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Semantic Network

Semantic Network. A semantic network is a graph whose nodes represent individuals and whose directed arcs represent binary relationships. (Kowalski)

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Semantic Network

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  1. Semantic Network A semantic network is a graph whose nodes represent individuals and whose directed arcs represent binary relationships.(Kowalski) Any set of variable-free binary relationships (assertions) or any set of n-ary relationships that can be converted to binary relationships can be represented graphically as a simple semantic network. All information concerning an individual in the network is accessible from its node.

  2. Binary Relationships Simple Semantic Network mother_of(carol,marsha) mother_of(carol,jan) mother_of(carol,cindy) child_of(marsha,carol) child_of(jan,carol) child_of(cindy,carol) hair_of(carol,gold) hair_of(marsha,gold) hair_of(jan,gold) hair_of(cindy,gold) gold hair of Marsha Jan Cindy child of Carol hair of mother of

  3. Simple Semantic Network Binary Relationships father_of(mike,greg) father_of(mike,peter) father_of(mike,bobby) child_of(greg,mike) child_of(peter,mike) child_of(bobby,mike) boss_of(mike,alice) employ_of(alice,mike) is_a(mike,man) is_a(greg,man) is_a(peter,man) is_a(bobby,man) is_a(alice,housekeeper) man is a is a Greg Peter Bobby is a child of Mike boss of employ of father of Alice housekeeper is a

  4. man gold hair of is a is a Greg Peter Bobby Marsha Jan Cindy is a child of child of Mike Carol hair of boss of employ of father of mother of Alice housekeeper is a

  5. Merge Two Networks: married_to(mike,carol) married_to(carol,mike) man gold hair of is a is a Greg Peter Bobby Marsha Jan Cindy is a married to child of child of Mike Carol married to hair of boss of employ of father of mother of Alice housekeeper is a

  6. Extended Semantic Network An extended semantic network has the same graphical and information storage capabilities as a simple semantic network, except that it has been extended to allow the nodes to be constants, variables, or terms constructed using function symbols. Further, the arcs of the extended semantic network can represent conditions and alternative conclusions. Extended semantic networks can be thought of as a pictorial syntax for clausal form.

  7. G father of child of father_of(mike,G)child_of(G,carol) man gold hair of is a is a Greg Peter Bobby Marsha Jan Cindy is a married to child of child of Mike Carol married to hair of boss of employ of father of mother of Alice housekeeper is a

  8. father_of(mike,marsha) father_of(mike,jan) father_of(mike,cindy) man gold hair of is a is a Greg Peter Bobby Marsha Jan Cindy is a married to child of child of Mike Carol married to hair of father of boss of employ of mother of Alice housekeeper is a

  9. B child of mother of mother_of(carol,B)child_of(B,mike) man gold hair of G is a is a father of Greg Peter Bobby Marsha Jan Cindy child of is a married to child of child of Mike Carol married to hair of boss of employ of father of mother of Alice housekeeper is a

  10. father_of(mike,marsha) father_of(mike,jan) father_of(mike,cindy) mother_of(carol,greg) mother_of(carol,peter) mother_of(carol,bobby) man gold hair of is a is a Greg Peter Bobby Marsha Jan Cindy is a married to child of child of Mike Carol married to hair of father of boss of mother of employ of Alice housekeeper is a

  11. B child of G mother of father of child of man gold hair of is a is a Greg Peter Bobby Marsha Jan Cindy is a married to child of child of Mike Carol married to hair of boss of employ of father of mother of Alice housekeeper is a

  12. Representation of N-ary Relationships in Binary Form Events which entail multiple individuals or actions are often represented by n-ary assertions. For example, the statement “Alice cooks meatloaf for the family” might be represented as follows: cook(alice,meatloaf,family) Unfortunately, n-ary relationships can be ambiguous. It is possible to re-express an n-ary relationship as a conjunction of n+1 binary relationships.

  13. cook(alice,meatloaf,family) becomes act_of(e1,cooking) object(e1,meatloaf) actor(e1,alice) recipient(e1,family) e1 is an event, which is an act of cooking. e1 has an actor, Alice; an object, meatloaf; and a recipient of the action, family. Alice actor cooking act of e1 object recipient family meatloaf

  14. It is now easier to represent the relationships that other nodes may have with the event e1, such as in the case of: Carol wants Alice to cook meatloaf for the family. Carol wants Alice actor cooking act of e1 object recipient family meatloaf

  15. B child of G mother of father of child of wants actor cooking act of e1 object recipient family meatloaf man gold hair of is a is a Greg Peter Bobby Marsha Jan Cindy is a married to child of child of Mike Carol married to hair of boss of employ of father of mother of Alice housekeeper is a

  16. References Kowalski, Robert A. (1979) Logic for Problem Solving. North-Holland, Amsterdam etc. Available for download at: http://www-lp.doc.ic.ac.uk/UserPages/staff/rak/rak.html

  17. is(this,the_end)

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