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RACCAM Project. 1) Goals. 2) Team. 3) Spiral FFAG study for protontherapy.

RACCAM Project. 1) Goals. 2) Team. 3) Spiral FFAG study for protontherapy. Matrix and ray-tracing code investigations. 1) Spiral FFAG design. 2) Matrix formalism for spiral FFAG. 3) Matrix / ray-tracing comparison. Automated simulations. IV. Conclusion. RACCAM Project.

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RACCAM Project. 1) Goals. 2) Team. 3) Spiral FFAG study for protontherapy.

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  1. RACCAM Project. • 1) Goals. • 2) Team. • 3) Spiral FFAG study for protontherapy. • Matrix and ray-tracing code investigations. • 1) Spiral FFAG design. • 2) Matrix formalism for spiral FFAG. • 3) Matrix / ray-tracing comparison. • Automated simulations. • IV. Conclusion.

  2. RACCAM Project.

  3. 1) Goals. • Constitute in France a team of accelerator physicists / engineers active in FFAGs, beam dynamics and 3D magnet calculation. • Contribute to theoretical studies and to on-going international scaling and non-scaling FFAG R&D activities. • Study the use of proton FFAGs in the medical domain: radiological treatment of tumors, radiobiology research. • Construction and tests of a FFAG magnet prototype.

  4. 2) Team. • Physicians. • Jacques Balosso • Pascal Pommier • Sigmaphi. • Jean-Luc Lancelot • Damien Neuvéglise • Thomas Planche • LPSC. • François Méot: project director. • Emmanuel Froidefond • Jaroslaw Pasternak • Johann Collot: laboratory director. • Bruno Autin • Franck Lemuet • Joris Fourrier • 6 meetings since december 2005. • LPSC • Grenoble Hospital • Centre Protonthérapie Orsay • Centre Antoine Lacassagne

  5. 3) Spiral FFAG study for protontherapy and radiobiology. • Focus on scaling type spiral FFAG. • Considered advantages: constant tunes during acceleration, more compact and cheaper machines than synchrotrons. • J. Balosso about possible proton FFAG innovation: « If such an innovation was made available, the large majority of radiotherapy, certainly more than the two third, could be done by proton beams. » • Preliminary studies on 3 – 100 MeV proton spiral FFAG undertaken for numerical tools development.

  6. Matrix and ray-tracing code investigations.

  7. 1) Spiral FFAG design for ray-tracing code Zgoubi. • Zgoubi ray-tracing code: • Based on Lorentz equation numerical integration. • Tracking through magnet designs or magnetic field maps. • Beam dynamic calculation (closed orbit, tunes, acceptance). di: distances to entrance / exit magnet faces. g: magnetic gap.

  8. 2) Matrix formalism for spiral FFAG lattice. • Mathematica / BeamOptics matrix code used to determine zero / first order parameters: closed orbits, tunes, beta and dispersion function. • Spiral FFAG lattice model: MFFAG=Mdrift.Medge.Mbend.Medge.Mdrift • Fringing field correction in edge matrices:

  9. 3) Matrix / ray-tracing comparison. • Mathematica / BeamOptics matrix code: • (+) easy to use, fast 1st order parameter calculations. • (–) based on models, discrepancies can occur with real machines. • Zgoubi ray-tracing code: • (+) accurate results for 1st order parameters, beam transmission, acceptance studies. • (–) long simulations compared to matrix code. • Goal: use of both codes in a complementary way. • Investigations to have a good agreement between codes.

  10. Automated Simulations.

  11. Zgoubi simulations long and tedious if done one by one: need of automation. • Closed orbit: • Stability limits: Particle with stable motion Closed orbit Particle slightly deviated Closed orbit

  12. Conclusion.

  13. Efficient matrix and ray-tracing methods developed for spiral FFAGs. • Good agreements between both codes but some model improvement necessary. • Preliminary design study on the way with complementary use of codes. • Automated Zgoubi simulations for beam dynamic and transmission studies.

  14. Thank you for your attention.

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