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Special Thank You by the IWG to these ICAO Officers

Simulator International Working Group …for a new ICAO 9625 Document By St éphane Clément CAE’s Director of Regulatory Affairs & IWG Co-Chairman (Aeroplanes & Helicopters) 23 Nov. 2009, Montreal, ICAO HQ. Special Thank You by the IWG to these ICAO Officers. Mr. Paul Lamy Capt Henry Defalque

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Special Thank You by the IWG to these ICAO Officers

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  1. Simulator International Working Group…for a new ICAO 9625 Document By Stéphane ClémentCAE’s Director of Regulatory Affairs& IWG Co-Chairman (Aeroplanes & Helicopters)23 Nov. 2009, Montreal, ICAO HQ

  2. Special Thank You by the IWG to these ICAO Officers Mr. Paul Lamy Capt Henry Defalque ….for their great support during the IWG work and towards the publication of the new ICAO 9625 The IWG work received a Royal Aeronautical Bronze Medal Award last week in London, after recommendation by ICAO.

  3. Summary – ICAO Letter to the Royal Aeronautical Society

  4. New ICAO Document can be used now! ICAO 9625 Edition 3 Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulation Training Devices Published 31 July 09 http://store1.icao.int/search.ch2

  5. Why Did We Do it ? • Regulatory changes • EASA from JAA • FAA Part 60 • Lack of harmonization • Lower Level Devices • Rotary wing FSTDs • New aircraft types • New training types • MPL • No clarity of FSTD • New technologies • Electric Motion • LCOS Projectors Regulations were increasingly out of step with technology (airplane & FSTD) and with new pilot training methodologies 4

  6. 2006-2009 Aeroplane IWG Effort • Approx 80 delegates from 16 countries • Regulatory community ( > 8 countries) • Industry bodies (RAeS, FSEMC, IATA, ICAO,…) • Pilot associations (IFALPA, ALPA,…) • Operators (Aircraft & FSTDs) • Manufacturers (Aicraft & FSTDs) • Many meetings, many sponsors • Industry Wide Briefings • WATS, EATS, APATS, FSEMC, RAeS, ICAO, EASA, JAA, FAA, CAAC, CASA Largest ever FSTD industry harmonization effort Industry lead effort, estimated 10 Million Dollars

  7. IWG Methodology FSTD Simulation Features (12) Training Types (14) & Tasks(~150) Fidelity Levels (4) None Generic Representative Specific • Use Training Matrix to determine FSTD feature and fidelity requirements by training task

  8. Training Task Analysis EASA / ICAO / FAA training task lists MPL1,2,3,4 Multi-crew Pilot License IR Initial Instrument Rating PPL Private Pilots License CPL Commercial Pilots License CR Class Rating TR Type Rating RL Recurrent License (Training & Checking) RO Recurrent Operator (Training & Checking) Re Recency (Take-off and Landing) CQ Continuing Qualification IO Initial Operator Training (T) – The FSTD feature fidelity levels required for each listed task that supports the training objective. Training to Proficiency (TP) – The FSTD feature fidelity levels required for each listed task that supports the training objective to proficiency and allow testing and checking towards the issue of a licence, rating, or qualification. • Agreed training tasks and training types to support licence and rating requirements

  9. Simulation Features Environment Simulation Aircraft Simulation Environment ATC Flight Model – Aero & Engine Environment Weather Aircraft Systems Environment Navigation Ground Handling Environment Aerodrome & Terrain Flight Controls & Forces Cueing Simulation Cockpit layout Sound Cue Visual Cue Motion Cue • Agreed list of simulation features elements required to support any individual training task

  10. FSTD Type Rationalisation New ICAO FSTD Types Starting Point IWG

  11. ICAO doc 9625: international baseline for NAA Standards 2010 2003 2009 1993 1996 1990 FAR Part60 Change 2 FAA 120-40C DRAFT 1993 FAA 120-40B 1991 FAR Part60 ICAO 9625 Issue 1 1995 ICAO 9625Issue 22003 ICAO 9625Issue 32009 RAeS IQTG 1995 ? CASA FSD-1 JAR STD-1A Amdt 3 2003 JAR STD-1A Initial 1995 CS-FSTD A 2010 CAA CAP453 JAR-FSTD A 2009 EASA

  12. Results – IWG Summary Matrix 7 Harmonized, ICAO Device Types FSTD Simulation Features (13) Training Types (14) & Tasks (~150) G

  13. High-Level Requirements for ICAO Standard FSTDs Color legend Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V Type VII Type VII TR, ATPL MPL4 RE, RO, RL IO, CQ (TP) MPL3 (T+TP) TR, ATPL IO, RO, RL (All T) SpecificRepresent.Generic PPL, MPL1, CPL (All T) IR (T) Class Rating (T) MPL2 (T+TP) Cockpit & Structure Class, enclosed Generic,Open Class, enclosed Class, enclosed Aircraft replica, enclosed Class, enclosed Aircraft replica, enclosed Instruments & Panels Flat Panel & Overlay Hi Quality Flat Panel & Overlay High Quality Flat Panel & Overlay +Full 3D replication Non sim area Open Enclosed Enclosed Visual display 200 x 40 Direct 45 x 30 Flat Screen 200 x 40 Direct 45 x 30 Flat Screen 200 x 40 Direct 200 x 40 Collimated 200 x 40 Collimated None Motion None Reduced 6 DOF Full 6 DOF Flt & Flt Ctrl Class rep. Generic Class rep. Generic Aircraft Specific Class rep. Aircraft Specific AircraftSystems Aircraft Representative (Required Procedures) Specific (All proc.) Class rep. Specific (All proc.) Air Traffic Control None Background Chatter None Background Chatter Background Chatter + Dynamic Automated Environment + Dynamic ATC Environment RAeS Sept 09 12/03/2014 12

  14. Approximate Mapping to FAA & JAA / EASA FSTDs PPL, MPL1, CPL CR MPL2 IR TR, ATPL MPL4 RE, RO, RL IO, CQ TR, ATPL IO, RO, RL MPL3 FAA FTD L2/L3 + Visual FTD L3/L5 + Visual FTD L6 + Visual Level D(+) EASA FNPT I,II FNPT II MCC FTD LII + Visual Level D(+) Type V ICAO Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type VI Type VII Training (T) Proficiency (TP) Non ab-initio Full Task FSTDs

  15. IWG Adoption Status - November 2009 More and more countries are joining this adoption

  16. Why is this important? ICAO 9625 Edition 3, Vol. 1 (Aeroplane) enables... • Expansion of international standards from highest-fidelity FSTD (Type VII) to most basic type of FSTD (Type I) • Reduction of number of FSTD Types (from 20+ to 7) • FSTDs tailored to the training tasks for which they are used • Clear links between pilot licences + ratings and FSTD types • Evaluation methodology for Full Task device (Part 2) and also for Part Task device (Part 3) • Evaluation of any type or vintage of FSTD for training suitability • International harmonization (effectiveness & efficiency) • Same flight test cases, same QTG • Consistent training capability with FSTDs • Will facilitate mutual recognition (efficiency) • Will benefit the pilot training community

  17. ICAO 9625 Edition 3 - Documentation Structure 55% done Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of FSTDs Volume 2 Helicopters Volume 1 Aeroplanes Part 2 Flight Simulation Training Device Criteria (FSTD Types 1 to 7) Part 1 Training Task Derived Flight Simulation Requirements Part 3 Flight Simulation Feature and Fidelity Level Criteria

  18. Also the RAeS Aeroplane FSTD Evaluation Handbook • Volume 1 – Objective Testing • Revision 4 will align with ICAO 9625 rev. 3. • Available since 18 Nov. 2009. • Volume 2 - Function & Subjective Testing • In draft • Available in 2010.

  19. Also the IATA FSTD Data Document • IATA FSTD Design and Performance Data Requirements • The 7th edition of the document was published on August 2009. • IATA Data Document is the industry standard for FSTD data requirements

  20. All the pieces of the puzzle fitting together + + = 100% RAeS FSTD Evaluation Handbook = 100% ICAO 9625 FSTD Standards IATA FSTD Data Requirements Document + + A coherent and harmonised set of documents

  21. Thank you!... ??

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