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Activities of the Animal Health Service (AGAH)

Activities of the Animal Health Service (AGAH). Julio Pinto Animal Health Officer . Control of diseases ‘à la source’ Early detection Early warning Rapid response Science-based approach / support to research Coordination Communication. TRANSBOUNDARY ANIMAL DISEASES.

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Activities of the Animal Health Service (AGAH)

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  1. Activities of the Animal Health Service (AGAH) Julio Pinto Animal Health Officer

  2. Control of diseases ‘à la source’ Early detection Early warning Rapid response Science-based approach / support to research Coordination Communication TRANSBOUNDARY ANIMAL DISEASES

  3. AGAH – Servicio de Sanidad Animal (IDG) 2005-2007 Informática y Sistemas , producción de vacunas, equipo de diagnóstico, producción y salud/prevención, talleres, pasantías, desarrollo de estrategias, planes de contingencia, revisión de leyes y reglamentos, análisis de riesgo, ... Fiebre Aftosa, Peste Porcina Clásica, Peste Porcina Africana, Peste Bovina, Fiebre del Valle de Rift, Peste de los Pequeños Rumiantes, Newcastle, Brucelosis, ... IAAP

  4. Australia The Royal Veterinary College UK Thailand Department of Livestock Development USA Animal Health Service EMPRES Việt Nam Department of Animal Health + Regional Office AGAP AGAL New Zealand Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium PR China Ministry of Agriculture France FAO Collaborators: Asian Focus

  5. Veterinary Public Health Environment and Health AGAP Animal Production and Genetic Resources AGAL Information, Policies and Legislation TADs/EMPRES Animal Health Service

  6. Animal Health Service 2007-2009 Information systems, vaccine production, diagnostic equipment, health and production, legislation, workshops, study tours, strategy development, contingency planning, legislation reviews, risk analysis, ... Foot-and-mouth Disease, Classical Swine Fever, African Swine Fever, Rinderpest, PPR, Newcastle, Brucellosis, Rift Valley Fever, HPAI ...

  7. Early 1980s Early 1990s 2009 2001 GREP PROGRESS RINDERPEST Signs: Fever Discharges: nose, eyesDiarrhoea/dysentery Ulcers in mouth Death (can exceed 90 %)

  8. 5 Officially free without vaccinationNo circulation / containment zones only 4 Officially free with vaccinationNo circulation / containment zones only 3 Approaching freedomOutbreaks < once / year 2 Critical points addressed incidence 1 Critical risk points identified,strategy being developed Stages 0-3 = infected countries/zones 0 Risk not controlledContinuous FMDV circulation Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) FAO Progressive Control Pathway - risk reduction approach (under development) not a top down prescribed approach: but each MS encouraged to develop national risk reduction strategies that are supportive to the regional effort

  9. West EurAsia FMD road map

  10. 2006: H5 Avian Influenza events and outbreaks Infected countries Infected areas

  11. Infected countries Infected areas 2009: H5 Avian Influenza events and outbreaks Republic

  12. ECTAD:joint venture FAO Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division OPERATIONAL FAO Animal Production and Health Division TECHNICAL ECTAD

  13. ECTAD:since 2004 Activities since 2004 focus on • Design and implementation of strategies and programmes for the Prevention, Detection and Control of H5N1 HPAI Results – HPAI situation • Much improved since 2005-06 • Entrenched in some countries

  14. ECTAD Regional Units

  15. GLEWS:Global Early Warning and Response System

  16. GLEWS@fao.org forward local information on possible TAD events (... even newspaper clippings). Information is extracted and verification carried out through other channels. The originator of the information is protected. EMPRES-Shipping-Service@fao.org submission of samples for confirmation or agent characterization to OIE or FAO reference laboratories.

  17. Goal to redress diseases emergence at animal-human-agro-ecosystem interface with the aim to protect public health, safeguard food, agriculture production and natural resources management Beyond HPAI:FAO’s strengthened programme (2010-2015)

  18. Outcome 1: Diseases emergency prevention and control Output 1 – Early Warning Output 2 – Early Detection Output 3 – Early Response Beyond HPAI:FAO’s strengthened programme (2010-2015) Outcome 2: Diseases emergence prevented and controlled Output 1 – Diseases impact analysis Output 2 – Understanding drivers Output 3 –Concerted actions to prevent and control diseases emergence

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