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How PIMS Data Affects AMAO Determinations

How PIMS Data Affects AMAO Determinations. 2012 - 2013 School Year Presenters: Linda Long Tami Shaffer. March 8 Snapshot Templates. Student Template Student Snapshot Template School Enrollment Template Programs Fact Template. Who Reports. School Districts Charter Schools

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How PIMS Data Affects AMAO Determinations

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  1. How PIMS Data Affects AMAO Determinations 2012 - 2013 School Year Presenters: Linda Long Tami Shaffer

  2. March 8 Snapshot Templates Student Template Student Snapshot Template School Enrollment Template Programs Fact Template

  3. Who Reports School Districts Charter Schools Comprehensive Career & Technical Centers

  4. Window For This Collection March 8 English Language Learners – ACCESS for ELLs PIMS Collection Window: February 25, 2013 – March 8, 2013 Snapshot Date – March 8, 2013 March 8 English Language Learners – ACCESS for ELLs Student Accuracy Certification Statement (ACS): Due March 22, 2013

  5. Purpose of March 8 PIMS Collection Collect the number of current Limited English Proficient (LEP) students (K-12) enrolled at your LEA during the ACCESS for ELLs testing window (January 28 – March 8) who were administered the ACCESS for ELLs assessment. Collect the number of current Limited English Proficient (LEP) students (K-12) enrolled at your LEA during the ACCESS for ELLs testing window and administered the ACCESS for ELLs assessment who are Title III served.

  6. Who to Report Report all current ELL students eligible to be counted as a Limited English Proficient (LEP) student. Report all current ELL students eligible to be counted as a Title III served student. Report all current ELL students who were administered the ACCESS for ELLs assessment during the ACCESS for ELLs assessment window (January 28 – March 8).

  7. Important PIMS Data Elements Needed for the March 8 PIMS Collection

  8. Format for Data Element Slides • PIMS template specifications. • PIMS data fields used for accountability, federal and state reporting purposes and for data analysis.

  9. PAsecureID • PIMS March 8 ELL – ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 4 – STUDENT ID • PIMS required field • PIMS validations indicate number is valid only…it does not indicate student name and PAsecureID match HELPFUL HINTS: • Unique ID assigned to student…Single ID follows student through grades & LEAs (PK – Postsecondary) • NEVER create a new ID unless student is new to PA public school system • Ask for PAsecureID on confidential transcripts for transfer students • Don’t assume K students do not have a PAsecureID. If a student attends a public Pre-K program the student could already have a PAsecureID.

  10. PASecureIDHome Page From the main page, users navigate to each of the 4 key functions • Upload Batch File: upload data for multiple students in a Student Batch File and assign IDs • Enter Individual Student: input data for one student to edit, update data, or assign an ID • Student Search: search for individual student records • Extract & Download Batch: extract and download different types of batch output files (not covered in this presentation) The main page also displays all batch submissions 10

  11. PASecureID Home There are 3 types of Student Search: Simple, Advanced, and State ID Access “Student Search” to determine if a PASecureID already exists 11

  12. Search Individual Student –“Simple” “Simple Search” option using first and last names It is not necessary to enter the complete names; a partial name entry will still yield an effective search. For example, Mickey Mouse could be searched as shown above. 12

  13. Advanced SearchUsing additional student data male A broader range of search criteria may yield more exact results. However, if incorrect data is recorded in PAsecureID an existing student may not be found. 13

  14. State ID SearchUsing the “State ID” option This search allows user to search by a known ID; useful if ID is valid and student data is wrong, or if an ID has been retired 14

  15. PAsecureID Reference Materials • PAsecureID Documents: • http://www.education.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/pasecureid/8584/pasecureid_document_repository/526354 • (From the PDE home page: www.education.state.pa.us, choose the following links on the left navigation bar: “Programs” > “Programs O-R” > “PAsecureID” > “PAsecureID Document Repository” • PAsecureID Webinars • PAsecureID Memos and Announcements • PAsecureID How To Guides and Training Documents

  16. English Language Learner Status • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 41 – LEP/ELL STATUS • PIMS required field • PIMS Valid Values= • 01 – Current ELL • 03 – Former ELL, exited, and in 1st year of monitoring • 04 - Former ELL, exited, and in 2nd year of monitoring • 05 – Former ELL, exited, & no longer monitored • 99 – Never ELL • Used for AMAO Accountability, federal reporting, and data analysis: • Valid Value = 01 (Current ELL) • Used for federal reporting purposes and data analysis: • Valid Value = 03 (Former ELL, exited, and in 1st year of monitoring) • Valid Value = 04 (Former ELL, exited, and in 2nd year of monitoring)

  17. ESL or Bilingual Education Program (Core)Programs Fact Template PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection PIMS Programs Fact Template (cumulative template) Field 5—Program Code 031 ESL or Bilingual Education Program Valid Values= Field #5--Programs Code, PIMS Programs Fact Template Valid Value= Program Code 031 (ESL or Bilingual Education Program (Core)) AND Field #41--LEP/ELL Status Student Snapshot Template Valid Value=01 (Current ELL)

  18. LEP/ELL Eligibility • PIMS March 8 ELL-ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field 95 – LEP/ELL Eligibility • A Title III Indicator to identify which ELL students are Title III served. • This Field is conditionally required for ELLs with a valid value of 01 in Field 41 (LEP/ELL Status). • Valid Values for Field 95: • Yes – Title III Served • No – Not Title III Served • Used for AMAO Accountability, federal reporting, and data analysis: • Valid Values= Field # 41–LEP/ELL STATUS Valid Value = 01 (Current ELL) AND Field #95–LEP/ELL Eligibility Yes – Title III Served No – Not Title III Served AND Field #5-Programs Code, PIMS Program Facts Template Valid Value = Program Code 019 (Title III (Supplemental LEP))

  19. Student is Title III • PIMS March 8 ELL-ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • PIMS Programs Fact Template (cumulative template) • Field 5 – Programs Code 019 Title III (Supplemental LEP) • Used for AMAO Accountability, federal reporting and data analysis: • Valid Values= Field #41–LEP/ELL STATUS, Student Snapshot Template Valid Value = 01 (Current ELL) AND Field #95–LEP/ELL Eligibility Yes – Title III Served No – Not Title III Served AND Field #5-Programs Code, PIMS Program Facts Template Valid Value = Program Code 019 (Title III (Supplemental LEP))

  20. Student Last Name • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 133 – LAST NAME LONG • PIMS required field • Legal last name (surname) of the student • Used to match a test booklet to the PIMS March 8 data reporting collection for accountability and federal reporting purposes.

  21. Student First Name • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 134 – FIRST NAME LONG • PIMS required field • Full legal first name of the student • No nicknames or initials • Used to match a test booklet to the PIMS March 8 data reporting collection for accountability and federal reporting purposes.

  22. Student Middle Name • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 142 – MIDDLE NAME-the full middle name of the student • PIMS optional field • May enter middle initial, but strongly recommend full middle name of the student.

  23. District Code • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 1- DISTRICT CODE • PIMS required field • The unique 9-digit numeric AUN assigned by PDE • Educating district • LEA submitting data • Represents the tested district for the student for accountability, federal reporting and data analysis. • 9-digit numeric AUN (Example: 123456789) • Must be a valid LEA per EDNA

  24. School (Location) Code • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 2 – LOCATION CODE • PIMS required field • 4-digit PDE school number • Represents the tested school for reporting purposes. • Must be a 4-Digit PDE-defined school number • School must have association with LEA in EDNA

  25. Birth Date • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 14 – BIRTH DATE • All dates must be entered in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) • PIMS required field • Used to match a test booklet to the PIMS March 8 collection for accountability and federal reporting purposes. • Birth dates must be 8-digit numeric and is reported in a MMDDYYYY format and: • Must be valid month (01 – 12) • Must be valid date (01 – 31) • Must be valid year (Example: 1991 – 2006)

  26. Race/Ethnicity • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 27 – RACE OR ETHNICITY CODE • PIMS required field • A single code identifying the race and ethnicity of a student. • ReportingValid Values= 1 –American Indian/ Alaskan Native (not Hispanic) 3 – Black or African American (not Hispanic) 4 – Hispanic (any race) 5 – White (not Hispanic) 6 – Multi-Racial/Two or more races (not Hispanic) 9 – Asian (not Hispanic) 10 – Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (not Hispanic)

  27. Native Language • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 123 – HOME LANGUAGE CODE • The NCES code for the specific language or dialect used to communicate in the student’s home. • This is a PIMS conditionally required field. Required if language is not US English. • Language codes are located in PIMS User Manual, Volume 2, Appendix J. • Used for federal reporting purposes and data analysis. • If field #123 is blank, US English is assumed.

  28. Grade • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 10 – CURRENT GRADE LEVEL • PIMS required field • Valid Values = PKA, PKP, PKF, K4A. K4P, K4F, K5A, K5P, K5F, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, EUG, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, SUG • Used for federal reporting purposes and data analysis. • Valid Values= K5A, K5P, K5F, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, EUG, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, SUG • All current ELLs (K-12) • Pre-K students should not be tested using ACCESS for ELLs.

  29. Date First Enrolled in a US School • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 110 – DATE FIRST ENROLLED IN A US SCHOOL • PIMS conditionally required field for ELL students only • (NOTE: For students born in the US into non-English speaking households, enter the date first enrolled in a US school. Use best information available on prior enrollments.) • ISO Format (YYYY-MM-DD) • MMDDYYYY

  30. Date First Enrolled in an ELL or Bilingual Education Program (CORE) • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 68 – DATE FIRST ENROLLED IN AN ELL or BILINGUAL EDUCATION PROGRAM (CORE) • Conditionally required field for ELL students • ISO Format (YYYY-MM-DD) • Date the student was first enrolled in an ESL or Bilingual education (core) program since first enrollment in a US school. Use best information available on prior enrollments • Indication of length of time in LEP/ELL program • PDE converts the date format to number of years in program.

  31. Gender • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 15 – GENDER CODE • PIMS required field • Valid Values = M or F • Used for federal reporting purposes and data analysis. • Valid Values = M or F

  32. Student Has an IEP (excluding Gifted) • PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection • Field # 38 – SPECIAL EDUCATION • PIMS required field • Valid Values = Y - Has IEP E – Exited IEP < 2 years N – No IEP or Exited IEP > 2 years • Valid Values= Y indicates that student has an IEP and equals a PIMS value of Y in Field #38 N indicates that student does not have an IEP and equals a PIMS value of E or N in Field #38.

  33. Student Receives Migrant Education Program Services • Official migrant data is sourced in from MIS 2000 • Valid Values= Y or N

  34. 504 Plan PIMS March 8 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Reporting Collection Snapshot Field 70 – ADA Status Indicator PIMS Required field Valid Reporting Values: Y = Yes N = No • Valid Values = Y or N

  35. PIMS Validation Reports • Production • Public Folders > escholar Framework for Cognos > Production > LEP Reports > ACCESS for ELLs Reporting Collection • Access for Ells Extract Warnings – Students at Location 9999 • ACCESS for Ells Extract Warnings – Duplicate Students Reported by Other LEAs • ACCESS for ELLs Detail Validation Report • Verify • Public Folders > escholar Framework for Cognos > Verify > Validation Reports > Template Verification • Student Snapshot Template Details (Excel) • Choose March 8, 2013 Snapshot Date • Program Fact Template Details • Choose March 8, 2013 Snapshot Date

  36. PIMS/MetriTechData Validation/Correction Windows Important Dates: MetriTech Data Validation website and PIMS March 8 ELL -ACCESS for ELLs Reporting Collection snapshot open for LEAs to validate demographic information: • Validation Window: 4/15/13 – 4/19/13 Important Dates: MetriTech Data Validation website and PIMS March 8 ELL -ACCESS for ELLs Reporting Collection snapshot open for corrections(ONLY FOR LEAs NOTIFIED BY PDE): • Correction Window: 5/6/13 – 5/10/13

  37. Accuracy Certification Statements ACCESS for ELLs Reporting Collection Print Accuracy Certification Statement Production > LEP Reports > ACCESS for ELLs Reporting Collection ACCESS for ELLs Reporting Collection Accuracy Certification Statement (March 8 Snapshot Date) Due Date for ACS: March 22, 2013 Submit signed ACS Via Fax: 717-787-3148 OR Via Mail: Tami Shaffer, Education Administration Associate, Department of Education, Bureau of Teaching & Learning, 333 Market Street, 8th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17126.

  38. PIMS Resources PIMS website: Go to www.education.state.pa.us Click on the “Programs” link on the left side of the website. In the “Programs” section, choose the “Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS)” link. PIMS Application Support: Technical questions should be directed through the PIMS Application Support at 1 (800) 661-2423.

  39. Contact Information Technical Issues PIMS Application Support 1 (800) 661-2423 Linda Long lilong@pa.gov Tami Shaffer tshaffer@pa.gov

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