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NYNG - NYNM - NYG WTC Victims. 1LT Gerard Baptiste. A/1-69th IN, NYARNG - New York Fire Department. SGT Larry Bowman. C/1-258th FA, NYARNG - Summit Security Services. SSGT Andrew Brunn. 213th EIS, NYANG - New York Fire Department. PS2 Vincent Danz. NYNM - New York City Police Dept.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NYNG - NYNM - NYG WTC Victims

  2. 1LT Gerard Baptiste A/1-69th IN, NYARNG - New York Fire Department

  3. SGT Larry Bowman C/1-258th FA, NYARNG - Summit Security Services

  4. SSGT Andrew Brunn 213th EIS, NYANG - New York Fire Department

  5. PS2 Vincent Danz NYNM - New York City Police Dept

  6. SSGT Jerome Dominguez 105th AW, NYANG - New York City Police Dept

  7. GySGT Mathew Garvey A Co, 6th Comm Bn, NYNM - New York Fire Department

  8. SPC Roshan “Sean” R. Singh HHB/1-258th FA NYARNG, Windows on the World

  9. CPL Sean Patrick Tallon 2/25 Marine Division, NYNM - New York Fire Department

  10. 1LT John Perry HHC 88th Bde, NYG - New York City Police Dept

  11. 1SG Walter McNeill 719th Trans, NYARNG - Port Authority

  12. SSG Ronnie Henderson 719th Trans, NYARNG - New York Fire Department

  13. SPC Thomas Jurgens HHC 1-69th IN, NYARNG - New York State Supreme Court

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