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Alfalab and the e-Humanities Group Present and future of the microtoponym pilot

Alfalab and the e-Humanities Group Present and future of the microtoponym pilot. Douwe Zeldenrust Meertens Institute (KNAW) Amsterdam, The Netherlands douwe.zeldenrust@meertens.knaw.nl. Rob Zeeman Meertens Instituut (KNAW) Amsterdam, The Netherlands rob.zeeman@meertens.knaw.nl.

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Alfalab and the e-Humanities Group Present and future of the microtoponym pilot

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alfalab and the e-Humanities Group Present and future of the microtoponym pilot Douwe Zeldenrust Meertens Institute (KNAW) Amsterdam, The Netherlands douwe.zeldenrust@meertens.knaw.nl Rob Zeeman Meertens Instituut (KNAW) Amsterdam, The Netherlands rob.zeeman@meertens.knaw.nl Alfalab is being created by Anne Beaulieu • Joris van Zundert • Douwe Zeldenrust • Rob Zeeman • Maarten Hoogerwerf • Charles van den Heuvel • Smiljana Antonijevic • Ruud Bronmans • Dirk Roorda • Leen Breure • Karina van Dalen • Ronald Dekker • Arjen Versloot • Sander Strating • Derk Drukker • Kees Mandemakers • Henk Wals • Paul Wouters • Peter Doorn • Reinier Salverda • Melle de Vries • Hans Bennis • Suzanne van Kaam • Bas Doppen • and a growing number of others cooperating...

  2. Spheres of Alfalab* * D.A. Zeldenrust (2010) ‘Spheres of Alfalab, Virtual Research Environments between research questions and infrastructure’ (Vienna: SDH 2010).

  3. Microptoponym pilot: ‘Tools and datasets tailored to facilitate a specific research workflow over a distributed digital infrastructure that transcends institutional borders.’* GEO tools Database Dataset Dataset MI CLARIN RIP Viewer FA Annotation- Demo *Zundert, Joris van, Smiljana Antonijevic, Anne Beaulieu, Karina van Dalen-Oskam, Douwe Zeldenrust, and Tara Andrews.Under Review. "Cultures of Formalization: Towards an encounter between humanities and computing." In: David M. Berry (ed.) Understanding Digital Humanities: The Computational Turn and New Technology. (Palgrave Macmillan, London 2011) pp 12.

  4. GISpilot Home

  5. GEOreferencer

  6. GEOreferencer

  7. GEOreferencer

  8. GEOtagger

  9. GEOtagger

  10. Additional results publications: • Zundert, Joris van, Antonijevic, Smiljana, Beaulieu, Anne, Dalen-Oskam, Karina van, Zeldenrust, Douwe and Andrews, Tara, "Cultures of Formalization Towards an encounter between humanities and computing" in: Computational Turn workshop (Swansea, 2010). • Zundert, Joris van, Zeldenrust, Douwe and Beaulieu, Anne, “Alfalab: Construction and Deconstruction of a Digital Humanities Experiment” in: e-Science 2009, Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science (Oxford, 2009), pp 1-5. Presentations: • D.A. Zeldenrust, Spheres of Alfalab, Virtual Research Environments between research questions and infrastructure, poster presentation with abstract at SDH 2010 (Supporting Digital Humanities conference), Vienna, Austria, 18-21 Oktober 2010. • D.A. Zeldenrust, De microtoponiemen databank van Alfalab. Eerste Alfalab Microtoponiemen Expertmeeting, Amsterdam 08-04-2010. • D.A. Zeldenrust, Over de 'Bloemweide' en de microtoponiemen pilot van Alfalab. ICTDelta2010, Rotterdam, 18-03-2010. • J. van Zundert & D.A. Zeldenrust, Alfalab, Construction and Deconstruction of a Digital Humanities Experiment. IEEE conference Oxford 2009, Oxford, 09-12-2009. • D.A. Zeldenrust, Micotoponiemen en Alfalab, Microtoponymie in Nederland, Amsterdam, 26-06-2009.

  11. Future of the microtoponym pilot Knowledge about VREs GISLab Tools Spatial Humanities

  12. Thank you for the attention! Douwe Zeldenrust Meertens Institute (KNAW) Amsterdam, The Netherlands douwe.zeldenrust@meertens.knaw.nl www.meertens.knaw.nl www.douwezeldenrust.nl

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