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Tableau de Bord’s Environmental & Safety

Tableau de Bord’s Environmental & Safety. Introduction : Purpose of the environmental and safety tableau (as per introduction in RIO 10 and 12) Reminder goals for 2008 the year in Safety and Environment. Tableau de Bord Environmental.

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Tableau de Bord’s Environmental & Safety

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  1. Tableau de Bord’sEnvironmental & Safety • Introduction : Purpose of the environmental and safety tableau (as per introduction in RIO 10 and 12) • Reminder goals for 2008 the year in Safety and Environment

  2. Tableau de Bord Environmental FG- Finished Goods shipped to the customer, this information can be found on the MOSTATS report or your daily activity report. This number is entered in millions. For example 3,589,234 units shipped to customers would be entered as 3.589

  3. Tableau de Bord Environmental Total Consumption of water entering the facility in cubic meters to the thousandth ie 4.879m3. Cranbury, 160 Herrod and 24 Charles can get this information from the South Brunswick Water and Sewer. If this information is quarterly, and should be divided by 3 and entered. Of which is taken from the site wells – if you have a well on site you will enter total cubic meters of water pulled in this cell. In most cases this number will be zero.

  4. Tableau de Bord Environmental Others – total amount of water used for other purposes, in most instances if you have a sprinkler system this will be water used for irrigation. Sanitary - total amount of water consumed for sanitary purposes, if you have a meter that measures water being used internally, you can enter that number here in cubic meters. Conversion, gallons x .003785=cubic meters

  5. Tableau de Bord Environmental Electricity – the total Kilowatt Hours used by the site, PSE&G can provide a complete breakdown by site. Gas - total amount of gas used to heat the facility. This number is provided in therms. It must be converted to kWh. PSE&G can provide a complete breakdown by site. Therms X 29.29 = KwH

  6. Tableau de Bord Environmental Of which energy to heating or cooling systems - enter 0. If you have installed some sort of geothermal, wind or solar system that provides energy for production enter the total Kilowatt hours in this cell. If you have solar water heating systems, estimate the their energy production and enter it here.

  7. Tableau de Bord Environmental CO2 discharge = take the total KwH of gas from line 23 and multiply it by .185 enter that number in this cell. To the thousandth. If you are using fuel oil to heat or cool 1 ton of fuel oil = 3150kg of CO2. SO2 enter 0 in this cell.

  8. Tableau de Bord Environmental Enter a “1” in this cell if you have completed a noise emissions test, or if you are not subject to a regulation. Enter a “0” in this cell if you have not conducted a noise emissions test. Enter a “1” in this cell if you have completed a noise emissions test and were not compliant or have not completed a test. Enter a “0” in this cell if you have conducted a noise emissions test and were compliant. Enter a “1” in this cell if you have not met any of the decisions mentioned in the other 2 boxes. Enter “0” if you entered a “1” in either of the other 2 sections.

  9. Tableau de Bord Environmental These are wastes that are directly linked to the site’s activity. NOT HAZARDOUS WASTE. Used pallets, plastic stretch film, office paper… All of the numbers in this section are represented in METRIC TONS, to the tenth. 1 MT = 2204.622lbs . To convert you can either … Pounds / 2204.622 = MT or Pounds * .907184 = MT. Common solid wastes are wastes that are clean, and of no particular danger, and food waste.

  10. Tableau de Bord Environmental Plastics – non contaminated, stretch wrap, packaging wrap, clam shells, rinsed beverage containers collected from the cafeteria or office... This number is represented in metric tons. Cardboard/Paper – not contaminated, office paper, newspaper, magazines, mail pack, cardboard, post consumer cardboard.

  11. Tableau de Bord Environmental Wood/Pallets - not contaminated, pallets, either broken, or given away. Wood – can be all of the wood pulp generated from broken pallets, loose stringers, pallet boards, wood shards. Industry average pallet weight is 55lbs. Other common solid waste – every thing else not contaminated and not captured in the above 3 categories. Food waste from the cafeteria, glass, metals, batteries and general debris.

  12. Tableau de Bord Environmental Special waste - is contaminated waste, waste that exhibits a danger. All waste considered, and all discarded Finished Goods products go under this category, Hazardous and Non Hazardous.

  13. Tableau de Bord Environmental Dirty Packaging – usually a mfg line these are contaminated items such as drums, containers, bags, partially filled items from the lines. In most cases “0”. Bulks, Finished Goods, Raw Materials, for warehouses we handle finished goods. Any product either obsolete, damaged, or otherwise not needed should be sent out for incineration, enter the metric tons in this cell.

  14. Tableau de Bord Environmental Sludge – anything pulled out or extracted from a process as waste or the remains of treatment to containers or vessels. Cooking oils are not sludge. In most cases we will not have sludge. Enter “0”. Other special waste – anything that does not fit in the three categories above, neon lights, solvents, recycled batteries, recycled computer parts, waste paint cans can fall into this category. (UNIVERSAL WASTE in most instances distribution will use this section occasionally), Otherwise enter “0”.

  15. Tableau de Bord Environmental Returnable Packaging – packaging that is purchased by L’Oreal and returned to the vendor to be refilled and returned to L’Oreal. Simple example propane cylinders. Average weight for a propane tank is 35lbs. This category is calculated in metric tons to the tenth. Other examples of returnable packaging, recycling totes, padding, crates, pallets… any thing, that leaves the site and is either returned full, or empty and is then available for a second, third or …. Use.

  16. Tableau de Bord Environmental Exceptional Transportable Waste - entry into this section is controled by the DAO, it should be used in exceptional circumstances, example, a soil spill contamination that requires excavation. The removed soil would be entered here. Enter “0” for both Common solid waste and Special waste. Regulated Waste – Hazardous waste, anything that is transported off site, and is regulated by the DOT. On waste reports our vendors will classify our waste, usually with a D00? number. This value is calculated in metric tons to the tenth.

  17. Tableau de Bord Environmental These categories are calculated in metric tons, to the thousandth. Reuse – anything that can be reused in it’s current state or with minor repair, and or returned back to L’Oreal for additional use opportunities. The sum of Line 52 Wood and Pallets plus Line 63 Quantity of returnable packaging, should be entered here.

  18. Tableau de Bord Environmental Recycling – anything that can have a secondary use but not in it’s current state or as a repaired state. The sum of Line 50 Plastics plus Line 51 Cardboard/Paper, should be entered here. There are sites that recycle glass, aluminum and steel, these items are included in Line 53, and should be included in the total entered here. You may occasionally see items being recycled by your waste vendor (solvent recovery, lead acid batteries computer parts , items under line 53 or 58, other special waste) check with your vendor to properly categorize the waste. ***Line 52 also includes food waste which is often land filled, which will be entered later make a note of this point it will spare you some confusion later.***

  19. Tableau de Bord Environmental of which is composted – if your food waste or other biodegradable waste is being composted enter the total here otherwise enter “0”. Most sites do not compost. If the food waste is used on pig farms then it is reuse. Most sites do not compost. DC’s are encouraged to use compostable or biodegradable cutlery. Energy Recovery – this is the recovery of energy from waste combustion. Most large waste disposal companies will have a means to recover the energy. For example Rineco uses some of our waste entered on line 56 in a cement kiln, all of the waste used to fire the kiln will be entered in this cell. Not quite 100 % recovery though speak to your vendor to determine where the waste is going.

  20. Tableau de Bord Environmental Destruction – incineration, anything that is sent to a waste provider and was not considered in the Energy recovery line or Recycling line, should be entered in this cell. Landfill dumping is forbidden by the group and an absolute last resort. This value is pulled from your disposal ticket. Waste Management. Included in this number is your food waste if you are not composting and any other debris. Enter the total in this cell.

  21. Tableau de Bord Environmental CHECK THE MATH Lines (88+89+90)-Lines (60+63) must equal 0. If they do not, then we either overvalued or forgot to include a value in the section. Do not issue the report if this number is not “0”.

  22. Tableau de Bord Environmental Number of neighbor complaints- if either directly or indirectly a complaint is received by L’Oreal from one of our neighbors, enter the number of complaints in this cell. Otherwise enter “0”. Notify Legal Affairs , Chandra Jennings of ANY complaints ! Number of non compliance notifications (environmental), enter that number in this cell, that number will be carried over until the issue has been resolved. Notify Legal Affairs , Chandra Jennings of ANY complaints ! Number of fines – if we received a fine from any agency report the number of fines in this cell. Otherwise enter “0”. Notify Legal Affairs , Chandra Jennings of ANY complaints !

  23. Tableau de Bord Environmental General rule, if you have nothing to report enter “0” in the cell. When it comes time to enter the data on the Team Global, you should either print the complete report or be able to flip between screens to enter the data. I will provide passwords and a second training document for Team Global in the next few days.

  24. Tableau de Bord Safety Nb of SHE training hours during the period. Enter the total number of training hours to the hundredth. This should include almost every type of training you can think of. Fire drills are not training, however the meeting held to with staff to correct issues is training. Nb of SHE trained people during the period. Enter the total number of people trained to the hundredth. If you trained 5 people on a tape machine today, and 5 different people tomorrow you would record 10, if those 10 people attend pedestrian safety the next day in the same month you would record 20.

  25. Tableau de Bord Safety Nb of facility evacuation drills during the period. Evacuations- fire, chemical spill, flood, tornado, what ever causes you to collect the group in a designated area for the purposes of safety. Enter that number in this cell, general rule is 2 drills for every type of emergency per year. If your chemical spill and fire emergencies evacuation plans are identical only 2 drills would be required.

  26. Tableau de Bord Safety Nb of emergency persons at the end of the period, any person that has been specifically trained, and is responsible for the safety of others should be included. Ex. Bill, Steve, Olynda, Maria are first aid responders (4). Bill, Steve, John and Tanya are chemical spill responders (2). The total number of emergency persons is 6, because Bill and Steve can not be counted two times. First Aid / EMS, Fire Monitors / Hazardous Spill / AED users / and any other emergency response category.

  27. Tableau de Bord Safety Safety Validation – any piece of powered equipment, conveyors, carts, hand jacks… should be included in this measurement. Entry here should be calculated monthly, but you can use an average based on the total number of pieces being validated. Temporary conditional use, if you have a piece of equipment that can be used safely under very strict controls, but it wasn’t fully validated it can be granted conditional use. Enter that number in this cell. In most cases this should be “0”.

  28. Tableau de Bord Safety Nb. of Methods, enter “0” we are not subject to this process. This section concerns the determination of risks in the site. SHAP step 4. If you have not conducted a SHAP enter “0”, if you have conducted a SHAP and have reach step 4 enter the number of issues at a step 4 level in this cell.

  29. Tableau de Bord Safety Technically this section does not concern distribution or administrative sites. However, OSHA requires a chemical inventory list, as do many other agencies. Nb. Of MSDS available for their materials can be used as a reference point for your site and a reminder to do your annual inspection of your MSDS books.

  30. Tableau de Bord Safety Nb. of people whose work post is > 80dBA. A sound metering should be conducted at the least annually. In this cell enter the total number of people exposed to 80dBa, time weighted for 8 hours. Nb. of people whose work post is > 85dBA. A sound metering should be conducted at the least annually. In this cell enter the total number of people exposed to 80dBa, time weighted for 8 hours.

  31. Tableau de Bord Safety Nb. Of dosimetric measurements done during the period. Any test noise, CO2, CO, radiation… should be entered in this cell. For sites using continuous Nb. of people whose work post is > 85dBA. A sound metering should be conducted at the least annually. In this cell enter the total number of people exposed to 80dBa, time weighted for 8 hours.

  32. Tableau de Bord Safety Enter the total number of dosimetric readings conducted for chemical or physical exposure, ie. Dust, CO2, Noise. This measurement concerns chemical exposure, most DC’s will not be subjected to the entry. (explanation in RIO 10C.

  33. Tableau de Bord Safety This section relates to accidents in the work place. Line 41 – this is the number of L’Oreal employees who have had an accident at work, and were off work, on medical opinion, one day or more other than the day of the accident. This is the number of people not the number of accidents. EX. If an electric lift truck battery explodes, and Bill and Steve are temporarily blinded by battery acid and they can’t work for 1 week. The number 2 would be enter in this cell. Line 42 – similar to line 41, the difference being the employee was able to continue to work, regardless of restriction, job reclassification. First aid should be included.

  34. Tableau de Bord Safety Line 43 - refers to the total number of L’Oreal employees who have restricted working capabilities. Line 44 – similar to line 41, the difference being the employee is a temporary associate not a full time employee.

  35. Tableau de Bord Safety Line 45 - is similar to line 42, but it concerns a temporary associate not a full time employee. Line 46 – similar to line 41 and 44, the difference being the injured person is an outside contractor, ie truck driver, Cintas representative. Line 47 – similar to line 42 and 45, the difference being the injured person is an outside contractor, ie truck driver, Cintas representative.

  36. Tableau de Bord Safety Root Cause Analysis- in every case, where a person is injured either lost time, light duty or non lost time there are causes that resulted in the injury. This section contains a basic listing of causes, place a “1” next to any cause and a “0” next to all others not considered a cause. In this section we will provide examples to illustrate the causes.

  37. Tableau de Bord Safety Procedure / Instructions absent or inadequate – Bob is trained to fill lift truck batteries, there is a written document. Bob gets splash back of water and acid in his face. Bob is not wearing a face shield. Upon reading the procedure Bob was not instructed to wear a face shield. In this case the procedure is inadequate.

  38. Tableau de Bord Safety Out of order or inadequate equipment item – Maria takes a hand truck to the line so she can remove a pallet. She raises the pallet and as she moves around the pallet the hand truck looses pressure and the pallet comes down on her foot. In this case the hand truck was not functioning correctly and is therefore out of order.

  39. Tableau de Bord Safety Lack of order / cleanliness – Carlos walks across the warehouse, to the conveyor, as he passes by a pallet he trips and falls. Upon investigation it was determined that Carlos’s foot became entangled with the pallet strapping. This is a lack of order or cleanliness.

  40. Tableau de Bord Safety Procedure / Instructions not respected – Bob is trained to fill lift truck batteries, there is a written document. Bob gets splash back of water and acid in his face. Bob is not wearing a face shield. Upon reading the procedure Bob was specifically instructed to wear a face shield and he signed the training document. In this case the procedure / instruction was not respected.

  41. Tableau de Bord Safety Absence of or inadequate training – Bob is assigned to drive a lift truck, Bob notices that his team mates are filling the lift truck batteries. Bob tries to fill his battery, Bob gets splash back of water and acid in his face. Bob was sent out to drive but was not given any training to properly fill the batteries. In this case there is an absence of training.

  42. Tableau de Bord Safety Risky Behavior – Tanya a 10 year employee, is walking through the warehouse, and she see, her friend Steve driving in the other direction. Tanya decides she wants to scare Steve, she runs across the warehouse to intercept, as she approaches Steve she trys to slow down but can’t, she falls into the aisle and gets hit by the lift truck. Risky Behavior.

  43. Tableau de Bord Safety Design Mistake – Maria gets a “safety” knife from a fellow employee, it has a push extension on the top of the knife. Maria uses the knife every day, for months, always holding down the button to keep the blade extended. Maria goes to the Dr. complaining of pain in her thumb. The Dr. determines that the knife should have an ergonomic side extension, and the knife Maria is using caused her injury. This is a design mistake.

  44. Tableau de Bord Safety Change management error- Carlos is replacing a hard wired conveyor, step 1 dismantle the conveyor, step 2 is lock out the conveyor, step 2 assemble new conveyor. Carlos takes his work instructions and beings the task. Carlos receives 110 volts knocking him backward and unconscious. In this case steps 1 and 2 should have been reversed. Change management error.

  45. Tableau de Bord Safety Insufficient Supervision – Maria is cutting open boxes on the line the way she was trained, Steve the manager walks away from the line to answer a phone call. Maria decides to tape the knife blade open because her thumb was hurting. Maria cut her finger on the blade. Upon investigation Maria admitted that if Steve were present she would have never of taped the knife. Insufficient supervision.

  46. Tableau de Bord Safety Non-categorized cause, if you come across a cause that is not listed above, enter a “1” in this box. In most cases there will be more than one root cause, and the person is not always to blame. We as management must review and validate the safety of every task we ask our employees to complete, we play a vital role in ensuring the safety of our employees

  47. Tableau de Bord Safety Nb. Of hours worked by L’Oreal personnel (thousands). This is the total number of hours worked by L’Oreal full time employees. Example – 15600 hrs worked would be entered as 15.6

  48. Tableau de Bord Safety Nb. Of hours worked by temporary personnel (thousands). This is the total number of hours worked by temporary employees. (This does not include contract labor ie. Cafeteria workers. Example – 15600 hrs worked would be entered as 15.6 The calculations will be automatically valued when you enter and submit the information into Teams Global, if you are so inclined you can add the formulas your self by using the letters in parenthesis. EX. Line 64 = (1000 * LN44/LN61)

  49. Tableau de Bord Safety Nb. of days lost during the period by L’Oreal personnel. This is the same number found on the OSHA 300 log. HR will be able to assist in determining the days lost. (this is a calendar day measurement) After an accident on March 20, the injured person returns to work on May 5. We will count in this line: 11 in March, 30 in April and 4 in May. If the injury reoccurs the days missed will be entered into the month where the days were missed.

  50. Tableau de Bord Safety Nb. of days worked in light duty during the period by L’Oreal personnel. This is the same number found on the OSHA 300 log. HR will be able to assist in determining the days lost. (this is a calendar day measurement) Same basic premise as the previous entry but this includes job reassignment or classification until the person is well enough to return to regular unrestricted duty.

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