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aristocrat Pronunciation: \ə- ˈ ris-tə- ˌ krat, a-; ˈ a-rə-stə-\ Function: noun Date: 1789

aristocrat Pronunciation: ə- ˈ ris-tə- ˌ krat, a-; ˈ a-rə-stə- Function: noun Date: 1789 1: A member of a ruling class or of the nobility. 2: A person having the tastes, manners, or other characteristics of the aristocracy: A natural aristocrat who insists on the best accommodations.

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aristocrat Pronunciation: \ə- ˈ ris-tə- ˌ krat, a-; ˈ a-rə-stə-\ Function: noun Date: 1789

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  1. aristocrat Pronunciation: \ə-ˈris-tə-ˌkrat, a-; ˈa-rə-stə-\ Function: noun Date: 1789 1: A member of a ruling class or of the nobility. 2: A person having the tastes, manners, or other characteristics of the aristocracy: A natural aristocrat who insists on the best accommodations.

  2. attrition Pronunciation: \ə-ˈtri-shən, a-\ Function: noun Etymology: Latin attrition-, attritio, from atterere to rub against, from ad- + terere to rub — more at throw Date: 14th century 1: the act of weakening or exhausting by constant harassment, abuse, or attack <a war of attrition> 2: a reduction in numbers usually as a result of resignation, retirement, or death <a company with a high rate of attrition>

  3. auger Pronunciation: \ˈȯ-gər\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, alteration of nauger, from Old English nafogār; akin to Old High German nabugēr auger, Old English nafu nave, gār spear — more at nave, gore Date: before 12th century 1: any of various tools or devices having a helical shaft or member that are used for boring holes (as in wood, soil, or ice) or moving loose material (as snow)

  4. baleen Pronunciation: \bə-ˈlēn, ˈbā-ˌlēn\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English baleine whale, baleen, from Latin balaena whale; akin to Greek phallaina whale Date: 14th century : a thorny keratinous substance found in two rows of transverse plates which hang down from the upper jaws of baleen whales

  5. balderdash Pronunciation: \ˈbȯl-dər-ˌdash\ Function: noun Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1674 :nonsense

  6. ostracize Function: verb Inflected Form(s): os·tra·cized; os·tra·ciz·ing Etymology: Greek ostrakizein to banish by voting with potsherds, from ostrakon shell, potsherd — more at oyster Date: 1649 1 : to exile by ostracism 2 : to exclude from a group by common consent

  7. scribble Pronunciation: \ˈskri-bəl\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): scrib·bled; scrib·bling\-b(ə-)liŋ\ Etymology: Middle English scriblen, from Medieval Latin scribillare, from Latin scribere to write Date: 15th century 1 : to write hastily or carelessly without regard to legibility or form 2 : to cover with careless or worthless writings or drawings

  8. reconcile Pronunciation: \ˈre-kən-ˌsī(-ə)l\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): rec·on·ciled; rec·on·cil·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French reconciler, from Latin reconciliare, from re- + conciliare to conciliate Date: 14th century 1 a: to restore to friendship or harmony <reconciled the factions> b:settle, resolve<reconcile differences> 2: to make consistent or congruous <reconcile an ideal with synonyms see adapt

  9. solvency Pronunciation: \ˈsäl-vən(t)-sē, ˈsȯl-\ Function: noun Date: circa 1727 1: Capable of meeting financial obligations. 2: Chemistry Capable of dissolving another substance. Water is the most common solvent.

  10. stilted Pronunciation: \ˈstil-təd\ Function: adjective Date: 1820 1: raised or elevated on or as on stilts 2: artificially formal or dignified; pompous, affected, decorous; see egotistic 2, prim.

  11. Stilted Usage Examples Modifies a noun dialog: Top Made as a second feature with very little atmosphere and plenty of stilted dialog. conversation: Instead, we have to make do with a stilted conversation in the car. language: Instead of the rich colloquial language of the American worlds Twain grew up in we have here a stilted formal language. style: While this may give them a rather stilted reading style, it does mean that they are perfect for oral story-telling. manner: His stilted manner has softened over the years into something much more relaxed. banter: There seem to be awkward pauses, stilted banter and duff links all over the shop.

  12. Objective: I will clarify word meanings by saying the word writing the word and the entomology. I will also understand the word through the use of definitions and creating friendly definitions, writing sentences, drawing Illustrations and contrasts.

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