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2 nd Grade How Germs Spread and Proper Hand Washing

2 nd Grade How Germs Spread and Proper Hand Washing. Standard 9: The student will understand attitudes and behaviors for preventing and controlling disease. 9.1: Identify and define common germs pathogen 9.2: Identify how germs are spread

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2 nd Grade How Germs Spread and Proper Hand Washing

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  1. 2nd Grade How Germs Spreadand Proper Hand Washing Standard 9: The student will understand attitudes and behaviors for preventing and controlling disease. 9.1: Identify and define common germs pathogen 9.2: Identify how germs are spread 9.3: Identify habits that will promote disease prevention 9.4: Identify chronic health problems

  2. Essential Question • Why is it important to protect yourself from germs?

  3. Germs • Germs are all around us. We can find them in the air we breathe, on the things we touch and in bodily fluids(mucus, vomit, blood, urine, poop, etc…). • Germs are tiny microorganisms that you need a microscope to see them.

  4. Let’s watch this video and see how quickly and where germs can spread. Double click to play video

  5. Q&A • Now let’s discuss where and how quickly the germs spread • Who can tell me where some of the germs spread?

  6. Types of Germs • We have good and bad germs • There are several types of germs: bacteria, viruses, and fungi. • Some germs can make us sick

  7. First Line of Defense Against Germs • Germs can be spread many ways, including • Touching dirty hands • Through contaminated water and food • Through droplets released during a cough or sneeze • Picking your nose • Things we touch • Through contact with a sick persons body fluids

  8. You can also infect yourself by touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. • Forgetting to wash your hands after going to the restroom • Wash your hands before and after you eat

  9. Ways to Keep From Getting Sick • Wash your hands! • Visit the Doctor regularly (medical, eyes, ears, and dentist). • Get your immunization shots. • Have good healthy habits like: 8-10 hours of sleep, proper nutrition, exercise, and drink water.

  10. Hand Washing • Good hand washing protects the spread of many illnesses- from the common cold to more serious illness such as flu, and strep.

  11. Proper Hand Washing • Use warm water • Use soap and lather up for about twenty seconds make sure to get in between your fingers, under your nails where uninvited germs like to hang out, and don’t forget the wrist (sing soap and water, happy birthday, or a,b,c song). • Rinse and dry well with a clean towel

  12. Soap and Water Song (Double Click)

  13. Rules for Washing Hands • Before and after eating • After using the restroom • After touching animals including your pet • Before and after visiting a sick friend • After blowing ones nose, coughing or sneezing(cough and sneeze into your elbow). • After being outside

  14. Airborne Pathogens • Raise your hand if you have ever had a cold…, flu…, strep throat…, pink eye… • These are communicable diseases that you can catch through the air and from other people

  15. Blood Borne Pathogens • Blood borne pathogens are communicable diseases that are found in bodily fluids. • Bodily fluids can be VOMIT, MUCUS, BLOOD, URINE, and FECES. • Hepatitis and HIV are blood borne pathogens.

  16. Universal Precautions • To keep from contracting blood borne pathogens we should always follow these universal precautions • Wash your hands • Never touch anyone's’ bodily fluids(blood). Tell an adult • When you cough and sneeze cover please!

  17. Congrats! You’re an official PDI! Protect! Don’t Infect!

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