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Chapter 3

Chapter 3. Compare, Order, and Round Numbers. Information from Harcourt Math Presentation compiled by Susan Mumper 3 rd grade HES. Demonstrate concepts of number sense by comparing, ordering, and expanding whole numbers through 9,999. State Standards covered. Vocabulary Lesson 3.1

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Chapter 3

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  1. Chapter 3 Compare, Order, and Round Numbers Information from Harcourt Math Presentation compiled by Susan Mumper 3rd grade HES

  2. Demonstrate concepts of number sense by comparing, ordering, and expanding whole numbers through 9,999. State Standards covered

  3. Vocabulary • Lesson 3.1 • Lesson 3.2 • Lesson 3.3 • Lesson 3.4 • Lesson 3.5 • Lesson 3.6 • POD • 3.1 • 3.2 • 3.3 • 3.4 • 3.5 • 3.6 Home

  4. Lesson 3.6 objective – to use rounding rules to round to the nearest 1,000

  5. 52 • 15 • 27 • 68 • 76 Round to the nearest 10

  6. Why does the number line use thousands and not other values, such as hundreds and tens? • How are 4,405 and 2,641 different when rounded to the nearest 1,000? • How is rounding to the nearest 1,000 like rounding to the nearest 100 or 10? • How is it different? Turn to p. 52 in your math book.

  7. Another way to look at rounding. • AAAmath.com Guided instruction

  8. Turn to p. 53 and we will do #’s 1-5 together. Guided practice

  9. MB p. 53 #’s 6-22 even • Round these numbers to the nearest thousand, hundred, and ten • 8,119 • 6,932 • Pick a math game from the box. Math Task

  10. Lesson 3.5 objective – To use rounding rules to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.

  11. 23, 19, 16 • 37, 31, 23 • 29, 33, 32 • 59, 57, 58 • 218, 287, 278 Tell the numbers in order from least to greatest.

  12. Rounding to the nearest 10 • Rounding to the nearest 100 • How to round numbers • Highlight the digit that may change. • Underline the digit on the right. • Round the highlighted digit • If the underlined digit is 5 or more the highlighted digit is increased by 1. • If the underlined digit is 4 or less the highlighted digit stays the same. • All the digits to the right of the highlighted digit are changed to zeros.

  13. Turn to page 51, and we will do #’s 1-6 together. Guided practice

  14. MB p. 51 #’s 7-27 odd. • Round these numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 in your journal: • 108 • 684 • 251 • 345 • Pick a game from the box. Math task

  15. Lesson 3.4 objective – To use the problem solving skill use a bar graph to solve problems

  16. 124 118 • 229 232 • 224 244 • 3,156 3,165 • 4,371 4,372 Compare. Write <, >, or = for each .

  17. Look at p. 48 • What information do you get from the titles and labels of a bar graph? • What are you being asked to do? • In step 1, how can you determine how the numbers are related? • Practice Learn

  18. Let’s look at p. 49 and do #’s 1-5 together. Guided practice

  19. MB p. 49 #’s 6-9 • Answer # 10 in your math journal. • Pick a math game from the box. Math task

  20. Lesson 3.3 objective – To use models, number lines, and place value to order numbers.

  21. 37 or 29 • 58 or 65 • 235 or 253 • 21 or 32 • 120 or 99 Tell which number is greater

  22. Do you need a number line with the exact points shown to order 4-digit numbers? • Where would the zero be on this number line? • How do you know where to place 3,718 on the number line? • Ordering Numbers Video • AAAmath.com practice 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 Order Numbers

  23. Open your books to page 46 and we will do 1-3 together. Guided Practice

  24. MB p. 47 #4-12 even • In your journal draw a number line to put these numbers in order from least to greatest: 765, 983, and 503. Draw another number line and put these numbers in order from least to greatest: 7,321; 7,359; 7,366 • Choose a math game. Math task

  25. Lesson 3.2 objective – to use models, place value, and number lines to compare numbers

  26. 15 • 20 • 54 • 37 • 83 How many tens does each number have?

  27. When you compare numbers you can tell which is greater and which is less. Let’s learn some about greater than, less than, and equal too.

  28. Compare numbers • Kahn academy Here are two different ways to look at comparing numbers.

  29. Greater than, less than, or equal • Gumballs • COMPARING NUMBER VALUES - MORE THAN, LESS THAN, EQUAL Some fun practice!

  30. Now we are going to practice. Turn in your math book to p. 43 and we will do 1-6 together.

  31. MB p. 44 #’s 7-19 odd • MB p. 45 #’s 33-45 odd • In your journal write <, >, or = • 60 32 • 3,861 3,861 • Play a math game from the black box. Math Task

  32. Lesson 3.1 objective- to use benchmark numbers to understand the relative magnitude of numbers.

  33. Which is greater? • 29 or 92 • 101 or 1,001 • 523 or 498 • 7 or 70 • 64 or 65 Let’s review

  34. What does estimate mean? • Benchmark numbers are numbers that help you estimate the number of objects without counting them. • What is an estimate? When might you use an estimate?

  35. Let’s compare Jar A to Jar B

  36. Why might you estimate the number of jelly beans in Jar B instead of counting them. • Why might you use a different benchmark to estimate the number of books in the school library than you would use to estimate the number of students in your classroom?

  37. Turn in your math book to p. 41 and we will do 1-4 together. Let’s practice

  38. Math book p. 41 #’s 5-10. • In your journal answer these questions. Choose a benchmark number of 10, 100, or 500 to estimate each. • People on a bus • Trays in the lunchroom • Number of words in a chapter • Math game from the box Math task

  39. Benchmark numbers Numbers that help you estimate the number of objects without counting them, such as 25, 50,100 and 1,000

  40. Compare to describe whether numbers are equal to, less than, or greater than each other.

  41. > Greater than A symbol used to compare two numbers, with the greater number given first. More

  42. < Less Than A symbol used to compare two numbers, with the lesser number given first. Smaller

  43. = Equal To Having the same value.

  44. Rounding Replacing a number with another number that tells about how many or how much. Home

  45. Rearrange the digits in 57,070 to form at least 12 different numbers. Read your numbers to a neighbor. POD lesson 3.1 Home

  46. Samantha is swimming across a lake to reach a diving platform that is 18 yards away. Every time she swims 6 yards, the waves push her back 2 yards. At this rate, how many times must she swim forward 6 yards to reach the platform? Lesson 3.2 Home Home

  47. Both Holly and Mike have 12 base-ten blocks. Mike has an equal number of hundreds, tens, and ones blocks. Holly has 3 tens and 5 ones, and the others are hundreds. Who can model a greater number? Lesson 3.3 Home

  48. Josh’s house is between Fran’s house and the school. Kay lives the closest to the school. Their houses are at 846,862, and 822 Main Street. What is the house number of each student? Lesson 3.4 Home

  49. Find the number whose thousands value is the same as the thousands value in 4,106; whose hundreds value is the same as the hundreds value in 2,039; whose tens value is the same as the tens value in 4,303; and whose ones value is the same as the ones value in 6,288. Lesson 3.5 Home

  50. Sue wrote all the numbers that can be rounded to 60. Lee wrote all the numbers that can be rounded to 600. Who wrote more numbers? How many more numbers? Lesson 3.6 Home

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