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POETIC DEVICES. ANAPHORA. Definition: A rhetorical term for the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses . By building toward a climax , anaphora can create a strong emotional effect. . ALLITERATION.

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  2. ANAPHORA Definition: A rhetorical term for the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses. By building toward a climax, anaphora can create a strong emotional effect.

  3. ALLITERATION • The repetition of an initial consonant sound, as in "a peck of pickled peppers." Adjective: alliterative. • As J.R.R. Tolkien observed, alliteration "depends not on letters but on sounds." Thus the phrase know-nothing is alliterative, but climate change is not.*

  4. ENJAMBMENT • ɪnˈdʒæmmənt,French ɑ̃ʒɑ̃bmɑ̃) — nprosodytherunningoverof a sentencefromonelineofverseintothe next • [C19:fromFrench,literally:a straddling, from enjamber to straddle

  5. COLLOQUIAL • characteristicof or appropriatetoordinary or familiar conversation rather thanformalspeech or writing;informal. involvingorusing REGULAR conversation.

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