplicated-tracks), not the muon and not converging Not matched  From the electronic the bricks seems the right one  rescan requested.

  9. Event 234247939 Brick 1078625 (CC) TT muon slopes: KALMAN: 0,332127 0,289077 LINEAR: 0,3191448 0,2544773 • 9 predictions from LNGS • None matched!!! • Maybe coming from a shower? However we try to find the muon performing a TS around the point of convergence (IP ~ mm) from PL38 to PL42.  Muon candidate found passing through the volume: TX 0.305 TY 0.234 SCANBACK STARTED

  10. Event: 233278313 Brick: 1150383 (NC) 7 predictions received from LNGS  spreaded on the “whole” surface. Matched 4 predictions: all stops in the plate of the match  ¾ search asked.

  11. Event: 226287711 Brick: 1013835 (NC) One prediction received from LNGS  not found. ¾ search requested and done. Previous track discarded by compton map  2 more candidates found  not matched in plate 57 – 56 – 55 – 54 Requested CS rescan

  12. Connected not located (5 CC with  pred, 8 CC without  pred, 1 NC)

  13. Event: 234530331 Brick: 1076773 (CC) TT muon slopes: KALMAN: -0,0423663 0,301024LINEAR: -0,03907093 0,3191458 15 CS doublets Prediction (with muon) Matched 10 (included the muon) SB done: muon candidate exits laterally The muon candidate: manual check on all the segments to be done. Volume analysis around the other stopping points to be done before requesting a new brick estraction.  candidate

  14. Event: 219015457 Brick: 1084486 - : TX = 0.052 TY = -0.003 5 predictions from LNGS: 2 seem to converge First attempt: one track matched  scanback started, stop PL 57. GeneralScan 3 plates (57-55)  Mu candidate found (in the display below is the black track) Stop: pl 46  TS done track isolated, shower hint. Muon candidate seen as stop track sent at LNGS: Not found. Requested new check taking into account the offset found in the unique prediction matched in the brick.

  15. Connected and localized (31 CC, 7 NC)

  16. Event 23579103 Brick 1056199 (CC) TT muon slopes: KALMAN: -0,0304347 0,0333243 LINEAR: -0,03206202 0,03427832 • 4 CS doubletsPredictionpath 10 is the muon(*) • ID X Y SX SY • 4 68878.8 77806.7 0.3353 -0.075 • 7 82641 47821 0.2256 -0.0149 • 10 67584 58476 -.0141 .079 • 11 51930 62576 -.164 -.1172 • Match found on pl56 • ID 7: • DX: -156 µm DY: 8 µm • DTX: -7 mrad DTY: 17 mrad • ID 10: • DX: 54 µm DY: -89 µm • DTX: 4 mrad DTY: -5 mrad • ID 11: • DX: 172 µm DY: -197 µm • DTX: -2 mrad DTY: 12 mrad (*) not flagged as muon in Analysis Follower

  17. Scanback Path 10: passing through Path 11: passing through Path 7: stopPL53 TotalScan done around stopping point: track confirmed as stop: no other tracks attached. Vertexing done with path 10 – path 11: DZ = -2.4 cm (interaction in TT) IP ~ 20 m (using segments on pl1)

  18. Event 235074327 Brick 1142125 (CC) TT muon slopes: KALMAN: -0,170876 0,2367460LINEAR: -0,1885243 0,2256981 • 2 CS doubletsPrediction(not the muon) • ID X Y SX SY • 2 56297.6 86822 -.1549 .0462 • 4 59560.1 78467.2 -.096 -.3174 • Match found on pl56 (pl57 distorted) • ID 2: • DX: 56 µm DY: -317 µm • DTX: 9 mrad DTY: 18 mrad • ID 4: • DX: 2 µm DY: -212 µm • DTX: 9 mrad DTY: 18 mrad Scanback done  path 2: stop pl 43 Path 4: stop pl 56

  19. TotalScan Vertex position: (59651.1, 85333.4, -18615.7) Vertex prob: 0.953933 Tracks statistics: Id Impact TX TY Nseg DZ 13762 1.7 0.042 -0.295 5 -421 10018 2.2 -0.123 0.035 5 -421 3861 9.0 0.0318632 0.0109943 4 ??? Scanback Track Parent found!! Scanback done on parent  Stop PL: 18 TOTAL SCAN

  20. TotalScan Muon Vertex position: (58594.1 84507.2 -51138.1 ) Vertex prob: 0.953933 Tracks statistics: Id Impact TX TY Nseg DZ muon 3.8 -0.1402 0.2126 4 -349.4 SB 0.1 0.0277 0.0178 8 -349.4 Event localized Scanforth done: muon candidate sent to LNGS to CS confirmation

  21. Overall picture Z Z X y

  22. Event: 226136067 Brick: 1138484 (CC) - : TX = -0.090 TY = 0.047 (from OpBrickFinder) Reco Published in Analysis Follower: TX = -0.125 TY = 0.083 3 predictions from LNGS (none flagged as muon in Analysis) Path5_cs2: TX = -.1169 TY = .022 (Is the muon candidate?) This track has been matched inside the brick, followed up to plate 42: TS done: scanback track not reconstructed  TS started again.

  23. Event: 233479197 Brick: 1135429 (CC) - : TX = 0.001 TY = 0.098 2 predictions received from LNGS both flagged as muon candidates and both matched. SB done  one passing through, the other stops on plate 26  TS done on stopping point confirm an isolated track (compatible with a QE –event as seems by electronic detector) Passing through track related to another event 

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