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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. BY EKA ANDRIANI NOVALIA RIZKANISA VELA DESTINA. Pengertian. Penelitian Korelasi Menunjukkan hubungan antara dua variabel atau lebih . Korelasi terbagi 2 : Korelasi Kausal Korelasi Linier. Korelasional Linier.

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  2. Pengertian PenelitianKorelasi Menunjukkanhubunganantaraduavariabelataulebih. Korelasiterbagi 2 : • KorelasiKausal • Korelasi Linier

  3. Korelasional Linier • Merupakanduavariabel yang sejajar, tidakmenjadipenyebabataupunakibatsatusama lain. • Korelasional linier termasukdaribentukkuantitatif

  4. Tujuan Untukmenemukanadatidaknyahubunganantaraduavariabel yang setaradanapabilaada, seberapaeratnyahubungansertaberartiatautidaknyahubunganitu.

  5. Cara MenghitungKorelasi KorelasiProduct Moment rxy = NΣXY-(ΣX)(ΣY) {NΣX2– (ΣX)2} {NΣY2 – (ΣY)2} n = banyaknyasampel x = variabel 1 y = variabel 2

  6. Example The correlation between speaking score and listening score at the eleventh grade student of SMAN 3 Langsa.

  7. Background of the problem Based on the role of English in Education, there are four skills to master English including; listening, speaking, reading and writing. The point is students have to be able to master those four skills.

  8. Background of the Problem Moreover, two of skills in syllabus that is taught for the students at the eleventh grade of SMAN 3 Langsa is specifically in listening and speaking ability................................... Listening and speaking are always using together . ........................................................................

  9. Background of the Problem Based on the description above, the reseacher is interested to conduct a research entitled The Correlation between speaking score and listening score at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 Langsa

  10. Formulation of the Problem 1. Is there any correlation between speaking scores and listening scores in SMAN 3 Langsa? 2. How to determine the scores in the speaking and listening ?

  11. Theoritical Framework Theories of : Speaking ............................... Listening .................................. The Correlation between .......................

  12. HYPOTHESES Ha :There is a positive correlation between speaking score and listening score at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 Langsa. Ho :There is no positive correlation between speakingscore and listening score at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 3Langsa.

  13. Purposes of the Study The purpose of study in this research are: 1. To investigate the correlation between speaking scoreand listening score at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 Langsa. 2. To determine speaking score and listening score at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 Langsa.

  14. Research Method Research Method and Variable of the research Correlation Study ....................................... Variable (X) = Listening Score Variable (Y) = Speaking Score

  15. Data Collection • Test ..................................................................... the students will be asked to do the test by listening the text and answer the question based on the listening. Then after collected the listening test, students will be asked to retell the text orally. the writer needs to do try out to the test with some procedures; they are validity and reliability.

  16. Population and Sample Population The population in this sudy is All of the eleventh grade students of SMAN3 Langsa which consists of 3 classes. Meanwhile, the total of population of seventh grade is 100 students.

  17. Sample According to Arikunto if the population are more than 100, the sample can be taken from 10%-15% 0r 20%-25%. In this case, the researcher takes 15% from 266 students in population that is 40 students as the sample by using random sampling

  18. Data Analysis Correlation Product Moment Testing a Hypothesis Regresi


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