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Get prepared for the Georgia Milestones program with this workshop that covers administration considerations, testing accommodations, test security, and more.

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  1. END OFCOURSE (EOC)Winter 2016 & Spring 2017 Mid-MonthPre-Administration WorkshopOctober 18 - 20, 2016

  2. AGENDA • Georgia Milestones Program Overview • eDIRECT for Online and Paper/Pencil Test Sessions • Administration Considerations • Paper and Pencil Administrations • Online Administrations • New Scored Item Types • Testing Accommodations – Managing and Coding • Test Security and Irregularities • Before, During, and After Testing • Important Dates, Resources, and Contacts • Supplemental Slides for Local Training

  3. Georgia Milestones Program Overview

  4. Content Tested Link to detailed list of EOC courses

  5. Georgia MilestonesTest Construction

  6. Administration Times Note: These maximum time limits do not apply to those students who have the accommodation of extended time.

  7. EOC Administration Dates

  8. Key Dates • Testing software (TSM and Secure Browsers) available • September 27 • Test Tickets are available now • EOC Fall Mid-month State Testing Windows: • October 11-21 (starts Tuesday - due to State Holiday Oct 10) • November 7-18 • EOC Winter Materials to be shipped 10 working days in advance of district testing window • Thanksgiving Break dates are considered non-working days • EOC Winter Test Setup opens in eDIRECT: Monday 10/31 • EOC Winter State Testing Window: • November 28 – January 6 • EOC Winter Preliminary reports posted in eDIRECT • A sufficient sample of tests is required for quality control and review purposes before the release of reports can begin. • Current projection for beginning posting of electronic preliminary reports: Week of Dec 12, 2016 • 10 business days from receipt of scorable test documents/records at scoring center for ELA and Math • 5 business days from receipt of scorable test documents/records at scoring center for of testing for Science and Social Studies • EOC Fall Mid-month and EOC Winter Final (paper) reports and final electronic files • February 2017

  9. Scheduling ConsiderationsReminders

  10. Participants EOC*Winter Main 2016 *See Student Assessment Handbook (SAH) pages 61–63 ** Coordinators must bubble 30 in SDU-A for GAVS students.

  11. Testing Rule Changes would go into effect prior to the Winter 2016 EOC administration. Possible Board action on November 3. Will be a topic on Lunch and Learn November 4. SBOE Rule 160-3-1-.07 TESTING PROGRAMS – STUDENT ASSESSMENT Rule Amendment Timeline • Initiate Rule Amendment: September 2016 • Public Review/Comment: September-October 2016 • Adopt Rule Amendment: November 2016

  12. Testing Rule Amendment • Testing Rule amendment to ‘exempt’ Dual Enrollment/MOWR students from the EOC other than those required by ESSA (9th Grade Literature; Algebra I/Coordinate Algebra; Biology) • To ensure high schools are not negatively impacted, use the college-issued grade in the CCRPI for remaining EOC-related courses, for example: • A = Distinguished Learner • B = Proficient Learner • C = Proficient Learner • D/F = Beginning Learner

  13. How Will Reports Be Received?

  14. Score Reporting TimelinePreliminary Reports • State EOC Testing Window Opens November 28, 2016 • English Language Arts and Mathematics: • 10 business days from the date of receipt of scorable paper answer documents or a completed online form at the scoring center. • Science and Social Studies: • 5 business days from the date of receipt of scorable paper answer documents or a completed online form at the scoring center. • Note:A sufficient sample of tests is required for quality control and review purposes before the release of reports can begin. • Anticipated first day for Preliminary Reporting Science and Social Studies – December 8, 2016 ELA and Math – December 15, 2016 • Printing and distribution of the preliminary reports is at the district’s discretion

  15. Designation for Coding Errors That Delay Score Reporting If there is an error with the entry of a Testing Irregularity, a scoring designation of Local Coding Error(LCE) – will appear for the affected content on all reports Please check all reports to correct this error immediately Online & PP Test Takers - login to eDIRECT and correct the irregularity coding for affected students

  16. Georgia Milestones Score Utilization • The End of Course (EOC) measures serve as the final exam and comprise 20% of a student’s final course grade. • 15% for students enrolled in grade nine for the first time prior to July 1, 2011. • Eligible students may seek to demonstrate subject area competency (“test-out”) before enrolling in a course with an associated EOC. • Validation of creditfor courses taken in an unaccredited school or home study • Informs Georgia’s accountability measures. • Provides a signal of college and career readiness and/orreadiness to move to the next grade/level See the Student Assessment Handbookfor specific guidance

  17. Managing Students in eDIRECTPaper Pencil and Online

  18. eDIRECT contains… • Students loaded from the state Pre-ID File • Students who were marked as “Yes” in the Online Field will be loaded into Online Test Sessions. • Students marked as “No” or “blank” in the Online Field will be loaded into Paper Test Sessions • Students entered by the Multiple Student Upload function in eDIRECT Student Management must have a course and section number and class name and designated placement into a Paper or an Online Test Session. • Students entered manually via the Manage Students function in eDIRECT Student Management should be manually placed into a Paper or an Online Test Session

  19. eDIRECT contains…-continued When a field is bubbled on a paper/pencil answer document, the bubbled value is used to add/update the online value in eDIRECT. Student data can be reviewed and edited in eDIRECT Student Management through January 20, 2017. Details will be provided in the upcoming eDIRECT Test Setup training sessions (October 31 & November 14).

  20. Paper Pencil Test Sessions in eDIRECTNEW • Paper test sessions allow you to manage student information for paper testers via eDIRECT. • Paper testers will be placed into paper test sessions: • When the Online Indicator field in the State Pre-ID File is not designated “Y”. • When the Online Indicator field in a Multiple Student Upload is not designated as “Y”. • When a paper answer document is processed, and the student is not already in a paper test session. The session name will default to “Undetermined” • eDIRECT will cross-reference the Pre-ID Label or the District Code, Last Name, First Name, GTID and DOB from a hand-bubbled Student Answer Document to attempt a match to an existing profile • If there is no match, a new profile will be created in eDIRECT and the student will be placed in the “Undetermined” Paper Test Session. • Paper test session names will be used for report grouping. • Session name will be the Class Name (just like it was for online testers in 2015-2016).

  21. Edit Student Information in eDIRECT Directions in subsequent slide Test Setup Training , October 31, November 14     Directions in subsequent slide Valid for both Online and Paper and Pencil Test Sessions

  22. Export Student Details • Export Student Details for multiple sessions will become available when eDIRECT opens for the Winter 2016 administration • Available when filtered at the school level • Filtering can be refined at the Session, Content Area, and Assessment level Student Details by Session Student Details for all Sessions currently listed Use the Export Student Detail feature in eDIRECT to export a CSV list of students who are in an online or paper/pencil test session.

  23. Administration Considerations

  24. Scratch Paper Examiners ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS • Allowed in all Sections:Sections 1 and 2 – start with one sheet Section 3 – start with two sheets MATHEMATICS • Allowed in both Sections – start with two sheets • EOC – ¼” graph paper may be provided FOR EOC MATHEMATICS ONLY http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-Assessment-System.aspx SCIENCE • Allowed in both Sections – start with one sheet SOCIAL STUDIES • Allowed in both Sections – start with one sheet • Applies to paper-pencil & online settings. • Follow instructions in the test administration manuals regarding the distribution and return of scratch paper. • Students may write in their test booklet (but no highlighters). • Students can request additional scratch paper **Once Scratch Paper is used, it is considered secure** **Student Test Tickets can be used as the first sheet of scratch paper**

  25. Examiners Calculator Policy 1 The online calculator will be a basic four function calculator; a hand-held basic calculator can have square root and percentage functions Calculators are not permitted on Section 1, Part A, of each mathematics test.

  26. Calculator Policy • System Test Coordinators, School Test Coordinators, and Test Examiners must ensure all calculator policies are implemented and followed. • Given that many models of graphing calculators and some scientific calculators possess the ability to store text, and may prevent that feature from being disabled, it is required that System and School Test Coordinators, and Test Examiners, confirm prior to testing and immediately after testing (before dismissing students) that all graphing calculators are cleared of any stored text. • A failure to confirm that text is cleared may raise school-wide (and possibly system-wide) security concerns. • A failure to take these steps constitutes an irregularity that must be reported to GaDOE. • Failure to clear memory both BEFORE and AFTER may result in an invalidation. Examiners

  27. Accommodations Follow accommodations guidance from the Accommodations Manual and the Student Assessment Handbook. Oral reading/signing of ELA passages is an accommodation that results in a Conditional Administration for English Language Arts EOG and EOC content and requires specific coding Students responses not collected directly on a paper and pencil Student Answer Document in an Online test form will require transcription. Student responses printed from a word processor must be transcribed and not inserted into the Student Answer Document Georgia Milestones scribing and transcribing procedures can be found in the Student Assessment Handbook and the Examiner’s and Coordinator’s Manuals Examiners

  28. Accommodations • Mode of administration (online/paper-and-pencil) should be considered – some accommodations are not applicable for a particular mode. • For example, Braille students should test via paper-and-pencil instead of through an online administration. • Note that accommodations that require the use of a scribe are likely to require that student responses are transcribed to an answer document or an online test form • To avoid an irregularity, please ensure that students who should receive accommodations are properly identified prior to testing. • If a student is provided an accommodation for which they are not eligible, and it results in a Conditional Administration, this will result in a Participation Invalidation (PIV). Examiners

  29. Paper and Pencil Administrations • Guidance for Student Answer Documents and Student Test Booklets • Coding Student Answer Documents • Application of Labels to Student Answer Documents

  30. EOC Paper and Pencil Color Scheme Colors for Student Test Booklets and Student Answer Documents must match by Course. Ensure to match the answer document with the test booklet Examiners

  31. Answer Document • Use #2 pencils ONLY on Georgia Milestones. • Ink pens are NOT allowed on Georgia Milestones. • This includes ELA Section 3. • Responses written in ink cannot be scored. Examiners

  32. Answer Document Print Name, School and System • Affix: • Student Label or • District/School Label • Do not submit documents to be scored without a Pre-ID or District/ School label. • Critical: If you do not have a Pre-ID label for a student, place a District/School label on the document and bubble all demographic information. Bubble form number indicated on test booklet

  33. Answer Document Bubble one Irregularity Status and enter 5 digit Irregularity Code if directed by GaDOE • Complete State Required Codes and Accommodations Only if Applicable • SRC must be coded for students with IEP, EL/TPC, or 504 IAP, with or without accommodations • Types of accommodations (more than one can be selected): • S – Setting • P – Presentation • R – Response • SC – Scheduling • Identify basis of accommodations: IEP, EL/TPC, or 504 IAP If applicable, code Braille or Large Print Present, Test Not Attempted The PTNA option should only be bubbled by the Examiner if a student is present and can not or will not take a test. If a student answers one question on any section of the test, PTNA should NOT be bubbled. Bubble Purpose for Taking the EOC; can be managed in eDIRECT for an exiting Student Profile Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Support (GNETS) and Georgia Virtual School (GAVS) All information on this page can be managed in eDIRECT for an existing Student Profile assigned to a Test Session regardless of administration mode.

  34. Labels Pre-ID Label • Links the answer document to the student in eDIRECT. • White with a horizontal stripe of YELLOW at the top. Do Not Score Label Use for answer documents with Pre-ID or District/School labels affixed but should not be scored. Should also include voided answer sheets that contain student responses but might not have a label applied Labels are fluorescent RED . District School Label • For students who were not in the Pre-ID file. • Indicates that the answer document is scorable and links to the specific system and school. • Labels are WHITE.

  35. Orient Students Prior to Testing and Monitor Carefully During the Test SessionPaper and Pencil

  36. Answer DocumentOrient Students and Examiners Prior to Testing and Monitor Carefully During the Test Session • Course name banner across the top of document • Large stop signs • Large item numbers to assist item answer clarity • Large • go-on arrows Examiners & Students

  37. Section Breaks in Student Test Booklets Page between sections Examiners & Students

  38. MathematicsTransition to Calculator Subsection • Stop sign and guidance to not return to Section 1, Part A, from paper-and-pencil answer document and transition page. • Note: Student is prompted to raise hand to receive a calculator Examiners & Students

  39. MathematicsNo-Calculator Subsection This language will appear at the beginning of Section 1, Part A, of the paper and pencil test. Do NOT distribute calculators until Section 1, Part B, to students taking Mathematics Examiners & Students

  40. MathematicsSection 1, Part APaper and Pencil Administration Only • All pages in Mathematics in Section 1, Part A will have a heading that should be readily visible from a distance. • The script in the Examiner’s Manual will also identify the the item numbers that comprise the Section 1, Parts A. Examiners & Students

  41. ELA Answer Document Response Section for Item 59 • Section 3 of ELA includes constructed response and extended writing response items. • Item 59 will be a 2 point Constructed Response item • One response page for Item 59 Examiners & Students

  42. ELA Answer Document Response Section for Item 60 • Item 60 is the 7 point Extended Writing Task • 3 ½ pages of writing space • Revised Writer’s Checklist • 60. Writing Task (Write your essay here). • Be sure to: • Introduce your claim. • Support your claim with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, including facts • and details, from the passages. • Acknowledge and address alternate or opposing claims. • Organize the reasons and evidence logically. • Identify the passages by title or number when using details or facts directly from • the passages. • Develop your ideas clearly and use your own words, except when quoting directly • from the passages. • Use appropriate and varied transitions to connect your ideas and to clarify the • relationships among claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. • Establish and maintain a formal style. • Provide a conclusion that supports the argument presented. • Check your work for correct grammar, usage, capitalization, spelling, and • punctuation. Examiners & Students

  43. Orient Students Prior to Testing and Monitor Carefully During the Test SessionOnline

  44. Test Tickets will print one to a page, and Each Test Ticket contains the student’s username and password for the test session. Note that the student will have a separate Test Ticket for each section of the test. Test Tickets Test Rosters The Student Test Roster contains a list of students and the usernames and passwords for each student. To avoid a student testing under another student’s GTID, you must : Print ALL Student Tickets. Have students verify their name and test name are correct and sign the ticket next to their name. If a change is made to a student record (e.g., adding an accommodation), create a new test ticket for that student, which will have a new login/password Examiners & Students

  45. Online Tools All Students Examiners & Students

  46. ELA Section 3 Online Test Takers ELA Section 3 Online Item 59, 2 point Constructed Response • The left side of the screen with the ELA Passage and the right side of the screen with the test items and Writing Task function independently . • Students can refer to either passage or Writing Task while typing a response. • Short cut keys for Text Entry Boxes • Ctrl + C = Copy • Ctrl + X = Cut • Ctrl = V = Paste Examiners & Students

  47. ELA Section 3Item 60 The Extended Writing Task is displayed on right side of the screen. Click “Enlarge” to see the Writer’s Checklist. See slide xx for text of revised Writer’s Checklist Scroll down on right to view the student response section. Turning pages requires clicking on the left or right side of the ELA Passage Examiners & Students

  48. MathematicsSection 1, Part A , Online • The Examiner’s Manual will identify the the item numbers that comprise the Section 1, Part A. • The section is preceded by instructions indicating that calculator use is not allowed in this section. • At the end of the section, the student will be stopped before proceeding to the calculator use section. Examiners & Students

  49. Mathematics Transition to Section 1, Part B Examiners & Students

  50. To Correctly Close Out a SectionAfter the last question in a section the Next button displays this screen; select End Test Examiners & Students

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