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Hydroelectric Power

Hydroelectric Power. Kathryn Boit. Step 1: How Does it Work?. Water rushes through rivers at incredible speed. So how do we use a resource that is all around us? It’s simple, really. The water flows into a reservoir in the dam. The water will stay in this reservoir until filled.

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Hydroelectric Power

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hydroelectric Power Kathryn Boit

  2. Step 1: How Does it Work? Water rushes through rivers at incredible speed. So how do we use a resource that is all around us? It’s simple, really. The water flows into a reservoir in the dam. The water will stay in this reservoir until filled.

  3. Step 2: Building Speed When the reservoir is filled, a gate moves called the intake. When the water goes past the intake, it moves quickly down a tube called the penstock. As it does this, the water builds up tremendous speed.

  4. Step 3: Water to Energy When this water is moving through the penstock, it also builds up pressure. You might be think, “Oh, a little current is how much force it has,”. Well, the amount of power it has after going through the penstock is about equal to a flood. Coming at full speed. With the speed and power of a flood it zooms past a turbine, causing the blades to spin extremely fast. Above the turbine though, a series of many magnets move around a copper coil, creating energy.

  5. Step 4: To our House As the coils and magnets go in the generator, they do create electricity, but not enough. This is when the electricity travels to a powerhouse and it is magnifies it so it is strong enough to power our homes. The electricity then travels through power lines so you can play X box. 

  6. Disadvantages of Hydro Power This is an extremely useful idea, but hydro electric power plants take up a lot of space and damage a little of the surrounding ecosystems. And a few fish don’t like the penstock… But so far, America is using 2,400 hydroelectric dams!

  7. CREDITS http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/hyhowworks.html http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/energy/hydropower-plant1.htm http://cr.middlebury.edu/es/altenergylife/hydropower.htm http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/wuhy.html http://library.thinkquest.org/C004471/tep/en/traditional_energy/hydroelectric_power.html http://www.environmentamerica.org/news-releases/global-warming-solutions/global-warming-solutions/new-report-power-plants-emit-three-times-the-pollution-of-all-the-nations-cars

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