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EU Policy on ODS and F-Gases in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector

This discussion covers the controls on HCFCs and F-Gases in the EU, their impact on the refrigeration and air conditioning sectors, and concludes with insights on the technology and regulation driving forces. The EC Legislation on ozone-depleting substances is also covered, along with HCFC production controls and use controls for refrigerants. The regulation on F-Gases and MAC Directive are also discussed, along with the main elements and scope of the regulation.

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EU Policy on ODS and F-Gases in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector

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  1. EU Policy onODS and F-Gases in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector Peter Horrocks European Commission, DG ENV Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 28 February 2007

  2. Discussion of ... • Controls on HCFCs in EU • Controls on F-Gases in EU • Impact on Refrigeration and Air conditioning sectors • Conclusions

  3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sectors • Covers many sectors – ie. domestic, commercial, industrial, processing sectors • Many actors involved in production of equipment and gases, installation, servicing and maintenance and recovery • Employs a significant percentage of work force • Technology and regulation important driving forces

  4. EC Legislation on ozone depleting substances • Regulation (EC) 2037/2000 on ozone depleting substances, as amended, controls the production, importation, exportation, placing on the market, use, recovery, recycling, reclamation and destruction of all ODS including HCFC 22 • Commission Decision 2005/134/EC determines the mechanism for the allocation of quotas to producers and importers of HCFCs from 2003 to 2009

  5. HCFC Placing on the Market & Production Controls Current production of HCFCs can only be equal or less than 1997 production. Then intermediate phase- out steps with no production after 31.12.2025 Currently placing on the market 30% of 2001 baseline with no placing on the market of HCFCs in EU after 31.12.2009

  6. Total Placing on the Market of HCFCs –EU 27 *

  7. HCFC Production Controls: Review • The Commission reviewed in 2003 whether: - a cut ahead of 2008 should be proposed - changes to the production cuts post 2008 should be proposed • It concluded that current EC production and consumption controls were appropriate and no further adjustments are currently required

  8. HCFC use controls: refrigerants • Refrigeration, AC and Heat pumps in general - 1 Jan 2001 • Fixed AC < 100kW - 1 July 2002 • Reversible AC/Heat Pumps - 1 Jan 2004 • Servicing existing systems - virgin HCFCs - 1 Jan 2010 • Servicing existing systems - all HCFCs 1 Jan 2015 • Review of use of HCFCs in refrigeration - by end 2008

  9. HCFC use controls: exemptions & review • Mechanism for granting time-limited exemptions where it can be demonstrated that technically and feasible alternatives do not exist • Few granted, mainly medical, solvent applications • Provision for the Commission to review a few permitted uses and proposed changes

  10. HCFC controls:imports & exports • Imports of HCFCs subject to limits • All imports are licensed by Commission • Imports of products and equipment containing HCFCs prohibited - unless produced before use ban • HCFC exports permitted (except non-Party states) • All export are authorised by Commission • Exports of HCFC equipment and products permitted (but use of HCFCs banned for such exports on 31 Dec 2009)

  11. HCFC controls monitoring, emission control & end of life • Data reporting by producers, importers and exporters • Annual checks for leaks • Mandatory recovery of used HCFC from certain equipment • Recovery if practicable from other products • Recovered HCFC to be recycled or destroyed • Mandatory training of persons handling HCFCs

  12. F-Gases Regulation and MAC Directive One proposal but two elements, both entered into force 4.07.2006 • Regulation (EC) 842/2006 for containment and recovery, use bans and prohibitions – applies 4.07.2007 • Directive 2006/40/EC for phase out of HFCs > 150 GWP in mobile air-conditioning systems in motor vehicles – applies from 5.01.2008

  13. Drivers F-Gases Legislation • EU obligations under Kyoto Protocol • Emissions of F-Gases increasing strongly under BAU • Member States adopting own legislation • Agreement amongst stakeholders that regulatory action appropriate

  14. Main elements of Regulation • Scope • Containment and recovery measures 3. Training and Certification 4. Data reporting requirements 5. Labelling provisions • Marketing prohibitions and use restrictions • MS may retain stricter national marketing restrictions existing on 31.12.05 for four years after entry into force • Review on effectiveness in 2011

  15. Scope of Regulation It covers: • Fluorinated greenhouse gases in Kyoto Protocol – HFCs, PFCs and SF6 • Applies to fluorinated gases listed in Annex I together with respective GWPs • GWPs based on third assessment of IPCC • Annex I can be reviewed and updated in the light revisions under Kyoto Protocol (Article5(3)) • Preparations containing fluorinated greenhouse gases with a GWP< 150 not covered by provisions of the Regulation

  16. Containment • Applies to stationary applications in Article 3 • Obligation to minimise leakages and repair as soon as possible • Frequency of inspection schedule • Checking for leaks by certified personnel • Leakage detectors defined, mandatory for applications > 300kg but fire protection systems have four years grace • Operator defined, owner can be responsible for operator’s role • Checking for leakage defined • Maintenance of records on inspections and servicing companies and personnel • Commission to define standard inspection requirements and direct and indirect measuring methods of leakage detection in Committee • ISO 14520 standard for fire protection units can meet inspection standard

  17. Recovery • Recovery an obligation for operators by certified personnel for refrigeration/ac/equipment containing F-gases based solvents fire protection systems and fire extinguishers and high voltage switchgear • Recovery obligatory from refillable and non-refillable containers at end of life • Recovery in other products and equipment if technically possible and not disproportionate cost (e.g. foams, mobile air conditioning and refrigeration equipment except if serving military operations and mobile air conditioning) • Recovery to take place before final disposal or during servicing and maintenance • MS to facilitate cross-border shipment of recovered F-gases

  18. Training and Certification • Commission to establish minimum requirements and mutual recognition for personnel involved in installation maintenance or servicing with respect to refrigeration, air-conditioning and fire protection also for recovery, including mobile refrigeration and a/c, F-gases containers and high-voltage switchgear • Member States to establish or adjust their programmes to comply and notify Commission • Commission to establish notification format • Training and certification covers relevant personnel and companies and their relevant personnel • Operators have an obligation to ensure personnel used are trained and certified • Only certified personnel to take delivery of fluorinated ghg

  19. Labelling • Labelling applies to certain products and equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases – chemical name, using accepted industry nomenclature and indication it contains fluorinated greenhouse gases • Applies, inter alia, to refrigeration equipment containing PFCs; refrigeration/air-conditioning/ fire protection systems and extinguishers containing HFCs and swichgear containing SF6 • Information required in instruction manual • Commission with the committee shall establish the format of the label • Commission to examine possibility 2 years after entry into force of adding additional environmental information, incl GWP, to label

  20. Placing on the Market prohibitions

  21. Review - Refrigeration • Review of refrigeration systems in modes of transport and air conditioning systems other than those in motor vehicles • Assess effectiveness of containment measures and see if maximum leakage rates possible • Evaluate training and certification programmes in MS • Review reporting requirements • Assess need for European standards for controlling emissions of fluorinated ghg • Evaluate effectiveness of containment measures • State of technology review and best available techniques and environmental practices • Assess whether other products and equipment can be included in Annex II - prohibitions

  22. Some Issues for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning • Operator • Checking • Non-refillable containers • Log Books • Labelling

  23. Estimated Effects of Regulation and Directive • Applies to 27 Member States – nearly ½ billion people • Emission reduction around 21 Mtonnes of CO2 eq by 2012 - 15 Mtonnes of Co2 eq: containment - 6 Mtonnes of CO2 eq: prohibitions and use bans • 2020 around 40-50 Mtonnes of CO2 eq per annum with full benefits of phase out of HFC 134a in MACs

  24. Conclusions • Contributes to meeting Kyoto objectives • Focus on containment and recovery in Regulation and phase-out in Directive • A challenging Regulation to implement • Requires the commitment of all actors • Cooperation between relevant actors and authorities at each level is essential • First step in regulating emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases

  25. Further information • Commission Communication 2001 http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/en/com/pdf/2001/com2001_0580en01.pdf • Report of working group http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/chemicals/sustdev/fluorgases/gas1.pdf • Industrial Emissions Unit web-site http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/climat/eccpl.htm#fluorinatedgases Contact peter.horrocks@cec.eu.int

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