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Orthogonalization via Deflation By Achiya Dax Hydrological Service Jerusalem , Israel

Orthogonalization via Deflation By Achiya Dax Hydrological Service Jerusalem , Israel e-mail: dax20@water.gov.il. Overview * Motivation: The Symmetric Case * Rectangular Quotients * Retrieval of Singular Vectors * Rectangular Iterations

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Orthogonalization via Deflation By Achiya Dax Hydrological Service Jerusalem , Israel

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  1. Orthogonalization via Deflation By Achiya Dax Hydrological Service Jerusalem , Israel e-mail: dax20@water.gov.il

  2. Overview *Motivation: The Symmetric Case * Rectangular Quotients * Retrieval of Singular Vectors * Rectangular Iterations * Orthogonalization via Deflation * Applications

  3. The Symmetric Case S = ( sij ) a symmetric positive semi-definite n x n matrix With eigenvalues l1 ³ l2 ³ ... ³ ln ³ 0 and eigenvectors v1 , v2 , … , vn S vj =ljvj, j = 1, … , n . S V = V D V = [v1 , v2 , … , vn] , VTV = V VT = I D = diag {l1,l2,…,ln} S = V D VT = SljvjvjT

  4. Low-Rank Approximations S =l1v1v1T+ … +lnvnvnT T1=l1v1v1T T2=l1v1v1T+l2v2v2T . . . Tk=l1v1v1T+l2v2v2T+ … +lkvkvkT Tkis a low-rank approximation of order k .

  5. The Euclidean vector norm u = (u1 , u2 , … , un)T ||u||2= ( uTu ) ½ = ] S uj 2½[ The Frobenius matrix norm A = ( aij ) , ||A|| F] = S S| aij|2½[

  6. AMinimumNormProblem Let the vector v* solve the minimum norm problem minimize E(v) =||S- vvT||F 2 . Then v1 = v* / || v* ||2andl1 = (v*)Tv* constitutes a dominant eigenpair of S .

  7. The Rayleigh Quotient r=r (v,S) =vTSv/vTv solves the minimum norm problem minimize f(q) =||Sv - qv||2 r estimates an eigenvalue corresponding to V

  8. ASimple Error Bound Given r=r (v,S) =vTSv/vTv there exists an eigenvalue l of S such that |l - r| £ ||Sv - rv||2

  9. A Second Minimum Norm Problem Given any unit vector u , ||u||2=1 , the Rayleigh Quotient r(u) =uTSu/uTu=uTSu solves the one parameter problem minimizef (q) =|| S- quuT || F2

  10. The Power Method Starting with some unit vector p0 . The kth iteration, k = 1, 2, 3, … , Step 1:Computewk=Spk-1 Step 2:Computerk= (pk-1)Twk Step 3: Normalizepk = wk/||wk||2

  11. THE POWER METHOD Asymptotic Rates of Convergence ( Assuming l1>l2 ) {pk}av1at a linear rate, proportionaltol2/l1 {rk}al1at a linear rate, proportionalto (l2/l1)2 Monotony:l1³…³rk³… ³r2³r1> 0

  12. THE POWER METHOD The asymptotic rates of convergence depend on the ratio l2/l1 and can be arbitrarily slow. Yet rk provides a fair estimate of l1 within a few iterations ! For a “worst case analysis” see D.P. O’Leary, G.W. Stewart and J.S. Vandergraft, “Estimating the largest eigenvalue of a positive definite matrix”, Math. of Comp., 33(1979), pp. 1289 – 1292.

  13. THE POWER METHOD An eigenvector vj is called “large” if lj³l1/2and “small” if lj<l1/2 . Inmost of the practical situations, for “small” eigenvectors pkTvj becomes negligible after a small number of iterations. Thus, after a few iterationspkactually lies in a subspace spanned by “large” eigenvectors.

  14. Deflation by Subtraction S =l1v1v1T+ … +lnvnvnT. S1= S -l1v1v1T= l2 v2v2T+ … + lnvnvnT . S2= S1-l2v2v2T= l3v3v3T+ … +lnvnvnT . . . . Sn-1=lnvnvnT . Sn= 0 . Hotelling (1933, 1943)

  15. Can we extend these tools to rectangular matrices?

  16. The Rectangular Case A = (aij) a real m x n matrix , p = min{m,n} With singular values s1³s2³…³sp³ 0 , Left singular vectors u1 , u2 , … , up Right singular vectors v1 , v2 , … , vp Avj=sjuj , ATuj=sjvj = 1,…,p .

  17. The Singular Value Decomposition A = U S VT S= diag {s1,s2,…,sp} , p = min{m,n} U = [u1 , u2 , … , up] , UTU = I V = [v1 , v2 , … , vp] , VTV = I AV = US ATU = VS Avj=sjuj , ATuj=sjvjj=1, … , p .

  18. Low - Rank Approximations A = U S VT=SsjujvjT A=s1u1v1T+ s2u2v2T+ … +spupvpT . B1=s1u1v1T B2=s1u1v1T+ s2u2v2T . . . Bk=s1u1v1T+ s2u2v2T+ … +skukvkT Bk is a low-rank approximation of order k . (Also called "truncated SVD“ or “filtered SVD”.)

  19. A Minimum Norm Problem Let the vectors u* and v* solve the problem minimize F(u,v) =||A- uvT||F2 then u1 = u* / || u* ||2 , v1 = v* / || v* ||2 , and s1 = || u* ||2 || v* ||2 ( See the Eckhart-Young Theorem.)

  20. The Rectangular Quotient Given two vectors , u and v , the Rectangular Rayleigh Quotient r(u,v) =uTAv/||u||2||v||2 estimates the “corresponding” singular value.

  21. The Rectangular Rayleigh Quotient Given two unit vectors , u and v , the Rectangular Rayleigh Quotient r(u,v) =uTAv/||u||2||v||2 solves the following three problems minimize f1(q) =||A- quvT||F minimize f2(q) =||Av - qu||2 minimize f3(q) =||ATu - qv||2

  22. Approximating a left singular vector Given a right singular vector, v1, the corresponding left singular vector, u1, is attained by solving the least norm problem minimize g(u)=||A- uv1T||F2 That is, u1 = Av1/v1Tv1. (The rows of A are orthogonalized against v1T .)

  23. Approximating a right singular vector Given a left singular vector , u1 , the corresponding right singular vector , v1 , is attained by solving the least norm problem minimize h(v)=||A– u1vT||F2 That is, v1 = ATu1/u1Tu1. (The columns of A are orthogonalized against u1.)

  24. Rectangular Iterations - Motivation The kth iteration , k = 1, 2, 3, … , starts with uk-1 and vk-1 and ends with uk and vk . Given vk-1 the vector uk is obtained by solving the problem minimize g(u) =||A-uvk-1T||F2. That is, uk = Avk-1 / vk-1Tvk-1 . Then, vk is obtained by solving the problem minimize h(v) =||A- ukvT||F2 , which gives vk=ATuk/ ukTuk.

  25. Rectangular Iterations – Implementation The kth iteration , k = 1, 2, 3, … , uk=Avk-1/vk-1Tvk-1, vk=ATuk/ukTuk . The sequence {vk/||vk||2} is obtained by applying the Power Method on the matrix ATA . The sequence{uk/||uk||2} is obtained by applying the Power Method on the matrix AAT .

  26. Left Iterations uk=Avk-1/vk-1Tvk-1, vk=ATuk/ukTuk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vkTvk=vkTATuk/ukTuk Right Iterations vk=ATuk-1/uk-1Tuk-1 , uk=Avk/vkTvk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ukTuk=ukTAvk/vkTvk Can one see a difference?

  27. Some Useful Relations In both cases we have ukTuk vkTvk=ukTAvk , ||uk||2||vk||2=ukTAvk/||uk||2||vk||2=r(uk,vk) , and h(uk,vk)=ukTAvk/ukTukvkTvk=1 . The objective functionF(u,v) =||A -uvT||F2 satisfiesF(uk,vk) =||A||F2-ukTukvkTvk and F(uk,vk) -F(uk+1 ,vk+1) = = uk+1Tuk+1vk+1Tvk+1 -ukTukvkTvk > 0

  28. Convergence Properties Inherited from the Power Method, assuming s1>s2. The sequences {uk/||uk||2} and {vk/||vk||2} converge at a linear rate, proportional to (s2/s1)2 . {ukTukvkTvk} a (s1)2 at a linear rate, proportional to (s2/s1)4 Monotony: (s1)2³uk+1Tuk+1vk+1Tvk+1³ ukTukvkTvk > 0

  29. Convergence Properties rk = ||uk||2||vk||2 provides a fair estimate ofs1 within a few rectangular iterations !

  30. Convergence Properties After a few rectangular iterations {rk , uk ,vk} provides a fair estimate of a dominant triplet {r1 , u1 ,v1} .

  31. Deflation by Subtraction A1= A =s1u1v1T+ … +spupvpT . A2= A1-s1u1v1T=s2u2v2T+ … +spupvpT A3= A2-s2u2v2T=s3u3v3T+ … +spvpvpT . . . Ak+1= Ak-skukvkT=sk+1uk+1vk+1T+…+spupvpT . . .

  32. Deflation by Subtraction A1= A A2= A1-s1u1v1T A3= A2-s2u2v2T . . . Ak+1= Ak-skukvkT . . . where { sk , uk ,vk } denotes a computed dominant singular triplet of Ak .

  33. The Main Motivation At the kth stage , k = 1, 2, … , a few rectangular iterations provide a fair estimate of adominant tripletof AK .

  34. Low - Rank Approximation Via Deflation s1³s2³ … ³sp³ 0, A=s1u1v1T+ s2u2v2T+ … +spupvpT . B1=s*1u*1v*1T ( * means computed values ) B2=s*1u*1v*1T+ s*2u*2v*2T . . . Bl= s*1u*1v*1T+ s*2u*2v*2T+ …+s*lu*lv*lT Bl is a low - rank approximation of order l . ( Also called "truncated SVD“ orthe “filtered part” of A . )

  35. Low - Rank Approximation of Order l A=s1u1v1T+ s2u2v2T+ … +spupvpT . Bl= s*1u*1v*1T+ s*2u*2v*2T+ …+s*lu*lv*lT Bl= UlSlVlT Ul= [u*1,u*2,…,u*l] , Vl= [v*1,v*2,…, v*l] , Sl= diag{s*1 , s*2 , … , s*l} ( * means computed values )

  36. What About Orthogonality ? Does UlTUl= I and VlTVl= I? The theory behind the Power Method suggests that the more accurate are the computed singular triplets the smaller is the deviation from orthogonality . Is there a difference ( regarding deviation from orthogonality ) between Ul and Vl?

  37. Orthogonality Properties ( Assuming exact arithmetic . ) Theorem 1 : Consider the case when each singular triplet, {s*j,u*j,v*j} , is computed by a finite number of "Left Iterations". (At least one iteration for each triplet. ) In this case UlTUl = IandUlTAl = 0 regardless the actual number of iterations !

  38. Left Iterations uk=Avk-1/vk-1Tvk-1, vk=ATuk/ukTuk. Right Iterations vk=ATuk-1/uk-1Tuk-1 , uk=Avk/vkTvk. Can one see a difference?

  39. Orthogonality Properties ( Assuming exact arithmetic . ) Theorem 2 : Consider the case when each singular triplet, {s*j,u*j,v*j} , is computed by a finite number of “Right Iterations". (At least one iteration for each triplet. ) In this case VlTVl = I and AlVl = 0 regardless the actual number of iterations !

  40. Finite Termination Assuming exact arithmetic, r=rank(A) . Corollary :In both caseswe have A = Br = s*1u*1v*1T + … + s*ru*rv*rT, regardless the number of iterations per singular triplet !

  41. A New QR Decomposion Assuming exact arithmetic ,r=rank(A) . In both caseswe obtain an effective “rank–revealing”QR decomposition A = UrSr VrT. In “Left Iterations”UrTUr = I . In “Right Iterations” VrTVr = I.

  42. The Orthogonal Basis Problem Is to compute an orthogonal basisof Range(A). The Householder and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizations methods use a “column pivoting for size” policy, which completely determine the basis.

  43. The Orthogonal Basis Problem The new method , “Orthogonalization via Deflation” , has larger freedom in choosing the basis. At the kth stage, the ultimate choice for a new vector to enterthe basis is uk , the kth left singular vector of A . ( But accurate computation of uk can be “too expensive”. )

  44. The Main Theme At the kth stage , a few rectangular iterations are sufficient to provide a fair subtitute of uk .

  45. Applications *Missing data reconstruction. * Low-rank approximations of large sparse matrices. * Low-rank approximations of tensors.

  46. Applications in Missing Data Reconstruction Consider the case when some entries of A are missing. * Missing Data in DNA Microarrays * Tables of Annual Rain Data * Tables of Water Levels in Observation Wells * Web Search Engines Standard SVD algorithms are unable to handle such matrices. The Minimum Norm Approach is easily adapted to handle matrices with missing entries.

  47. A Modified Algorithm The objective function F(u,v) =||A- uvT||F2 is redefined as F(u,v) =SS( aij – uivj )2 , where the sum is restricted to known entries of A . ( As before, u= (u1, u2, … , um)Tandv= (v1, v2, … , vn)T denote the vectors of unknowns. )

  48. Overview *Motivation: The Symmetric Case * Rectangular Quotients * Retrieval of Singular Vectors * Rectangular Iterations * Orthogonalization via Deflation * Applications

  49. The END Thank You

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