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CS310. Pushdown Automata Sections: 2.2 page 109 October 11, 2006. Quick Review. a , b -> c Read a from input, read b from stack, push c onto stack to take this transition a = ε , read no input b = ε , don’t pop data from stack c = ε , don’t push data onto stack. 0 , ε -> 0.

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  1. CS310 Pushdown Automata Sections: 2.2 page 109 October 11, 2006

  2. Quick Review a , b ->c Read a from input, read b from stack, push c onto stack to take this transition a = ε, read no input b = ε, don’t pop data from stack c = ε, don’t push data onto stack 0 , ε->0 ε , ε->$ 1 , 0 -> ε ε, $ -> ε 1, 0 -> ε

  3. Practice • { wwR | w  {0, 1}* } hint: push symbols onto the stack, at each point guess that the middle of the string has been reached and begin popping from stack

  4. Example • L = { aibjck | i, j, k  0, i = j or i = k } • Hint: push as onto the stack, then pop and match with either bs or cs.

  5. Theorem • A Language is context free if and only if there exists a PDA that recognizes it. • Lemma: • If a language is context free, the some PDA recognizes it • Show: a CFG can be transformed into a PDA • Lemma: • If a PDA recognizes a language, the it is context free

  6. Construct PDA from CFG • L = {anbbn | n  0 } S -> aSb | b S -> aSb-> aaSbb -> aabbb 1) Place $, start variable on stack 2) Repeat: a) if variable A is on top of stack, use replacement rule A (pop)->w (push) b) if terminal on top, read input, compare. If match, repeat, else die c) if $ on top, enter accept, die if there’s more input

  7. Example • S-> aSb | b

  8. Chomsky Normal Form • CNF presents a grammar in a standard, simplified form: A-> BC A ->a S -> ε • Where A,B,C are variables and B and C are not the start variable • a is a terminal • The rule S -> ε is allowed so the language can generate the empty string (optional)

  9. CNF Benefits • Easier to prove statements about CFG’s when in CNF • Any CFG can be converted to CNF • Remove productions: A -> ε A -> B A -> s, s contains a terminal and |s| > 1 A -> s, |s| > 2 s { V U ∑ }*

  10. Removing A -> ε T -> UAV Remove: A -> ε Therefore: T-*> UV Add: T-> UV • A variable A is nullable if A-*> ε Find all nullable variables Remove all εtransitions If T -> s1As2 and A nullable then add T -> s1s2

  11. Example S -> TU T -> AB A -> aA |ε B -> bB |ε U -> ccA | B Nullable variables? Productions removed? Productions added?

  12. Removing A ->B (Unit Productions) Remove: A-> B B-> s Therefore: A-*> s Add: A-> s s { V U ∑ }* • A variable B is A-derivable if A-*>B Find all A-derivable variables for each A Remove all unit transitions If B -> s and B is A-derivable then add A -> s

  13. Example S -> TU | T | U T -> AB | A | B A -> aA | a B -> bB | b U -> ccA | B | cc S-derivable: T-derivable: U-derivable: Productions removed: Productions added:

  14. Remove A-> S1aS2 A-> S1aS2 a  ∑, S1 and S2 strings, at least one is not empty Create Xa-> a A-> S1XaS2

  15. Remove A-> S1XaS2 A -> S1XaS2S3 A -> S1W1 W1 -> XaW2 W2 -> S2S3

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