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Green Schools Leadership Institute Mark Swiger Marshall County Schools

Green Schools Leadership Institute Mark Swiger Marshall County Schools US Green Building Council-WV Chapter Green School Advocate mswiger@access.k12.wv.us John Henry Educational Information and Resource Center (EIRC) US Green Building Council-NJ Chapter Green School Advocate

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Green Schools Leadership Institute Mark Swiger Marshall County Schools

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  1. Green Schools Leadership Institute Mark Swiger Marshall County Schools US Green Building Council-WV Chapter Green School Advocate mswiger@access.k12.wv.us John Henry Educational Information and Resource Center (EIRC) US Green Building Council-NJ Chapter Green School Advocate jhenry@eirc.org West Virginia

  2. Energy Master Plan and Jobs The Role of the Government in Advancing the Green Economy The Best Way To Create 'Green' Jobs Green Engineering for our Future 2009 Legislation on Green Jobs The Vital Role of COMMUNITY COLLEGES in Building a Sustainable Future and GREEN WORKFORCE Clean Energy Sales Biofuel Jobs K-12 Education- The pipeline to Green Job Solar Jobs "Going Green" is no longer just a slogan for many global companies, it's becoming a strategic imperative. Planting green jobs Businesses, ventures and proposals that could help satisfy new renewable energy requirements

  3. Green Jobs Defined Green jobs involve environmentally friendly products and services or businesses and organizations that concern themselves with improving the environment. NJ Board of Public Utilities

  4. What is Sustainability? Understanding Sustainability … A Prerequisite for any Green Career

  5. In 2000, US Green Building Council established the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system as a way to define and measure “Green Buildings.”

  6. In school terms, LEED is like a report card for buildings, demonstrating to the community that a facility is built and/or operated in a way that supports the health and wellbeing of occupants and saves energy, resources, and money

  7. Green Buildings could be considered Economic Stimulus

  8. July, 2000 State of New JerseyExecutive Order #24 Governor James E. McGreevey Designates that all new school design shall incorporate the guidelines developed by the US Green Building Council known as Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) to achieve maximum energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in the design of schools.

  9. History of Green Schools Leadership Institute 2005, Green Challenger Learning Center project http://www.eirc.org/ http://www.eirc.org/website/educational-enrichment-2/challenger-learning-center/

  10. http://greenschoolsforteachers.wikispaces.com/

  11. 2006-2007 the US Green Building Council - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for Schools is created) 2007 Green Schools Advocacy Campaign begins

  12. Project InSTEP InSTEP NJ Multi-state PBL NASA Explorer Schools NASA Einstein Fellowship Fulbright – Hayes Funded Study Abroad Green School Advocates Green Jobs WV Panel Good Jobs Green Jobs Green Schools Leadership Institute Green Schools Tool Kit Grant Create West Virginia NJ Green Program of Study (CTE) WV NJ

  13. 2008, Green Curriculum Framework Created based on USGBC Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) an internationally recognized green building certification system Combining the systems of a building to curriculum Collaboration between NJ and WV

  14. Hilltop School, Marshall County Photo Courtesy of Thom Worlledge, LEED AP, Architect

  15. Cameron Middle/High School, Marshall County, WV

  16. The Willow School

  17. Summerfield Elementary School LEED Gold

  18. The process of greening a school building can be considered the ultimate teaching and learning lab

  19. Research National Institute of Building Sciences http://www.edfacilities.org/rl/high_performance.cfm National Academies Press http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11756 Greening America’s Schools Greg Katz Study http://www.usgbc.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=2908

  20. Research Building Minds – Minding Buildings AFT Turning Crumbling Schools into Environments for Learning http://www.aft.org/pdfs/psrp/bmmbcrumbling1106.pdf Green School Buildings - USGBC http://www.greenschoolbuildings.org/resources.aspx Generation G National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities http://www.ncef.org/rl/high_performance.cfm

  21. Case Studies Existing Schools & New Construction Establish Benchmarks for tying teaching and learning research best practices to the process of greening schools. Establish collaborative networks through technology for schools to share teaching and learning strategies - wiki, etc.

  22. LEED is based on six categories Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency Energy and Atmosphere Materials and Resources Indoor Environmental Quality Innovation and Design

  23. Connecting Sustainability and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

  24. Rising Above the Gathering Storm Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century: An Agenda for American Science and Technology, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine

  25. FINDINGS Having reviewed trends in the United States and abroad, the committee is deeply concerned that the scientific and technological building blocks critical to our economic leadership are eroding at a time when many other nations are gathering strength.

  26. Sustainability Fuels STEM We designed and engineered our way into these problems, we can design and engineer our way out

  27. Our challenge and opportunity for greening our schools and obtaining a sustainable future can be viewed as the 21st Century Sputnik

  28. What is Sustainability? New Jersey Selected as One of Five States to ParticipateIn Federal Technical Assistance Academy to Develop ‘Green’ CTE Program Commissioner of Education Lucille E. Davy today announced that New Jersey has been selected by the U.S. Department of Education to participate along with four other states in a technical assistance academy to develop a “green” program of study for career and technical education (CTE) http://www.state.nj.us/education/news/2009/0716cte.htm

  29. What is Sustainability? Partnering with the N.J. Council of County Vocational-Technical Schools (NJCCVTS), the state Department of Education applied for the technical assistance program to help with current efforts to develop a statewide program of study for emerging careers that have an environmental or renewable energy focus.  The federal program will provide 10 days of expert consultation and a facilitator for ongoing assistance.

  30. http://www.njgreenprogramofstudy.org/

  31. What is Sustainability? Renewable Energy Pathways Conservation Jobs Power and Energy Jobs Career and Technical Education Retraining Programs

  32. What is Sustainability? Hilltop Elementary School K-8 Curriculum submitted to USGBC LEED online

  33. Green Schools Leadership Institute Curriculum Development based on the LEEDfor Schools Green Building Rating System • Sustainable Sites • Water Efficiency • Energy and Atmosphere • Materials and Resources • Indoor Environmental Quality • Innovation and Design Process • Using the School as a Teaching Tool

  34. Why Green Schools Leadership Institute? • Teach • a) problem solving skills • b) Brainstorming skills • c) Decision making skills • 2. Prepare • a) students for the future workforce …Green Collar Careers)

  35. Why Green Schools Leadership Institute • Provide • a) Opportunity to work with Problem Based Learning • Immerse students • a) In collaborative, interdisciplinary, technology rich experiences • 5. Understand • a) Connections between society, economy and the environment

  36. Why Green Schools Leadership Institute? • Participate • a) In real-world environmental situations that will impact local communities • Explore and improve sustainability literacy through STEM disciplines

  37. Why Green Schools Leadership Institute? • Healthier Schools at Lower Operation Cost • Better student performance through Local participation • Staff and Student Morale • Increased Teacher Retention • Green Collar Career Awareness • Support CTE Initiatives • Impact Local Change

  38. Green Schools Tool Kit • Vertically Aligned • Research Based Best Practices • Greening Existing Buildings • Exploring Green Collar Careers • Constructivism (unique to place) • Inquiry Based • Project Based • Problem Based • Connections to Green Industry Professionals • Green Schools Tool Kit • Teachers Guide • 2011

  39. TALENT21 Grant Teaching and Learning with Essential New Technologies in the 21st Century (TALENT21). Division: Educational Standards and ProgramsOffice: Academic Standards A technology based grant that two schools designed units and lesson plans using the LEED rating system. The NJ DoE Understanding by Design unit and lesson plan template was used aligning to NJCCCS. Live Green, Live Longer

  40. Green Schools

  41. On K-12 Construction

  42. Resources GSLI Green Team Bio’s http://greenschoolsforteachers.wikispaces.com/GSLI+%28EIRC%29+Green+Team Green Schools Resources http://greenschoolsforteachers.wikispaces.com/Green+Schools+Resources

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