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SWIFT for Inter CSD Communications

SWIFT for Inter CSD Communications. John Falk AECSD and IAEX Yerevan, Armenia, 6 th October 2011. Securities Market Infrastructures on SWIFT 100 institutions from 58 countries. Inter CSD Communication Today. Worldwide, many CSDs communicate Inter CSD using SWIFT Many European CSDs

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SWIFT for Inter CSD Communications

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  1. SWIFT for Inter CSD Communications John Falk AECSD and IAEX Yerevan, Armenia, 6th October 2011

  2. Securities Market Infrastructures on SWIFT100 institutions from 58 countries

  3. Inter CSD CommunicationToday • Worldwide, many CSDs communicate Inter CSD using SWIFT • Many European CSDs • Link up Markets (including MCDR in Egypt and Strate in South Africa) • In AECSD • National Settlement Depository, Russian Federation • Depository Clearing Company, Russian Federation • Central Depository of Armenia • Central Securities Depository of Kazakhstan • The National Depository of Ukraine • Republican Central Depository of Belarus (planned) SWIFT for Inter CSD Communication : 6th October 2011 - AECSD & IAEX Yerevan, Armenia

  4. Inter CSD CommunicationWhy? • Use of International Standards as recommended by G30 Harmonize messaging standards and communication protocols All market participants should adopt ISO15022 as the global standard for straight-through securities messaging across the entire securities life cycle. All market participants should support and use communication networks that adopt open, standardized, IP-based protocols for securities transactions. • Fast to implement • Economical • Future proofed SWIFT for Inter CSD Communication : 6th October 2011 - AECSD & IAEX Yerevan, Armenia

  5. Inter CSD CommunicationHow? • Agreement on standards (Business and Technical) • Communication using SWIFT • Web based : SWIFT Alliance Lite • Bureau service : Example, use of service from NSD • Own infrastructure : SWIFT Alliance SWIFT for Inter CSD Communication : 6th October 2011 - AECSD & IAEX Yerevan, Armenia

  6. Inter CSD CommunicationResources • www.swift.com for details on SWIFT Alliance and Standards • www.ecsda.com for details on methods for Inter CSD communication • www.smpg.info for details on creating a Securities Market Practice Group in your country And • Alexander Nam, SWIFT Moscow Alexander.Nam@swift.com +7 495 228 59 23 SWIFT for Inter CSD Communication : 6th October 2011 - AECSD & IAEX Yerevan, Armenia

  7. John Falk Director, Securities Market Infrastructures SWIFTAvenue Adele 1B-1310 La HulpeBelgium +32 2 655 31 11+32 2 655 34 61+32 2 655 37 52+44 777 15 12 952john.falk@swift.comwww.swift.com T D F M E W Thank you SWIFT for Inter CSD Communication : 6th October 2011 - AECSD & IAEX Yerevan, Armenia

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