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Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen im 7.EU-Rahmenprogramm Regionale Auftaktkonferenz Salzburg

Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen im 7.EU-Rahmenprogramm Regionale Auftaktkonferenz Salzburg 13.11.2006. Forschungskooperationen mit kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen im 7. EU-Rahmenprogramm Dr. Ines Haberl FFG – Europäische und Internationale Programme Pharmacenter Vienna, 10.01.2007.

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Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen im 7.EU-Rahmenprogramm Regionale Auftaktkonferenz Salzburg

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  1. Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen im 7.EU-Rahmenprogramm Regionale Auftaktkonferenz Salzburg 13.11.2006 Forschungskooperationen mit kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen im 7. EU-Rahmenprogramm Dr. Ines Haberl FFG – Europäische und Internationale Programme Pharmacenter Vienna, 10.01.2007

  2. Overview • Research for SMEs/SME-Associations • EUREKA • Platforms

  3. Cooperation (EUR 32,365 billion) 10 Themes Health Environment (including climate change) Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Transport (including Aeronautics) Information and Communication Technologies Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities Nano-sciences, Nanotechn., Materials & New Production Space Energy Security Ideas (EUR 7,460 billion) Funding of „frontier“ research Participation of single research teams, criteria: excellence Implementierung: Europäischer Forschungsrat 4 specific programmes People (EUR 4,728 billion) Initial training of researchers, Life-long training and carrier development, Industry-acadmia pathways and partnerships, the International dimension, specific actions Capacities (EUR 4,217 billion) -Research infrastructures -Research for the benefit of SMEs -Regions of knowlegde -Research potential -Science in society -Support to the coherent development of research policies -Activities of international cooperation Non-nuclear actions of the Joint Research Centre (EUR1,751 billion) und EURATOM Structure of FP7 (2007-2013)

  4. Collaboration Industry andRTD-performers • Research for SMEs • Research for SME-Associations

  5. Research for SMEs Project participation scheme RTD-performers Industry at least 2 universities research centres industrial companies research performing SMEs at least 3 SMEs from at least 3 countries (MS, AS)

  6. Research for SME-Associations Project participation scheme Industry RTD-performers at least 2 universities research centres industrial companies research performing SMEs at least 3 SME-Ass. from at least 3 countries (MS, AS) or 1 European SME-Ass. + at least 2 SMEs

  7. Research for SMEs/SME-AssociationsKey features • Bottom up approach (entire field of science & technology) • SMEs/SME-Associations outsource research & technological development • Relationship between SMEs/SME-Associations is a „customer-seller“ relationship • Flexibility on intellectual property rights • Participation of other enterprises and end-users

  8. Research for SMEs/SME-AssociationsType of activities • Research and technological development activities • Demonstration activities • Other activieties (trainings, dissemination activities) • Management activities

  9. Research for SMEs/SME-Associations * Share of R&D carried out by RTD performers : ≥ 60% Source: European Commission

  10. Research for SMEs/SME-Associations Calls are open! Research for SMEs: FP7-SME-2007-1 closure date: 4th september 2007 Research for SME Associations: FP7-SME-2007-2 closure date: 1st june 2007 http://rp7.ffg.at/RP7.aspx http://cordis.europa.eu/en/home.html

  11. Gesundheit aus dem Weingarten„PARADOX“"French Paradox - Red wine extract food additives" Koordinator: GAT – Formulation GmbH, Österreich Projektlaufzeit: 02/04 – 02/06 Projektkosten: 1.368.083 EUR (davon 1.004.553 EUR EU-Förderung) Partner: AT: GAT - Formulation GmbH, Österreich Weingut Heinrich NATEX Prozess- technologie GmbHAT/DE: KUK-HandelsGmbH AT/FR: ATYS-GroupES: Bodegas RODA S.A. CAMPI Y JOVÉ sa., Barcelona FR: Chapoutier VALMAR sa., Aubange SI: TILIA Wine Cellar CINS d.o.o. HU: VINCELLER DE: ChiroBlock GmbH UK: Queen Mary University London IT: Universität of Udine GR: University of Crete, School of Medicine (UOC)

  12. Contact: Philippe Loward (philippe.loward@ffg.at) Petra Zwirn (petra.zwirn@ffg.at) Tel 057755 4902 More Informations: www.eureka.be www.ffg.at/eureka EUREKA • Trans-European bottom up F&E initiative • 37 European countries, Israel and EC • market-orientated research for innovative products, methods or services • At least 2 participants from 2 E!-countries • No thematic restraints, no calls – submission at any time • National funding is possible More informations: www.eureka.be www.ffg.at/eureka

  13. SMEs go Health – key facts • Submission: 9th of November 2005 (4th Call of them. priority 1) Specific Support Action • Coordination: Austrian Research Promotion Agency • Consortium: 29 partners from 27 countries (12 MS, 8 NMS, 3 AS, 4 CC) • Anticipated start date: 1st February 2007 • http://www.smesgolifesciences.be/common/home.asp

  14. Objectives of “SMEs go Health” Strengthen transnational research cooperations between SMEs and academic institutions, encourage the establishment of joint research projects by using the funding opportunities of FP7 in the Health area 3 major areas of activities Awareness Better visibility Support in Information of SMEs and consortium Training researchers building, Partnering Assistance know-how Matching Database Profiles‘ catalogues Dissemination & promotion Project ideas Electronic Matching tool Brokerage events Individual matching Profiling Events Individual con- sultation Info material

  15. Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit Kontakt: Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft www.ffg.at Dr. Ines Haberl Bereich Europäische & Internationale Programme

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