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Interaction in Chat Rooms

Interaction in Chat Rooms. LM350 Computer Mediated Communication. What’s IRC?. Form of online communication that allows apparently synchronous text-based interaction between multiple users in any geographical location where the program can be run Server, channel (chanop, sysop)

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Interaction in Chat Rooms

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  1. Interaction in Chat Rooms LM350 Computer Mediated Communication

  2. What’s IRC? • Form of online communication that allows apparently synchronous text-based interaction between multiple users in any geographical location where the program can be run • Server, channel (chanop, sysop) • Users download software, e.g. MSN which provides a “talkline” and a chat window

  3. Who’s who? • User • Chanop - initiate and moderate a channel. Can “kick” users off channel • Sysop or Oper - controls and moderates IRC network. Can moderate and kick off anyone on any channel, send mail to all users etc.

  4. Where does it fit in? Pre-CMC

  5. Where does it fit in? Pre-CMC

  6. Where does it fit in? Pre-CMC

  7. Where does it fit in? Pre-CMC

  8. Where does it fit in? Pre-CMC

  9. Where does it fit in? CMC

  10. Where does it fit in? CMC

  11. Where does it fit in? CMC

  12. Where does it fit in? CMC

  13. How is it different from face to face conversation? • Non-presence • No voice, gesture, etc • Multi-voice - what happens to turn taking? • Policed by chanop

  14. Setting norms Balou Gal: How’s everyone? Timgodden: MICHAEL JOLIFFE EGLV: I want to major in advertising Timgodden: HES COOL EGLV: LOL Fan EGLV: tim please lower your caps Timgodden: MICHAEL JOLIFFE Dragonrider: Timgodden, UPPERCASE is normally used for adding EMPHASIS! Otherwise it’s considered SHOUTING (and harder to read).

  15. What’s the fuss? • Lack of physical presence & opportunity for play/deception via misleading identities leads to moral panics, especially around children/sex/paedophile

  16. Moral panic? • Cohen (1972) Folk Devils & Moral Panics • http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/factual/thinkingallowed_20030430.shtml • moral panic; an occurrence which is characterised by ‘stylized and stereotypical’ representation by the mass media, and a tendency for those ‘in power’ (politicians, bishops, editors and so on) to man the ‘moral barricades’ and pronounce judgement.

  17. Moral panic? • According to Goode & Ben-Yehuda (1994) " A moral panic is characterised by a feeling held by a substantial number of a members of a given society, that evil-doers pose a threat to society and to the moral order as a consequence of their behaviour and, therefore, "something should be done about them and their behaviour".

  18. Moral panics? • Mods and Rockers • Elvis Presley • James Bulger, child violence • Satanic rituals • Catholic church & child abuse • Drugs, e.g. Leah Betts & ecstasy • AIDS • Asylum seekers

  19. Media & Moral panics? • Horror comics • Rock and roll • James Bulger, child violence & video violence (1993) • Columbine shootings & video violence • Rap music • Chat

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