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Experience with an introduction of IPPC Directive in an AC IMPEL member country

Experience with an introduction of IPPC Directive in an AC IMPEL member country. Czech Republic Czech Enviromental Inspectorate. European Community Council Directive 96/61/EC on IPPC 24. 9. 1996. Czech Republic Act No. 76/2002 Coll. on IPPC 1. 3. 2002.

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Experience with an introduction of IPPC Directive in an AC IMPEL member country

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  1. Experience with an introduction of IPPC Directive in an AC IMPEL member country Czech Republic Czech Enviromental Inspectorate

  2. European CommunityCouncil Directive 96/61/EC on IPPC24. 9. 1996 Czech Republic Act No. 76/2002 Coll. on IPPC 1. 3. 2002

  3. Act on IPPC in the CR - 1. January 2003

  4. Act on IPPC in the CR - 1. January 2003 • Installations in operation – 30. October 2007 • New installations – 1. March 2003 • Integrated pollution register IPR • Agency of integrated prevention AIP • changes in 10 Czech Acts

  5. 35 days What has been achieved so far? • applications and simulation decisions are ready • BREF translations • Agency of Integrated prevention What is missing? • implementing law regulations • the list of authorized persons • people and financial sources in regions

  6. IPPC • application of Best Available Techniques /BAT/ • integrated permitting /in contradiction to sectoral permitting/ • public access to information

  7. EU EC – DG XI. Forum European IPPC Office Technical Working Groups CR MoE Czech IPPC Forum Czech IPPC Office Czech Working Group System for Exchange of Information

  8. Institutions of Czech exchange system: The National IPPC Forum The National IPPC Office National Working Groups

  9. Institutions of state administration • Ministry of Environment • Ministry of Industry and Trade • Ministry of Agriculture • Ministry of Health • Regions • Czech Environmental Inspectorate • Regional Hygiene Officer

  10. Procedure on granting an integrated permit • EIA • receiving of the application • to check all prescribed requirements • disclosure of the application to the public • statement of participation of other authorities • discussing the objections • final decision on the application

  11. Permitting procedure- Preparing an application of the integrated permit from a company • Summary of environmental aspects • Selection of important aspects and setting the final values of indicators • Analysis of production processes from the point of view of raw material and energy flows • Draft of possible solutions to prevent the origins of waste production and the sources pollution (BAT) • Evaluation of possibilities and suggestion of integrated solution in production technologies • Draft of end technologies in a case of prevention of the sources pollution wasn´t achieved • Draft of the whole solution and the description of the emission monitoring

  12. Permitting Procedure- Granting the Integrated permit • The company submits the application • Disclosure of information about submission of the application • Evaluation of the suggested measures • Preparation of decision and discussion with the operator of the installation about permission requirements and about the best solution • Disclose the decision draft • Comments from the public • Granting the integrated permit, which includes justification of public comments

  13. Operating the installation • monitoring and reporting • controls and disclosure of monitoring results • renewal of the integrated permit

  14. Basic obligations of the operator of an installation • to operate the installation in accordance with the integrated permit • to notify the Authority of a planned change in the installation • to cooperate with the relevant administrative authorities in controlling compliance with the conditions of the integrated permit • to notify the Authority without delay of all unusual situations, accidents at the installation and accidental releases of pollutants from the installation into the environment • keep records of information on compliance with the binding conditions for operation of the integrated permit • The operator of an installation must not operate the installation without an integrated permit

  15. The Czech Environmental Inspectorate • inspect compliance with obligations laid down by this Act or the integrated permit • limit or stop the operation of an installation or its part, if its further operation would cause or could cause serious environmental damage or considerable material damage • impose fines • submit to the Region the results of a completed control, if this control reveals breach of obligations for which the Region imposes fines • evaluate applications of the best available techniques and submit • information on trends therein to the relevant administrative authorities • not participate on the procedure on granting an Integrated Permit • not perceive as an affected body of state administration.

  16. Ministry of the Environment • execute supreme state supervision and shall be the central body of state administration • make decisions on applications for integrated permit for installations whose operations could significantly detrimentally affect the environment of an affected state • within its competence, evaluate the application of the best available techniques • submit the results of the evaluation of the best available techniques application to the administrative authorities and the relevant bodies of the European Communities • establish and maintain the integrated pollution register • provide methodical support in the area specified by this Act • fulfil tasks following from the relation to the European Communities in the area specified by this Act

  17. Ministry of Industry and Trade • shall, within its competence, evaluate application of the best available techniques 1.Energy industries 2.Production and processing of metals 3.Processing of minerals 4.Chemical industry 6.1.Industrial plants for production 6.2.Plants for the pre-treatment or dyeing of fibres or textiles 6.3.Plants for tanning of hides and skins 6.7.Installations for the surface treatment of substances, objects or products using organic solvents 6.8.Installations for the carbon production or electrographite by means of incineration or graphitization • shall ensure the system for exchange of information on the best available techniques

  18. Ministry of Agriculture • shall, within its competence, evaluate application of the best available techniques  6.4 a) Slaughterhouses with a car case production capacity greater than 50 tonnes per day b) Treatment and processing installations intended for the production of food or feed products c) Treatment and processing installations for milk with received quantity of milk exceeding 200 tonnes per day • 6.5. Installations for the disposal or recycling of animal car cases and animal waste with a treatment capacity exceeding 10 tonnes per day • 6.6. Installations for intensive rearing of poultry or pigs

  19. Regions • make decisions on application for an integrated permit with the exception of installations whose operation could significantly detrimentally affect environment of an affected state - these decisions makes the MoE • carry out control of an integrated permit or operation of an installation • impose fines request the operator of an installation to submit an application for granting an integrated permit • evaluate application of the best available techniques and submit information on their development to the relevant administrative authorities

  20. Regional Hygiene Officer • in procedures on granting an integrated permit, the officer shall lay down the binding conditions for operation of a source of noise or vibrations if the hygiene limits cannot be met • from the standpoint of protection of the public health, the officer shall check the integrated permit or operation of the installation • the hygiene officer shall limit or terminate the operation of an installation or its part, if further its operation would or could cause serious damage to human health • the officer shall impose fines

  21. Participants in the Procedure • the operator of the installation • the municipality, in whose territory the installation is or is to be located • the region, in whose territory the installation is or to be located - civic associations • public benefit societies • federations of employers or chamber of commerce • municipalities

  22. Participation of the Authorized person • statement on application • by other Authorised person • by the Agency of Integrated Prevention • within 5 days • within 75 days • disclosure for a period of 30 days

  23. Oral Discussion of the Application Decision on the Application - within 45 days - prolongation: 45 days

  24. Application for granting an Integrated Permit • identification of operator of an installation • description of the installation and related activities • description of raw materials and preparations, related materials and energy • emission sources from the installation • characterization of the place where the installation should be located • description of emissions amount from the installation in water, air, soil • description of technologies which prevent the emission formation and reduce them • description of measures that prevent waste production or serve to the useof waste produced by installation • localization and types of emission monitoring is needed • characterization of measuring instruments • + supplements

  25. Pilot project system  preparation of Regions for the Integrated Permit granting according to the IPPC directive requirements  to prepare workshops for the clerks from the Regions who are responsible for issuing permits  to create a flexible system of BREF documents and other BAT sources  to support MoE in establishing and of to educate personal about related issues  to support the Czech working group in monitoring  to prepare documents

  26. Institutional strengthening of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate– Implementation of the IPPC Directive

  27. Institucional strengthening of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate– Implementation of the IPPC Directive • Introduction of permitting according to the EU-IPPC Directive in selected pilot metal foundries in the Czech republic • Institutional strengthening of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate /CEI/ • Improvement of smog monitoring and control in the surroundings of 2 metallurgical companies in Ostrava

  28. Institucional strengthening of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate– Implementation of the IPPC Directive Outputs • an agreement between the Czech government and the Czech foundry sector on a future emissions value framework • a Company Environmental Plan /CEP/ for the selected pilot foundries • demonstration permits • a database and documentation centre on clean technology and BAT in the foundry sector • 2 seminars on IPPC, BAT, self/regulation and integration • a work plan for the CEI regarding implementation of IPPC • a seminar on clean production • 3 study visits of stakeholders to meet colleague organisations in the Netherlands • installation of additional hardware and software to improve smog monitoring

  29. Czech Environmental Inspectorate Ministry of Environment Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Regional Development selected pilot foundries Czech Foundry Union steel mills involved NGO`s – STUZ project manager - DHV in the Netherlands deputy project manager - DHV CR air quality management expert - DHV in the Netherlands environmental expert - DHV CR Environmental Department of Dutch environmental permitting body Dutch steel mill The Netherlands Environmental Inspectorate Institucional strengthening of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate– Implementation of the IPPC Directive

  30. Institucional strengthening of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate– Implementation of the IPPC Directive • smog monitoring equipment track • permitting track • application format • preparation of application • IPPC permit • study visit to the Netherlands • Dutch Foundry Union • permitting authorities • Environmental inspectorate • companies

  31. The pilot IPPC project in paper industry enterprise (paper mill) • Simulation Game 2000 – 2001 • The Frantschach Pulp & Paper, a.s. • Sweden 1969

  32. The pilot IPPC project in paper industry enterprise (paper mill) • Environmental Management System • EN ISO 14001 • to increase using of renewable energy sources • to reduce the water consumption • to reduce the waste water burden • to limit the origins of underground water contamination • to meet the emission limits for air and water

  33. The pilot IPPC project in paper industry enterprise (paper mill) • VIII/2000 Elaborating the integrated permit application form • IX – X/2000 Elaborating and handing in the Frantschach's integrated permit application • 8. –9. 11. 2000 Discussing the application • 8. 12. 2000 Written comments of the authorities on the completed application • 15. 2. 2001 Elaborating the standpoints of the authorities, NGOs and the public on the completed application • 20. - 22. 3. 2001 Public hearing

  34. The pilot IPPC project in paper industry enterprise (paper mill) • Ministry of Environment • Czech Environmental Inspectorate • District Hygiene Station • District Office • Municipal Office • Centre For a Cleaner Production • Society for Sustainable Living • Swedish Agency For Environment • Swedish Environmental Court

  35. The pilot IPPC project in paper industry enterprise (paper mill) • BAT - 90% • public hearing on the application • process of integrated permit granting • administrative management •  applicants •  permit granting authorities

  36. The Chicken Farming • 6.6. Installation for the intensive rearing of poultry or pigs with more than 40 000 places for poultry • Capacity: 609 000 places • The model discussion of the application • Integrated permit 31 . March 2003

  37. The Chicken Farming • Czech Inspection of Environment • Regional Hygienic Officer • NGOs - Children of the Earth • vets • relevant administrative authorities • comments • problem - Integrated Permit • more operators • one operator

  38. internet • IPPC • http://www.env.cz • http://www.cizp.cz • http://www.ceu.cz • http://www.ceu.cz/IPPC/Podniky/Default.htm • http://www.ceu.cz/IPPC/Podniky/Formular.htm

  39. THANK YOU for your attention

  40. IPPC Installations in the Czech Republic

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