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Streamgaging Task Force Final Report

Streamgaging Task Force Final Report. Advisory Committee on Water Information Herndon, Virginia April 3, 2002. Advisory Committee on Water Information Streamgaging Task Force.

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Streamgaging Task Force Final Report

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  1. Streamgaging Task ForceFinal Report Advisory Committee on Water Information Herndon, Virginia April 3, 2002

  2. Advisory Committee on Water InformationStreamgaging Task Force Charge: Determine the streamflow information needs of the Nation, identify the optimal streamgaging network to meet the needs, and prepare recommendations for funding responsibilities.

  3. Streamgaging Task Force Members Interstate Council on Water Policy U. S. Geological Survey American Association of State Geologists American Society of Civil Engineers American Water Resources Association Association of State Floodplain Managers Association of Western State Engineers Ground Water Protection Council

  4. Streamgaging Task Force Members Tennessee Valley Authority Western States Water Council Bureau of Reclamation National Weather Service Natural Resources Conservation Service U. S. Environmental Protection Agency U. S. Army Corps of Engineers

  5. Streamgaging Task ForcePlan • Identify goals of a national network • Compile information on all available streamgaging stations • Evaluate achievement of National goals using the USGS network model • Identify additional stations needed to achieve each goal • Estimate cost of new or upgraded stations • Propose a long-term funding strategy • Submit recommendations to the ACWI

  6. Streamgaging Task ForceConcurrent Activities • USGS developed their own plan for a National Streamflow Information Program (NSIP). • The Interstate Council on Water Policy was commissioned to conduct a series of four workshops on NSIP and considerations for a national streamgaging network.

  7. Streamgaging Task ForceNational Network Goals • NWS and NRCS forecast points • Key river basins • River basin compacts and decrees and major river crossings of state, tribal, and international boundaries • Representative streams and rivers for flow estimation and long-term trends • National water-quality monitoring network streams • NFIP communities • Rivers with impaired water quality

  8. Streamgaging Task ForceNational Network Goals • Rivers with NPDES permits exceeding 10 MGD • Rivers with significant canoeing, kayaking and rafting • Rivers draining Federal lands • Major rivers with diversions • Inflow and outflow of major reservoirs • Rivers supporting migratory fish populations • Rivers used for commercial navigation

  9. Network Model • Conterminous U.S. • 60,000 streams (total 1M kilometers) • 329 river basins and 2,200 watersheds • NWS and NRCS sites • 21,600 NFIP communities • 303(d) file of impaired reaches • 60,000 NPDES permits • Reservoir inventory • Whitewater inventory • Water use by county and HUC • 20,000 streamflow stations • 7,000 USGS active • 1,800 other agency stations • 440 new NSIP stations

  10. Goal 7: Provide river discharge data for all watersheds that have impaired water quality Metric: • Operate a station on each RF1 river reach with impaired water • Add additional stations to the same river only when the drainage area increases by 20 percent

  11. Stream Reaches with Impaired Water Quality Gages Active Site - 1616 Inactive Site - 1221 Other Agency Site - 207 Proposed NSIP Site - 76 New Site - 6003 Total 9123 Gages Required, of which 3120 Existing

  12. Summary of Requirements NWS and NRCS forecasting 3,373 Major river basins 384 Compacts and borders 538 Flow estimation and trends 849 Water-quality monitoring 209 NFIP communities 7,297 Impaired water quality 9,123 NPDES permits 2,116 River safety 4,350 Federal lands 89 Surface-water diversions 27 Reservoirs 1,526 Migratory fish habitat 296 Commercial navigation 208 Total individual requirements 30,631 Actual number of stations required 18,330

  13. Number of Goals Met By Proposed Network Stations (30,631 requirements; 18,330 stations) 1 Goal – 12,210 Sites 2 Goals – 4,170 Sites 3-4 Goals – 1,800 Sites 5-9 Goals – 149 Sites

  14. Streamgaging Task ForceNetwork Recommendations Recommendation 1. -- USGS should adopt the following goals for NSIP: A. Support NWS and NRCS flow forecasting B. Monitor streamflow of hydrologic cataloguing units (8-digit HUCs) C. Support Compacts, Supreme Court decrees, and international border crossings D. Monitor long-term trends in streamflow with an expanded Hydrologic Benchmark Network

  15. Streamgaging Task ForceNetwork Recommendations Recommendation 2. – Use the COOP program and the watershed approach for meeting other streamflow information needs • Establish new stations in HUC 10 watersheds based on local, state, and national needs • 25 percent coverage of each HUC 8 watershed

  16. Streamgaging Task ForceNetwork Recommendations Recommendation 3. -- Stations providing flood data about communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program should have a high priority within the USGS COOP program. • USGS and Federal Emergency Management Agency work with communities to establish a crest-stage gage network

  17. Proposed NSIP Streamgaging Network

  18. NWS and NRCS Forecast Sites NWS NRCS Gages 234 2004 Active 153 Inactive 583 36 235 Other Agency 2 Proposed NSIP 305 94 New Site Total 519 NRCS Gages Total 3127 NWS Gages 3373 Total Gages Required, 273 Gages Both NWS and NRCS

  19. NWS Forecast Sites in Alaska 41- Active NSIP 27- Inactive NSIP 30 – New NSIP 98 Total Stations

  20. Hydrologic Cataloguing Units 1056 - Active 167 - Other Agency 340 - Inactive 38 - Proposed NSIP Station 1601 Stations shown, 816 New not shown Total 2417 Stations required to fully meet goal 786 out of 2,120 HUC8 areas without a streamgaging station that qualifies

  21. Hydrologic Cataloguing Units in Alaska 81 HUC8s w/ Gage 57 HUC8s wo/ Gage Total 138 HUC8’s 20- Active NSIP 17- Inactive NSIP 15 – New NSIP 52 Total NSIP Stations 7 – Active non-NSIP 22- Inactive non-NSIP 57 – New non-NSIP (not shown) 138 Total Stations

  22. Compact and International Border Stations Streamgages Active - 241 Other - 8 Inactive - 3 New - 4 Total - 256

  23. Physiographic Sections and Existing Benchmark Stations (Total 96 Streamgages in lower 48 Required) Benchmark stations Total Active - 2690 Total Other Agency - 304 Total Inactive - 774 Total New – 449, (817 not shown) Total 75 Sections, Total 59 Benchmark stations. 38 Sections w/ Benchmarks, 37 Sections w/ active stations

  24. Proposed Hydrologic Benchmark Stations 10- Active 5- Inactive 5 - New

  25. Proposed NSIP Network for Hawaii 17 Total NSIP Stations 13- Active NSIP 1- Inactive NSIP 3 – New NSIP Proposed NSIP Network for Puerto Rico (St. Thomas, St. Johns St. Croix) 23- Active NSIP Stations

  26. Streamgaging Task ForceFunding and Related Strategies Recommendation 4. – The USGS should implement the network components of NSIP in five years Recommendation 5. -- USGS and its’ cooperators should continue to seek increases in COOP. • Restore historic 50:50 funding

  27. Streamgaging Task ForceFunding and Related Strategies Recommendation 6. -- Network components of NSIP should be implemented by using funding increases to support new or reactivated stations and infrastructure costs. Recommendation 7. -- Each USGS District, in collaboration with its’ cooperators, should develop a streamgaging strategy, including a priority system for adding new stations.

  28. Streamgaging Task ForceFunding and Related Strategies Recommendation 8. – USGS should use NSIP infrastructure funds to verify and upgrade, if necessary, the quality and distribution of data from stations operated by other agencies. Recommendation 9. -- USGS should continue cooperation with other Federal agencies. Recommendation 10. – A similar network evaluation should be conducted in another 10 years.

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