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XtraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

XtraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL. OSCON 2009 Vadim Tkachenko, Ryan Lowe Percona Inc MySQLPerformanceBlog.com. Who are we ?. http://MysqlPerformanceBlog.com Vadim Tkachenko Co-Founder of Percona Inc Lead of R&D department Co-Author “High Performance MySQL” 2 nd edition book

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XtraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

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  1. XtraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL OSCON 2009 Vadim Tkachenko, Ryan Lowe Percona Inc MySQLPerformanceBlog.com

  2. Who are we ? • http://MysqlPerformanceBlog.com • Vadim Tkachenko • Co-Founder of Percona Inc • Lead of R&D department • Co-Author “High Performance MySQL” 2nd edition book • Ryan Lowe • Senior Consultant, Percona Inc • Coordinator, USA Consulting Group • Special Thanks Yasufumi Kinoshita • Not here, but author of most work XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  3. What is this talk about? • XtraDB storage engine for MySQL • Enhanced version of InnoDB • Two main focuses • Performance improvements • “Usability” improvements • Make InnoDB a bit more friendly  • World changed since time of Pentium 100MHz and 8MB of RAM • But many such assumptions still in InnoDB code XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  4. MySQL Architecture in short XtraDB – drop in replacement for InnoDB XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  5. Why we do it • Gather all patches we have into single engine • Most requirements and changes come from practical work with customers • We need InnoDB fully utilizing modern hardware today • 16 cores • RAIDs • SSD / FusionIO / other storage technologies • InnoDB is not able to do that today, developed ~10 year ago XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  6. History • Started with patches for MySQL 5.0 • Still support • https://launchpad.net/percona-patches • Percona builds for MySQL 5.0 • http://www.percona.com/mysql/ XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  7. XtraDB, what is it • Enhanced InnoDB • Better hardware utilization • Better usability • Open for third-party patches • http://www.percona.com/docs/wiki/percona-xtradb:start • https://launchpad.net/percona-xtradb • Found in twitter: “We moved a database-set of 40 servers to mysql-5.1.34 + xtradb and are running our former workload with 6 servers. ramonvanalteren“ XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  8. XtraDB base • MySQL 5.1 • “easy” to remove and plug new engine • InnoDB plugin • New features • Focus of development of InnoDB team • Designed to plug into 5.1 XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  9. Performance Improvements XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  10. Scalability • Split buffer_pool mutex • Replace global lock on innodb_buffer_pool on several small parts • Decrease contention on single lock on multi-cores systems • Extra rollback segments • InnoDB uses just 1, again contention on multi-concurrency load • Extra undo slots • By default max 1024 concurrent transactions, we increase to 4076 XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  11. IO improvements • InnoDB IO • Set of patches to improve InnoDB IO performance • Several parts – some of them now in MySQL 5.4 XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  12. IO – multiple threads • Read_io_threads • Number of threads for reads requests (by default 1) • Not really useful as used only for read-ahead requests • Write_io_threads • Number of threads for write requests (by default 1) • This is one you may want to use on system with multiple disks • IO_capacity • Amount of IO operations per second InnoDB assumes server can do (by default 100, which is not right assumptions for modern systems) XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  13. IO – Adaptive checkpoint • InnoDB flushing of dirty buffer_pool pages may be intensive • Lack of free pages may be controlled by innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct • Flushing at the moment of checkpoint is not controllable, intensive and may hurt XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  14. Adaptive checkpointing InnoDB default behavior, hiccups during buffer_pool flushing XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  15. Adaptive checkpoint • What we do: • Flush pages more intensive • the closer checkpoint the more intensive XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  16. Adaptive_checkpoint • Adaptive_checkpoint=1 XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  17. IO Control of Insert buffer • Ibuf_max_size – maximal size of insert buffer (by default can be half of buffer_pool) • Ibuf_accel_rate – IO rate for background thread, works in pair with io_capacity XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  18. IO – multiple pages • Read_ahead = (both | linear | random) • Control to use or not internal InnoDB read-ahead logic XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  19. IO – multiple pages • Flush_neighbor_pages = (yes|no) • By default InnoDB also writes neighborhoods of flushing pages • All these operations were made for disks with expensive (in time sense) random reads – may be not needed for SSD / FusionIO / other devices with cheap random reads XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  20. Extra rollback segments • By default InnoDB uses single segment protected by mutex • Sensitive in intensive parallel insert load XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  21. Fix group commit • “Broken” in 5.0 • Problem appears on slow disks with enabled binary-logs XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  22. Benchmark • Tpcc-like workload • 100 Warehouses (about 10GB of data) • Buffer_pool=16GB (in memory) | 3GB (io-bound) • System: Dell PowerEdge R900, RAID 10 on 8 disks, RAM 32GB • O_DIRECT for InnoDB, ext filesystem • 5.1-XtraDB vs 5.1-standard XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  23. Benchmark XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  24. Usability patches XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  25. Limit data dictionary • Problem: • Data dictionary entry of once opened table kept in memory forever (or while DELETE table) • Is not problem for regular usage (100-1000 tables) • Is problem for instances with 10K+ tables • 10GB+ of memory just allocated for data dictionary entries • Our solution: • LRU based data dictionary entries • Remove from memory oldest entries if limit reached XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  26. Show buffer pool content • What is in buffer_pool select space,offset, RECORDS, DATASIZE, INDEX_NAME,TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME from information_schema.INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_CONTENT limit 10; +-------+---------+---------+----------+------------+--------------+-------------+ | space | offset | RECORDS | DATASIZE | INDEX_NAME | TABLE_SCHEMA | TABLE_NAME | +-------+---------+---------+----------+------------+--------------+-------------+ | 1584 | 640643 | 9 | 10312 | PRIMARY | art104 | article104 | | 1648 | 2100 | 135 | 15226 | PRIMARY | art114 | author114 | | 1492 | 4507 | 158 | 15130 | PRIMARY | art87 | author87 | | 1406 | 17498 | 141 | 16056 | img_status | art52 | img_out52 | | 1466 | 47632 | 49 | 15140 | PRIMARY | art62 | img_out62 | | 1470 | 1395457 | 24 | 14769 | PRIMARY | art84 | article84 | | 1460 | 16025 | 62 | 15174 | PRIMARY | art61 | img_out61 | | 1458 | 560956 | 20 | 14977 | PRIMARY | art61 | article61 | | 1466 | 67953 | 56 | 15182 | PRIMARY | art62 | img_out62 | | 1621 | 162962 | 46 | 15134 | PRIMARY | art110 | link_out110 | +-------+---------+---------+----------+------------+--------------+-------------+ XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  27. Show memory usage • Extended information about memory consuming ---------------------- BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY ---------------------- Total memory allocated 328830416; in additional pool allocated 2117120 + Internal hash tables (constant factor + variable factor) + Adaptive hash index 4839388 (4425628 + 413760) + Page hash 138716 + Dictionary cache 3383508 (3320220 + 63288) + File system 41848 (41336 + 512) + Lock system 332788 (332468 + 320) + Recovery system 0 (0 + 0) + Threads 41900 (41348 + 552) Buffer pool size 16384 + Buffer pool size, bytes 268435456 Free buffers 12396 XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  28. Show locks held • ---TRANSACTION 0 163390, ACTIVE 0 sec, process no 15571, OS thread id 1159485776 inserting • mysql tables in use 1, locked 1 • 7 lock struct(s), heap size 1216, undo log entries 4 • MySQL thread id 15, query id 15455 root update • INSERT INTO history(h_c_d_id, h_c_w_id, h_c_id, h_d_id, h_w_id, h_date, h_amount, h_data) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, • ?, ?) • Trx read view will not see trx with id >= 0 163391, sees < 0 163086 • TABLE LOCK table `test/warehouse` trx id 0 163390 lock mode IX • RECORD LOCKS space id 10 page no 3 n bits 168 index `PRIMARY` of table `test/warehouse` trx id 0 163390 lock_mode X • locks rec but not gap • TABLE LOCK table `test/district` trx id 0 163390 lock mode IX • RECORD LOCKS space id 18 page no 7 n bits 216 index `PRIMARY` of table `test/district` trx id 0 163390 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap • TABLE LOCK table `test/customer` trx id 0 163390 lock mode IX • RECORD LOCKS space id 19 page no 57918 n bits 96 index `PRIMARY` of table `test/customer` trx id 0 163390 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap • TABLE LOCK table `test/history` trx id 0 163390 lock mode IX XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  29. TransactionalReplication • Similar to Google’s patch • Information in relay-log.info is not consistent with InnoDB state. • When server crash MySQL will repeat several transaction • You are lucky if replication fails on “Duplicate key error” • In worst case you will have several transactions executed twice • Our solution: store information of binary log name and position and relay-log name and position in InnoDB transactional log file XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  30. Move tables between servers • Before was available only for MyISAM • For InnoDB only full copy of database • Very painful if you have 100GB+ of data • Useful for: • Restore only table (from backup or master) • Copy only single table to QA • Re-sharding data XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  31. Fast Recovery • Start InnoDB after crash takes ages • The same from snapshot backup • We changed internal InnoDB algorithm of handling list of pages XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  32. And last but not least • XtraBackup • OpenSource hot backup of XtraDB / InnoDB tables • Incremental / Differential backups • Stream backup (tar) directly to remote server / tape • https://launchpad.net/percona-xtrabackup • http://www.percona.com/docs/wiki/percona-xtrabackup:start XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  33. Plans • Still hunt performance improvements • Operations tasks: • Preload table / index into buffer_pool. • Several buffer_pools • Open InnoDB tables in parallel • Currently serialized • Different improvements on statistics • Full list of ideas • http://www.percona.com/docs/wiki/devplan:start:ideas XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

  34. Questions ? • Thank you for coming! XTraDB OpenSource Storage Engine for MySQL

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