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HUD Advanced Uses of Homeless Data Meeting

HUD Advanced Uses of Homeless Data Meeting . Documenting the Intersection of Homeless and Mainstream Service Sectors State of Vermont John A. Pandiani, Ph.D., Vermont Department of Mental Health and The Bristol Observatory Brian M. Smith Vermont Department of Mental Health.

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HUD Advanced Uses of Homeless Data Meeting

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  1. HUD Advanced Uses of Homeless Data Meeting Documenting the Intersection of Homeless and Mainstream Service Sectors State of Vermont John A. Pandiani, Ph.D., Vermont Department of Mental Health and The Bristol Observatory Brian M. Smith Vermont Department of Mental Health HUD Advanced Uses of Homeless Data Meeting July 27-28, 2009

  2. Community Information Geography: Vermont CoC Point-in-Time Count: 1,587±12 Population: 621,254 The Vermont CoC includes Chittenden County SMSA and 10 local CoCs joined under the Balance of State CoC. 2

  3. Overview Cross Data Set Analysis • ER Utilization by Homeless & Others • Probabilistic Population Estimation • Homelessness Among Veterans & Others with Outpatient MH/SA Services • Homeless with Previous State Custody • Cross State Comparison 3

  4. ER MH/SA Services Data from: 2007 VT Uniform Hospital Discharge Database 2007 & 2008 PIT Databases 4

  5. ER Physical Health Services Total Homeless VT General Population Male Female 0-17 18-34 35+ 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% with Emergency Room Physical Health Services Data from: 2007 VT Uniform Hospital Discharge Database 2007 & 2008 PIT Databases 5

  6. Probabilistic Pop. Estimation This equation counts the number of birth dates to estimate the number of unduplicated people. 6

  7. Probabilistic Pop. Estimates For Specified Numbers of Birth Dates Within a Given Year 7

  8. CaseloadOverlap (A  B) = A + B – (A  B) 8

  9. Homeless Vets: MH/SA Services Veterans Others 7 6 5 4 Percent Homeless 3 2 1 0 Total Men Women Men Women Men Women 18-49 50+ Data from: 2008 VT DMH & VT VA Databases 2008 VT CoC and PIT Databases 9

  10. Homeless: Past State Custody 20% 15% Percent of Homeless Young Adults 10% 5% 0% Total M F Total M F Protective Custody Delinquency Data from: 2000-2007 VT DCF Databases 2008 VT CoC and PIT Databases 10

  11. Homeless: MH/SA Services 60% Vermont New Hampshire 40% Percent with MH/SA Services 20% 0% Total Male Female 18-34 35-49 50+ Data from: VT & NH HMIS and CMH Databases 11

  12. Summary and Next Steps • Regional Comparisons within State • Cross State Comparisons • Change Over Time • Other Precursors to Homelessness • Continued Wide-spread Dissemination of Findings 12

  13. Acknowledgements Vermont Interagency Council to End Homelessness Data Managers from Homeless & other Service Sectors VT MH Research and Statistics Group Barbara Carroll, Brennan Martin & Walter Ochs 13

  14. Contact Information John A. Pandiani, Ph.D. Vermont Department of Mental Health E-Mail: jpandiani@vdh.state.vt.us Phone: 802-453-7070 Brian M. Smith Vermont Department of Mental Health E-Mail: brianmsmithvt@aol.com Phone: 802-652-2000 14

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