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apagar. desanimarse. saludarse. t o greet, say hello to each other. el basurero. sentirse ( e ie ) frustrado (a). desorganizado (a). desconectar. ayudarse. t o help each other. la bombilla. conectar. c ontarse ( o  ue ) chismes. t o tell each other gossip. esconderse.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. apagar

  2. desanimarse

  3. saludarse to greet, say hello to each other

  4. el basurero

  5. sentirse (eie) frustrado (a)

  6. desorganizado(a)

  7. desconectar

  8. ayudarse to help each other

  9. la bombilla

  10. conectar

  11. contarse (oue) chismes to tell each other gossip

  12. esconderse

  13. el cortacésped

  14. el sótano

  15. telefonearse to phone each other

  16. el desván

  17. ponersenervioso(a)

  18. encender

  19. oponerse a

  20. regar (eie)

  21. desyerbar

  22. vaciar

  23. apoyarse to support each other

  24. el gabinete

  25. entusiasmarse

  26. perdonarse to forgive each other

  27. desarmar

  28. lasmalashierbas

  29. contarsesecretos to tell each other secrets

  30. dedicarse a

  31. armar

  32. llevarsebien/mal con to get along well/ badly with each other

  33. desenchufar

  34. pelearse/ no pelearsefrecuentemente to fight/not to fight often

  35. animarse

  36. conocersebien/mal to know each other well/ not very well

  37. el televisor

  38. odiarse to hate each other

  39. organizado

  40. quejarse to complain

  41. enchufar

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