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Raising concerns: Guidance for nurses and midwives

Raising concerns: Guidance for nurses and midwives. Raising concerns. Guidance to support nurses and midwives who wish to raise or escalate concerns about the safety or wellbeing of people in their care, and their families. What do we mean by guidance?. Rules and standards

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Raising concerns: Guidance for nurses and midwives

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  1. Raising concerns:Guidance for nurses and midwives

  2. Raising concerns • Guidance to support nurses and midwives who wish to raise or escalate concerns about the safety or wellbeing of people in their care, and their families

  3. What do we mean by guidance? • Rules and standards • Nurses and midwives must comply • Guidance • Best practice that nursesand midwives should follow • Information • Supports nurses and midwives in practice

  4. The purpose of the guidance • The guidance supports nurses and midwives who wish to raise concerns about the wellbeing of people in their care, and: • explains the processes you should follow • provides information about relevant legislation • identifies sources of confidential support and advice

  5. Who is this guidance for? • All nurses and midwives • Pre-registration nursing and midwifery students • Applicable to all practice environments • The principles apply to all healthcare professionals

  6. Your role in raising concerns • The code (NMC, 2008) sets out the core standards that we expect of nurses and midwives and to which we hold them accountable

  7. The code: Managing risk • You must act without delay if you believe that you, a colleague or anyone else may be putting someone at risk • You must inform someone in authority if you experience problems that prevent you working within this code or other nationally agreed standards

  8. The code: Managing risk • You must report your concerns in writing if problems in the environment of care are putting people at risk • As a professional, you are personally accountable for actions and omissions in your practice and must always be able to justify your decisions

  9. Raising a concern ormaking a complaint? • Raising a concern • Worried about an issue, wrongdoing or risk • Witnessed, observed, or been made aware of a risk or unsatisfactory situation • Making a compliant • Complaint about your personal treatment, and seeking resolution for yourself • If you are unsure, seek advice

  10. Concerns may include • Delivery of care • Risks to health and safety • Environment of care • Fitness to practise • Misuse or unavailability of clinical equipment • What examples can you thinkof in your workplace?

  11. Raising concerns: A staged process Escalate your concern to a regulatory organisation Escalate your concern internally to a higher level Raise your concern internally with a designated person Raise your concern with your line manager

  12. Key principles • Put the interests of patients and clients first • Take immediate or prompt action • ‘Doing nothing’ is not an option • Refer to local policies and safeguarding procedures • Don’t go it alone – seek independent, confidential advice • Keep an accurate record

  13. Use the guidance to help safeguard the public • Actively promote and discuss this guidance in your workplace • Look at the case studies and team discussion notes in your team • [Insert other ideas on how your workplace can use the guidance] • [Insert name and contact details of the nominated contact person in your workplace]

  14. Use the guidance to help safeguard the public • Visit www.nmc-uk.org/raisingconcerns to: • provide us with feedback on how theguidance is received and working in practice • download case studies and discussion notes for your workplace or team

  15. Thank you Your nominated contact is:[insert contact details of nominated person in yourorganisation]

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