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SteamBoat Fire Rescue DOP September 20-22, 2010

SteamBoat Fire Rescue DOP September 20-22, 2010. SteamBoat Fire Rescue Pumping Course September 20 – 22, 2010. Introductions Syllabus Course Objectives (CO) Timelines Day 1 - September 20, 2010 (08:30 - 17:30) Day 2 - September 21, 2010 (08:30 - 17:30)

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SteamBoat Fire Rescue DOP September 20-22, 2010

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  1. SteamBoat Fire Rescue DOP September 20-22, 2010

  2. SteamBoat Fire RescuePumping CourseSeptember 20 – 22, 2010 • Introductions • Syllabus • Course Objectives (CO) • Timelines • Day 1 - September 20, 2010 (08:30 - 17:30) • Day 2 - September 21, 2010 (08:30 - 17:30) • Day 3 - September 22, 2010 (08:30 - 17:30)

  3. Introductions SFR Chief: Ron Lindroth Instructors: PFA Captains Bill Salmon and Randy Callahan Contact: Bill @ 970-218-9406; bill@billsalmonlearningassociates.com SFR Learning Web Site: billsalmonlearningassociates.com, go to SFR page Com Plan is cell phones for Admin; Radios for companies; air horns for emergencies Introduction of Captains Salmon and Callahan Introduction of Learners to the class Class ICS model established Captains Salmon: Learner progression and communication model Captains. Salmon/Callahan Present Introduction and overview of 1002, specifically pumping JPRs. Discussion of how is this relevant to "me" Review of SFR Training Web Page What do you want to learn this week? • clp_08_pres • BSLA Home • 1002

  4. Collaborative Learning Progression • Links: • clp_08_pres.pdf

  5. BSLA Home • Links: • http://billsalmonlearningassociates.com

  6. NFPA1002 • Links: • 1002.pdf

  7. NFPA 1002 JPRs • Links: • jprs_sb_dop_syllabus.xls

  8. Course Syllabus MSWord • Links: • syllabusmsword091810.doc

  9. Course Objectives (CO) CO 1: Introduction of Captains Salmon and Callahan Introduction of Learners to the class Class ICS model established Capt Salmon: Learner progression and communication model Captains. Salmon/Callahan Present Introduction and overview of 1002, specifically pumping JPRs. Discussion of how is this relevant to "me" Review of SFR Training Web Page What do you want to learn this week? CO 2: Capt Callahan presents an overview of new D/O manual hydraulics section. Formula and Thumb Rule to determine class understanding and efficacy. Capt Salmon reviews hose sizes and loads with class. Discussion of NFA Formula CO3: Captains Salmon/Callahan review with class all relevant OD's for the SFR D/O. Discussion: How do SOP's and OD's assist us with obtaining predictable outcomes? • Learning Outcomes

  10. Course Objectives (CO) CO4: Capt Salmon Teaches Mindfulness about your apparatus. Daily checks, and how important they are. Practical understandings of the engines for our class. (pump, h20, foam, hose, nozzles, appliances, etc. ) CO5: Capt Salmon: Overview of All nozzles, including TFT Automatic, smooth bore, Master Stream nozzles. Q&A of SFR's Nozzle testing and repair program. Review of all appliances. TFT web site as resource CO6: Comment: Captains Salmon/Callahan Location: At Station 1 Parking Lot: Basic setting in pump and flowing two preconnected handlines at a known pressure. Reiew of Tank to Hydrant transfer Review of obtaining a draft from porta tank Review of obtaining a draft from natural water source • Learning Outcomes

  11. Course Objectives (CO) CO7: Basic setting in pump and flowing two preconnected handlines, from hydrant, then from draft. CO8: Captains Callahan/Salmon to lead a white board practice for actual lays and problems of SFR Cell: C3 CO9: Captains Salmon and Callahan review with class the following operations: Prepare for training location: Ski Lake Training Area - Tender operations - Drafting Operations - Turbodrafting - Operations - Jet Siphons - Porta Tanks - Hose Selections & Why - Relevant O/Ds • Learning Outcomes

  12. Course Objectives (CO) CO10: Captains Salmon and Callahan Lead practice at the Ski Lake: - Tender operations - Drafting Operations - Turbodrafting - Operations - Jet Siphons - Porta Tanks - Hose Selections & Why - Relevant O/Ds CO11: Comment: Owner: Captains Salmon and Callahan Lead practice at the Ski Lake: - Tender operations - Drafting Operations - Turbodrafting - Operations - Jet Siphons - Porta Tanks - Hose Selections & Why - Relevant O/Ds CO16: Captains Salmon & Callahan Guide "First Due" practical for students. Considerations: Blocking and Access Hose size, load, and why? Critical Fireground Factors What else does the DO do? Why the DO has to Hump Hose? Why is it that the DO determines the stress level for the company officer? CO17: Comment: AAR of Today Review of past three days, Our observations; assignments for you; Where to now? Review all AARs, AAR of today, you tell us how it went! Your Thoughts! Closing... • Learning Outcomes

  13. Course Objectives (CO) CO12: Comment: Captain Callahan Reviews: Real world sprinkler and standpipe expectations. What about those fire pumps? What do I need to know? Captain Salmon Reviews: Pumping laid lines up a HR open or closed stairwell • Learning Outcomes

  14. Course Objectives (CO) CO13: Comment: Tender Shuttle Practice: Training Location: Large Parking Lot West of Bronc Buster Loop Setup Tender Porta Tanks Establish fill location - Bronc Buster Loop Hydrant Figure and prove sustainable flows, cycle times, and manpower expectatons. Discussion: Establish Engine at draft fill site for natural areas drafting. CO14: Comment: Practical: Location: Bronc Buster Loop Hydranted Area Captains Salmon & Callahan review why tank to hydrant is so important. Both 2.5" and 5" intakes. Estimating relay pumping capability, need, and maximum distances (IFSTA DOP Charting) Practice from hydrant: hearing and assessing: initial hose and layout; tank water; hydrant residual pressure; hydrant flowing pressure; estimated additional capacity for lines - Define Strategies and Tactics for HR Fires - Calculations for D/O to pump HR Fires - Pumping laid lines inside and on upper floors of HR (simulated and visual of types of HR hose configurations) • Learning Outcomes

  15. Course Objectives (CO) CO15: Comment: Practical: Location: Bronc Buster Loop Hydranted Area Captains Salmon & Callahan review why tank to hydrant is so important. Both 2.5" and 5" intakes. Estimating relay pumping capability, need, and maximum distances (IFSTA DOP Charting) Practice from hydrant: hearing and assessing: initial hose and layout; tank water; hydrant residual pressure; hydrant flowing pressure; estimated additional capacity for lines - Define Strategies and Tactics for HR Fires - Calculations for D/O to pump HR Fires - Pumping laid lines inside and on upper floors of HR (simulated and visual of types of HR hose configurations) Location: Bronc Buster Loop Hydranted Area • Learning Outcomes

  16. Course Objectives (CO) CO16: Captains Salmon & Callahan Guide "First Due" practical for students. Considerations: Blocking and Access Hose size, load, and why? Critical Fireground Factors What else does the DO do? Why the DO has to Hump Hose? Why is it that the DO determines the stress level for the company officer? CO17: Comment: AAR of Today Review of past three days, Our observations; assignments for you; Where to now? Review all AARs, AAR of today, you tell us how it went! Your Thoughts! Closing... • Learning Outcomes

  17. Learning Outcomes

  18. Timelines • Links: • sfr_excel_syllabus_09_202122_2010_finaldraft.xls

  19. Day 1 - September 20, 2010 (08:30 - 17:30) • SFR Driver Operator Manual and OD's • SFR Driver OD's • Know Your Engine • Nozzles & Appliances • Basic Pump Operations • AAR of Today's Events

  20. SFR Driver Operator Manual and OD's Capt Callahan presents an overview of new D/O manual hydraulics section. Formula and Thumb Rule to determine class understanding and efficacy. Capt Salmon reviews hose sizes and loads with class. Discussion of NFA Formula • 2006domanual • 10fireflownfaformula_tft

  21. 2006domanual • Links: • 2006domanual.pdf

  22. NFA Fire Flow Formula • Links: • 10fireflownfaformula_tft.pdf

  23. SFR Driver OD's Captains Salmon/Callahan review with class all relevant OD's for the SFR D/O. Discussion: How do SOP's and OD's assist us with obtaining predictable outcomes?

  24. Know Your Engine Capt Salmon Teaches Mindfulness about your apparatus. Daily checks, and how important they are. Practical understandings of the engines for our class. (pump, H20, foam, hose, nozzles, appliances, etc. ) • knowyourengine

  25. Know Your Engine • Links: • knowyourengine.xls

  26. Nozzles & Appliances Capt Salmon: Overview of All nozzles, including TFT Automatic, smooth bore, Master Stream nozzles. Q&A of SFR's Nozzle testing and repair program. Review of all appliances. TFT web site as resource • TFT - Nozzle Dreams

  27. TFT - Nozzle Dreams • Links: • http://tft.com/literature/library/files/nozzledreams1.asp

  28. Basic Pump Operations Location: At Station 1 Parking Lot: Basic setting in pump and flowing two preconnected handlines at a known pressure. Review of Tank to Hydrant transfer Review of obtaining a draft from porta tank Review of obtaining a draft from natural water source Basic setting in pump and flowing two preconnected handlines, from hydrant, then from draft.

  29. AAR of Today's Events

  30. Day 2 - September 21, 2010 (08:30 - 17:30) • Fireground Hydraulics • Rural Water Operations Class • Rural Water Operations Practical • AAR of Today's Events

  31. Fireground Hydraulics Captains Callahan/Salmon to lead a white board practice for actual lays and problems of SFR • 2006domanual

  32. 2006domanual • Links: • 2006domanual.pdf

  33. Rural Water Operations Class Captains Salmon and Callahan review with class the following operations: Prepare for training location: Ski Lake Training Area - Tender operations - Drafting Operations - Turbodrafting - Operations - Jet Siphons - Porta Tanks - Hose Selections & Why - Relevant O/Ds • Turbodraft Manual • TurboDraft™ • SFR Turbo Class - Cozumel Course

  34. Turbodraft Manual • Links: • td_operating_instructions_eng.pdf

  35. TurboDraft™ • TurboDraft Examples • Links: • http://www.turbodraft.net

  36. TurboDraft Examples • Links: • http://www.turbodraft.net/appl_examples.html

  37. SFR Turbo Class - Cozumel Course • Links: • coz_turbo_procedures_eng.pdf

  38. Rural Water Operations Practical Captains Salmon and Callahan Lead practice at the Ski Lake: - Tender operations - Drafting Operations - Turbodrafting - Operations - Jet Siphons - Porta Tanks - Hose Selections & Why - Relevant O/Ds

  39. AAR of Today's Events

  40. Day 3 - September 22, 2010 (08:30 - 17:30) • Pump to Sprinkler and Standpipe • Tender Shuttles, fill sites, Cycle Time Estimations • 2.5", 3", and 5" Supply Lines Relay Pumping • Pump a house fire • AAR of Today's Events & Review of Course

  41. Pump to Sprinkler and Standpipe Captain Callahan Reviews: Real world sprinkler and standpipe expectations. What about those fire pumps? What do I need to know? Captain Salmon Reviews: Pumping laid lines up a HR open or closed stairwell

  42. Tender Shuttles, fill sites, Cycle Time Estimations Training Location: Large Parking Lot West of Bronc Buster Loop Setup Tender Porta Tanks Establish fill location - Bronc Buster Loop Hydrant Figure and prove sustainable flows, cycle times, and manpower expectations. Discussion: Establish Engine at draft fill site for natural areas drafting.

  43. 2.5", 3", and 5" Supply Lines Relay Pumping Location: Bronc Buster Loop Hydranted Area Captains Salmon & Callahan review why tank to hydrant is so important. Both 2.5" and 5" intakes. Estimating relay pumping capability, need, and maximum distances (IFSTA DOP Charting) Practice from hydrant: hearing and assessing: initial hose and layout; tank water; hydrant residual pressure; hydrant flowing pressure; estimated additional capacity for lines - Define Strategies and Tactics for HR Fires - Calculations for D/O to pump HR Fires - Pumping laid lines inside and on upper floors of HR (simulated and visual of types of HR hose configurations)

  44. Pump a house fire Location: Bronc Buster Loop Hydranted Area Captains Salmon & Callahan Guide "First Due" practical for students. Considerations: Blocking and Access Hose size, load, and why? Critical Fireground Factors What else does the DO do? Why the DO has to Hump Hose? Why is it that the DO determines the stress level for the company officer?

  45. AAR of Today's Events & Review of Course Review of past three days, Our observations; assignments for you; Where to now? Your Thoughts! Review all AARs, AAR of today, you tell us how it went!

  46. Summary

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