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Pressure Groups

Pressure Groups. Their role in a Democracy. Aim of a Pressure Group. Pressure Groups do not seek to govern the country . They seek to influence the government to take their views into account when formulating new laws. Rights To recruit members To publicise their cause

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Pressure Groups

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pressure Groups Their role in a Democracy

  2. Aim of a Pressure Group • Pressure Groups do not seek to govern the country . • They seek to influence the government to take their views into account when formulating new laws

  3. Rights To recruit members To publicise their cause To campaign for change Responsibilities To act within the law. To recognise democratic government Rights and Responsibilities

  4. Types of Pressure Groups • When discussing Pressure Groups we can divide them into two types • Cause Groups • Interest Groups

  5. Cause Groups • Members are united by the fact that they have a shared view of the way society could be improved. • Child Poverty Action Group • Shelter • Greenpeace

  6. Interest Groups 1 • These groups exist to advance the economic or professional interests of their members. • Trade Unions • Employers Associations • Professional associations

  7. Examples of Interest Groups • TUC • CBI • BMA • NFU

  8. Interest Groups 2 • These groups can sometimes be described as insider groups. • This means they have access to the decision makers. • NFU consulted by senior civil servants about regulations concerning BSE or Foot and Mouth

  9. Insider Groups • BMA consulted by government when new legislation being introduced regarding health or the reform of the NHS

  10. Cause Groups • These groups do not have the same access to the decision makers as interest groups. They therefore rely on other methods to influence the government

  11. Reasons for the growth of Pressure Groups • Disillusionment with political parties • Growth of central and European govt’s has meant much more laws and regulations. Therefore people more likely to be affected by these decisions. • Success of other pressure groups

  12. Allows more participation. Allows more scrutiny of government Important decisions often made by small group of influential people in private Are pressure groups good for democracy

  13. Methods of Cause Groups • Petitions • Lobbying Parliament • Press campaigns • Direct Action

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