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Linux game programming

Linux game programming. An introduction to the use of interval timers and asynchronous input notifications. Our prior animation demo. We achieved the illusion of “smooth” and “flicker-free” animation, by synchronizing drawing-operations with Vertical Retrace

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Linux game programming

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  1. Linux game programming An introduction to the use of interval timers and asynchronous input notifications

  2. Our prior animation demo • We achieved the illusion of “smooth” and “flicker-free” animation, by synchronizing drawing-operations with Vertical Retrace • But more is needed in a game that’s “fun” • Some deficiencies in our ‘animate1’ demo: • Ball movements tied to Vertical Retrace • The viewer lacked any real-time control • How can we overcome these limitations?

  3. Decoupling ‘move’ from ‘draw’ • Our program-loop had used logic like this: do { vsync(); // delay until start of the next retrace hide_ball(); // “erase” the ball move_ball(); // adjust its location show_ball(); // “redraw” the ball --count; // decrement a counter } while ( count > 0 );

  4. Linux provides ‘interval timers’ • #include <sys/time.h> • struct itimerval itval, itold; • itval.it_value.tv_sec = 2; • itval.it_value.tv_usec = 0; • itval.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; • itval.it_interval.tv_usec = 10000; • setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, &itval, &itold ); • (See the ‘man’ page for additional details)

  5. SIGALRM • When timer “expires” our application gets notified, by being sent a signal from Linux • Normally an application gets terminated if the SIGALRM signal is delivered to it • But we can alter that default behavior, by installing a ‘signal-handler’ that we design • We can ‘move-the-ball’ when SIGALRM is received, regardless of Vertical Retrace

  6. Our signal-handler void on_alarm( int signum ) { // modify these global variables ball_xcoordinate += xincrement; ball_ycoordinate += yincrement; } // The ‘signal()’ function “installs” our handler signal( SIGALRM, on_alarm);

  7. Main program-loop “revised” • We can now omit ball-movement in main loop: do { vsync(); // delay until start of the next retrace hide_ball(); // “erase” the old ball oldx = newx; oldy = newy; // remember new position show_ball(); // “redraw” the new ball --count; // decrement a counter } while ( count > 0 ); • Ball-movement is managed by ‘signal-handler’

  8. Giving the user control • Linux supports “asynchronous” terminal i/o • We can reprogram the terminal console so a SIGIO signal will be sent to our program whenever the user decides to press a key • And we can install a ‘signal-handler’ of our own design that executes if SIGIO arrives • This will allow a user to “control” our game

  9. ‘Noncanonical’ terminal i/o • We already learned how to reprogram the terminal to allow “raw” keyboard input #include <termios.h> struct termios tty; tcgetattr( 0, &tty ); // get tty settings tty.c_lflag &= ~( ICANON | ECHO | ISIG ); tty.c_cc[ VMIN ] = 1; tty.c_cc[ VTIME ] = 0; tcsetattr( 0, TCSAFLUSH, &tty ); // install

  10. Handling a key-press • Here’s a ‘simple’ signal-handler that lets a user decide to terminate our program (by hitting the <ESCAPE>-key) instead of the program itself deciding to quit when a counter reaches zero void on_input( int signum ) { int inch = 0; read( 0, &inch, 4 ); if ( inch == ESCAPE_KEY ) done = 1; }

  11. Enabling ‘asynchronous’ I/O • Now we need to install our signal-handler, specify which program will receive SIGIO, then enable the delivery of these signals • signal( SIGIO, on_input ); • fcntl( 0, F_SETOWN, getpid() ); • int flagval = fcntl( 0, F_GETFL, NULL ); • flagval |= O_ASYNC; // turn on flag-bit • fcntl( 0, F_SETFL, flagval );

  12. Program-loop revised again done = 0; do { oldx = xloc, oldy = yloc; // remember draw_ball(); // use current location vsync(); // await next retrace hide_ball(); // erase previous ball } while ( !done ); // ‘xloc’, ‘yloc’, and ‘done’ get changed by handlers

  13. Enhancment: more user-control • In ‘pong’ game the user moves a ‘paddle’ • The paddle can only be moved left or right • Lower wall of the playing-court is removed • Ball will “escape” unless it hits the paddle • Keyboard has left and right “arrow keys” • Our input signal-handler could “move” the paddle whenever a user hits an arrow-key

  14. In-class exercise #1 • Before you remove the game-court’s lower wall, see if you can implement the paddle-movements (left or right) in response to a user’s hitting the left-arrow or right-arrow • You will need to investigate the numerical code-sequence that Linux generates when a user hits one of these arrow-keys • Our ‘rawtty.cpp’ application may be useful!

  15. In-class exercise #2 • For brevity, our ‘animate2’ demo-program removed the capability of users controlling the speed of the ball-movements (with an argument supplied on the command-line) • Can you devise a way for users to exert “real-time” control over the ball’s speed by pressing keys while the program is running (for example, the ‘+’ key and the ‘-’ key)?

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