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Geo-Enabling USAID FAF Performance Indicators

Geo-Enabling USAID FAF Performance Indicators. Erin Goodnough June 2012. Table of Contents. Introduction and Background Research: The Challenge and Justification for the Project Constraints to Geo-Enabling FAF Indicators Workplan.

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Geo-Enabling USAID FAF Performance Indicators

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Geo-Enabling USAID FAF Performance Indicators Erin Goodnough June 2012

  2. Table of Contents • Introductionand Background • Research: The Challenge and Justification for the Project • Constraints to Geo-Enabling FAF Indicators • Workplan

  3. Background: Foreign Assistance Framework and its Indicators Activities feed the Sub-Intermediate Results (with a few exceptions)

  4. Org chart courtesy usaid.gov/about_usaid/orgchart.html

  5. Background: Anatomy of a USAID Project Activities Activities Activities

  6. Justification for the Project

  7. X

  8. Vision

  9. Early Forerunner “The Afghan Info database, enabled to track performance indicators in addition to activity inputs and outputs, will be the basis for contributing to other regular, on-going reporting exercises and to the many ad-hoc requests for performance analysis that are a constant element of the environment of high profile programs. To meet these needs, the addition of the PMP tracking capability, user friendly input interfaces (so that data is recent and accurate), and an agile reporting and analytical module will be essential.”

  10. Who interacts with FAF Indicators

  11. Constraints: Practical Complexities

  12. Workplan for (596B)

  13. Conclusions

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