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CVEDC Introduction to CCSS Mathematics for Grades 6 - 8

CVEDC Introduction to CCSS Mathematics for Grades 6 - 8. Overview for Day 1 Introductions, Discussion of Grad Credit Requirements & How to Make Up Day The Big Picture of CCSSM: Content Standards Practice Standards How the CCSSM will be assessed

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CVEDC Introduction to CCSS Mathematics for Grades 6 - 8

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CVEDCIntroduction to CCSS Mathematicsfor Grades 6 - 8 Overview for Day 1 Introductions, Discussion of Grad Credit Requirements & How to Make Up Day The Big Picture of CCSSM: Content Standards Practice Standards How the CCSSM will be assessed The Big Picture of Instructional Strategies to help student achievement in CCSSM: Dan Meyer: Math Problems in 3 Acts Steven Leinwand: 10 Instructional Shifts that Raise Student Achievement

  2. CVEDCIntroduction to CCSS Mathematicsfor Grades 6 - 8 Overview for Day 2 Focus on Standards for Mathematical Practice Overarching Habits of Mind of a Mathematical Thinker # 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them # 6: Attend to precision 6 - 8 Content Standard Focus: The Number System Team Time to Discuss/Plan Project – Peruse Resources Videos 3-Act Problems Discussions

  3. CVEDCIntroduction to CCSS Mathematicsfor Grades 6 - 8 Overview for Day 3 Focus on Standards for Mathematical Practice Reasoning and Explaining # 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively # 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 6 - 8 Content Standard Focus: Ratios and Proportional Relationships Team Time to Discuss/Plan Project – Peruse Resources Videos 3-Act Problems Discussions

  4. CVEDCIntroduction to CCSS Mathematicsfor Grades 6 - 8 Overview for Day 4 Focus on Standards for Mathematical Practice Modeling and Using Tools # 4: Model with mathematics # 5: Use appropriate tools strategically 6 - 8 Content Standard Focus: Expressions and Equations, Functions Team Time to Discuss/Plan Project – Peruse Resources Videos 3-Act Problems Discussions

  5. CVEDCIntroduction to CCSS Mathematicsfor Grades 6 - 8 Overview for Day 5 Focus on Standards for Mathematical Practice Seeing Structure and Generalizing # 7: Look for and make use of structure # 8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning 6 - 8 Content Standard Focus: Geometry, Statistics & Probability Team Time to Discuss/Plan Project – Peruse Resources Videos 3-Act Problems Discussions

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