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Level 3.30 DVC Initiate design ideas through exploration

Level 3.30 DVC Initiate design ideas through exploration. Part 3. A Starting point e xamine a feather/bird closely. Activity. Starting point exercise Slice , displace, deface, fold, repeat, compress, repeat. Interrogate and re-generate ideas.

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Level 3.30 DVC Initiate design ideas through exploration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Level 3.30 DVCInitiate design ideas through exploration Part 3

  2. A Starting point examine a feather/bird closely

  3. Activity

  4. Starting point exercise Slice, displace, deface, fold, repeat, compress, repeat.

  5. Interrogate and re-generate ideas students ability to do: abstraction, re-combination, tessellation, exaggeration, rotation, inversion, translation, translocation, deconstruction from a given starting experience

  6. re-combination, tessellation, exaggeration, rotation, inversion, translation, translocation, deconstruction?

  7. re-combination, tessellation, exaggeration, rotation, inversion, translation, translocation, deconstruction?

  8. Where does it lead to: tattoos Culturally located: Samoan sleeve tattoo

  9. Where could it lead to: spatial - entrance way

  10. Initiate design ideas through exploration in a cultural context

  11. Examples of integration

  12. Hussein ChalayanFashion designer Do you have some special rituals before you start to create? • I am a curious person and an ideas person, everything I do is imbued with my curiosity and love of exploring ideas. If I had to define my philosophy in a just few words, it would be an exploration, a journey, storytelling – it is a combination of these things with suggestions and proposals at the same time. It’s a quest into certain areas and proposing a way of looking at something. Where do you seek for inspiration? • I am inspired by anthropology, m

  13. George LucasC-3PO

  14. Programme considerations • This can be used as stand alone project • Linked with 3.31 – develop a visual exhibition that exhibits a design outcome to an audience • Linked with either 3.32 Resolve a spatial design through graphics practice or 3.33 resolve a product design through graphics practice • Lead to 3.3 conceptual design • It does not need to be a fully resolved conceptual design (towards design ideas)

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