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' ks [ khckt eD [ kh

' ks [ khckt eD [ kh. } kjk & johUnz dqekj oekZ ih-vkj-Vh -] dsUnzh ; fo|ky ;] uyxks.Mk. ,d taxy esa “ ksj Hkkstu djds vkjke dj jgk Fkk A og nks rhu fnuksa ls ugk;k ugha Fkk. blh dkj.k ,d eD [ kh mldks rax djus yxh A. “ ksj dks xqLlk vk;k vkSj cksyk Þvjs ! eD [ kh nwj gV tk

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' ks [ khckt eD [ kh

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 'ks[khckteD[kh }kjk& johUnzdqekjoekZ ih-vkj-Vh-] dsUnzh; fo|ky;] uyxks.Mk

  2. ,d taxy esa “ksjHkkstudjdsvkjkedjjgkFkk A ognksrhufnuksalsugk;kughaFkk

  3. blhdkj.k ,d eD[khmldksraxdjusyxh A

  4. “ksjdksxqLlkvk;kvkSjcksykÞvjs! eD[khnwjgVtk ojuk] eSarqEgsatkulsekjMkyw¡xkAß

  5. eD[kh us dgkÞtaxy ds jktk ds eq[k ls ;s ckr “kksHkk ughansrh ne gksrksekjdjfn[kkvksAß

  6. dHkhogmldhukdijcSBrh] dHkhogmldsdku ijcSBrh “ksjiatkekjrkvkSj [kqndksgh ?kk;ydjysrkA

  7. vUresa “ksjgkjdjcksyk] ÞvkithrheD[khjkuheq>s ekQdjnksAß

  8. eD[kh ?ke.Mlspwjgksdjvkxs c<+h] mlsgkFkhfeyk] ogmllscksyh] Þeq>s iz.kkedjks] eSaus taxy ds jktkdks gjk;kgSAß

  9. gkFkh us lw¡MmBkdjmlsiz.kkefd;k vkSjvkxs c<+ x;k A

  10. vkxsmlsykseM+hfeyhmlusdgkfd] ÞeSaus taxy ds jktk “ksj o fo”kkydk; gkFkhdksgjk;kgS] eq>s iz.kkedjksAß }kjk& johUnzdqekjoekZ ih-vkj-Vh-] dsUnzh; fo|ky;] uyxks.Mk

  11. mlusmlsiz.kkefd;kvkSjdgk] ÞeD[khjkuhedM+h vkidksxkyh ns jghFkhAt+jkmlslcdfl[kkvksukAß

  12. eD[khxqLlsesavkx;hvkSjedM+h dh vksj c<+h vkSj tkysesaQ¡lxbZA

  13. ogtkyslsftrukNwVus dh dksf”k”kdjrh] ogmruhmlesaQ¡lrhtkrhA

  14. vUresaeD[khFkdxbZvkSjykseM+heqLdjkdjogk¡ ls pyhxbZA

  15. eqgkojs & vkxccwykgksuk & cgqrxqLlkgksuk feuVksaesadkeiwjkdjysuk pqVdhctkuk &

  16. foykse “kCn pkykd lh/kk&lknk & gkj thr & ihNs vkxs & jad jktk &

  17. /kU;okn }kjk& johUnzdqekjoekZ ih-vkj-Vh-] dsUnzh; fo|ky;] uyxks.Mk

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