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Overview of 2004 sheep survey

Overview of 2004 sheep survey. David Parsons. March 2004. Outline. Purpose Data collection methods Data cleaning methods Basic findings Where do we go from here?. Purpose of study. 1 - Status of production systems: Research Questions.

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Overview of 2004 sheep survey

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  1. Overview of 2004 sheep survey David Parsons

  2. March 2004

  3. Outline • Purpose • Data collection methods • Data cleaning methods • Basic findings • Where do we go from here?

  4. Purpose of study

  5. 1 - Status of production systems:Research Questions • What are the components of smallholder household incomes? • What are the defining characteristics of the two main sheep production systems? • Are there two main and distinct production systems able to be demarcated? • What are typical characteristics of the producer households in both production systems? • How is the available land utilized within production systems?

  6. 2 - Evaluation of dietary potentials with relation to sheep nutrition:Research Questions • How is available land used? • How do soil nutritional characteristics vary between farm and land use? • Upon what principles are stock movements based? • How long do animals spend grazing per day? • What species of forages are planted, and in what quantities? • What agronomic practices are used for management of forages? • Which tree species are recognised as valuable browse plants and utilized by farmers? • What are the nutritional qualities of the available forages and browse species? • What supplements are used, and at what rates for the different classes of stock? • What degree of integration is there between livestock and cropping?

  7. 3 - Production potentials of existing animals: Research Questions • How does flock composition vary in terms of numbers, breeds and classes of animal? • How do producers divide their animals into management groups? • What constraints may influence this decision? • What are producers’ breeding objectives, including desired breed composition and animal selection criteria? • What quantities of animals are being sold, to what markets, and for what price? • What are the reproductive data? • What are the most important animal health issues and what veterinary products are used?

  8. 4 - Infrastructure and equipment:Research Questions • What infrastructure is available and what is lacking? • How does ownership of infrastructure vary between producers and production systems? • How has investment in infrastructure been funded? • What is the status of internal and external fencing? • What is the degree of subdivision of the holding pens? • Is the level of infrastructure, such as fencing and holding pens, limiting the appropriate formation of management groups? • What type of irrigation equipment is currently used?

  9. 5 - Information and technology transfer:Research Questions • How frequently are producers receiving technical assistance? • Which organizations are providing technical assistance? • What other sources are farmers getting information from? • What is the typical price for technical assistance? • What type of information is being provided, and what information is desired by producers? • What is the level of penetration of livestock associations and producer groups?

  10. In Summary • What is the current status of sheep farming in Yucatan? • What are the challenges and the opportunities? • What research needs are there?

  11. Survey Methods

  12. Sheep Farmer Survey • 2004 survey of Yucatan sheep farmers • Villages randomly chosen • 66 farmers interviewed • Household • Livestock • Cropping • Infrastructure • Technical & Financial Assistance

  13. Methods - Data cleaning

  14. Methods - Data cleaning • Enter data into Excel (Andrés and Claudia) • Convert to SPSS database • Categorize data • Error checks with reference to original data sheets • Logical consistency checks • Cataloguing of data • Record all changes made to the original data • Make available for other users • Record limitations of data

  15. What I learned about surveys….. • Mark up the datasets before data entry • A computerized data entry system would have been nice • If you are going to do a survey of Spanish speaking people then learn Spanish

  16. Some example data

  17. Sección 1 Información del productor y de la granja

  18. 1.8 ¿Qué tipo de tierra utiliza?

  19. 1.13 ¿Cuál fue la principal fuente de ingreso hace 5 años, 10 años, 15 años?

  20. 1.16 ¿Cuantos años se ha dedicado a la producción de borregos?

  21. 1.17 ¿Porqué razón decidió dedicarse a la producción de borregos?

  22. Sección 2 Información sobre el ganado

  23. 2.1.18 Cuántos animales tiene actualmente? (Borregos Total)

  24. 2.7 Ordenar las razas de borregos de la mejor a la peor, proporcionando la razón para la elección

  25. 2.11 Dar detalles de la últimas ventas de borregos en cada categoría de animal (machos de engorda)

  26. 2.12 Preguntar por ventas totales durante el último año (Machos de engorda, Promedio $/kg)

  27. 2.13 ¿Consume animales de su rebaño?

  28. 2.16 Programa de control de parásitos internos para borregos (Producto )

  29. 2.19 Ha visitado la unidad algún veterinario en el último año?

  30. 2.30 ¿Cuál es el promedio de intervalo entre partos?

  31. Sección 3 Uso de la tierra, Forrajes, Prácticas de pastoreo y suplementación

  32. 3.3 ¿Cuantas horas permanecen los animales en pastoreo/ ramoneo?

  33. 3.6 Detalles de los forraje cultivados (count)

  34. 3.6 Detalles de los forraje cultivados (total ha)

  35. 3.9 ¿Practica algún tipo de control de malezas en sus áreas de pastos o forrajes?

  36. 3.15 ¿Cosecha follaje de árboles para alimentar a sus borregos? (v Farm size)

  37. 84% de los productores encuestados cosechan follaje de árboles Chacá Jabín Tacabán Dzodzcab Toplachic Canchín Altaniza Dziuché Laurel Xcuzuc Toché Capulin Jalál Yaxkel espino Salam Huaya Chichibe Paiché Tzitzilché Zitpach Soscak Zuluntoc Boox xilin Roble Chichibe Zu-uzuc Sah-itza Xcuzuuc Huaxin Xtes Xmul Malva blanca Berdolaga blanca Caimito Palma de coco Almendra Riñonina Catzin Xuul Tajonal Soscá Pixoy Ramón

  38. 3.28 ¿Cuenta con cultivos en el campo a parte de su huerto familiar?(v Farm size)

  39. Sección 4 Infrastructura y Equipo

  40. 4.1 Lista de equipo

  41. 4.2 Indicar como está delimitada la propiedad

  42. 4.3 ¿Con cuántos potreros cercados cuenta (sin incluir corrales)?

  43. 4.4 ¿Cuantos corrales debidamente cercados tiene ?

  44. Sección 5 Credito, Asistencia técnica e información

  45. 5.1 ¿Alguna vez a solicitado crédito de alguna institución financiera?

  46. 5.3 ¿Cuál fue la fuente de financiamiento para la compra de sus primeros borregos?

  47. 5.7 ¿Recibe asistencia técnica? v Farm Size

  48. 5.7 ¿Recibe asistencia técnica? v Zona

  49. 5.18 ¿Qué tan satisfecho está con la crianza de borregos?

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