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Jonathan, May, Rosanna, Weijing

Managing Global & Culturally Diverse Organization. Jonathan, May, Rosanna, Weijing. Agenda. Introductory Video Diversity Case study: It’s just feedback Organizational Culture Global Management. Diversity. All the ways in which we differ* * The Pillsbury Company’s definition. Gender.

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Jonathan, May, Rosanna, Weijing

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  1. Managing Global & Culturally Diverse Organization Jonathan, May, Rosanna, Weijing

  2. Agenda • Introductory Video • Diversity • Case study: It’s just feedback • Organizational Culture • Global Management

  3. Diversity All the ways in which we differ* *The Pillsbury Company’s definition

  4. Gender

  5. Race

  6. Age

  7. Physical Abilities

  8. Sexual Orientation

  9. Cultural Background

  10. Ethnic Background

  11. Attitudes

  12. Perspectives

  13. Qualities California State University Channel Islands www.csuci.edu/.../html/web_data/file13.htm

  14. The Law • Acknowledges diversity • stresses equal rights • Protects against discrimination • Why do we need to manage diversity?

  15. Why Manage Diversity Human Resource Executives Answered:

  16. Why Manage Diversity Why? In 1992 Hay Group surveyed 1,405 company: Only 5% are doing a very good job of managing the diversity of their workforces. Diversity management requires a long-term commitment and the payback is often not as tangible or predictable as other investments . Impact on the bottom line is not easily demonstrated

  17. Why Manage Diversity

  18. Cost Savings Turnover and absenteeism rates among women and people of color is high: • Black Vs Whites 40% higher • Women Vs Men Twice as higher at all ages Consequence: Added recruiting, staffing, and training costs per person (93% of departing employee’s annual salary)

  19. Cost Savings Liability: Lawsuits on Sexual, Race and Age Discrimination • Awareness raised the frequency of complaints: 20 times more in 1990 as compared to 1970 • The average jury award for a discrimination lawsuit is $600,000 (USA)

  20. Winning the Battle for Talent Organizations are competing to recruit, develop and retainthe best employees from minorities groups to increase their representation in the labour pool. • Attract by applying best Practices • Retain by: offering feedback, coaching and counselling and engage in mentoring relationships • Provide promotion opportunities

  21. Driving Business Growth • Increased marketplace understanding • Greater creativity • Higher quality team problem-solving • Improved leadership effectiveness • Better global relations

  22. How Cultural Differences Manifest Source: Dr. Tanner’s Book: You Just Don’t Understand: Men and Women in Conversation (1990). Cited in: Managing Cross-National and Intra-National Diversity By: Rosalie L. Tung. Publication: Human Resource Management (1986-1998); Winter 1993; 32, 4; pg. 461

  23. Gestures http://www.jeitosa.com/presentations

  24. It’s Just Feedback Place US subsidiary of Japanese company Employee American – 2 years on the job Boss Japanese manager Incident Employee receive 4/5 performance rating Employee dissatisfied, Asks for constructive feedback with specifics on how to improve Manager assures him that it is a good performance, without any specific details Outcome Both are disturbed:Employee: wanted to know where he stands, perceived his boss as ineffective, slave-driver, and unable to give an honest feedbackManager: wanted employee to feel good and be motivated to strive for excellence, perceived employee as immature for demanding constant feedback Communication failed for both parties

  25. Diversity Management Two types of diversity Management • Cross-national (Global) • Intra-national

  26. Acculturation Modes by which two groups adapt to each other and resolve cultural differences

  27. The Process of Diversity Management • To capitalize on the benefits and minimize the costs of worker diversity: • Determining business objectives or needs • Identifying actions required for each objective or need • Conducting a cost/benefit analysis • Developing tracking mechanisms to assess progress and financial impact

  28. Organizational Culture

  29. What is Culture? http://www.jeitosa.com/presentations

  30. Internal Integration Determines how members relate to one another • Constitutes a collective perspective of organization members (values, beliefs, norms) • Shared by most members of the organization • Systematically “passed along” to new members • Shapes members’ views of the organization and its purpose • Shapes members’ views of the job and its purpose Provides sense of identity for members • Guides and controls behavior • Enhances internal cooperation • Guides decision-making • Enhances commitment • Provides justification • Allows anticipation of actions of others

  31. External Integration Influences how organization meets goals and deals with outsiders • Influences perceptions of the organization by outsiders • Guides and controls behavior with/of outsiders • Shapes expectations of outsiders

  32. Elements of Culture • Invisible Elements • Visible Elements Question Does the invisible manifest in visible? Question Does the visible inform the invisible?

  33. Elements of Culture Invisible Elements: • Values about what is important • Assumptions & beliefs about what is true • Attitudes toward others and issues • Norms about appropriate & inappropriate Visible Elements • Symbols • Language & Slogans • Rituals and Ceremonies • Heroes • Stories

  34. Cultural Intelligence (CQ) • Filipino School Study • She told The Chronicle newspaper in Montreal that she confronted the principal, and was told: "Madame, you are in Canada. Here in Canada you should eat the way Canadians eat.". • "Racism and ethnocentrism are an affront to human dignity and have no rightful place in any country in this modern day and age," said a statement from the government body. “Leaders with high CQs understand how to encounter new cultural situations, judge what goes on in them and make appropriate adjustments to understand and behave effectively in those otherwise disorienting circumstances. They have repertories of strategies and behaviors of orienting themselves when they encounter unfamiliar behaviors and perspectives, so they can discern whether a seemingly bizarre behavior is explained by culture or is unique to a particular person or organization. Such discernment is critical in, for instance, cross-border negotiations, understanding new markets, unifying dispersed leadership teams and developing global marketing plans.”

  35. Cultural Models http://www.jeitosa.com/presentations

  36. Four Types of Culture http://www.jeitosa.com/presentations

  37. Cultures Around the World http://www.jeitosa.com/presentations

  38. Cultural Differences http://www.jeitosa.com/presentations

  39. Intergenerational Cultures http://www.jeitosa.com/presentations

  40. WorkplaceDifferences • Generational differences and communication patterns are significant factors in workplace differences. There are four generations in the workforce, with baby-boomers and Generation X populations comprising a significant portion of the total. • These two groups share little in common relative to the desired work environment. • Baby boomers are team-oriented, tend to spend their entire career with one organization, work long hours and communicate within homogenous relationships. • Gen Xers, on the other hand, are motivated by experiential work assignments with diverse individuals, moving often from one assignment of job, and they desire balance in their work and life. • Communication patterns are another source of workplace difference. For instance, nonverbal actions such as eye contact can have subtle differences, but if this difference is not understood it can have both an embarrassing and negative impact on the way business is done. • Foe example, eye contact in the United States is seen as sign of confidence. In the United Kingdom, eye contact is necessary, but too much of it makes people uncomfortable. Some Arab nations value eye contact, and too little is disrespectful. But in many Asian Cultures, too much eye contact is considered rude and disrespectful. • Leveraging cultural differences through cultural intelligence development can assist organizations in navigating through these complexities.

  41. Cultural Change StrategiesDevelop self awareness by leadershipAvoid equating personal identity with that of the organizationAvoid elitist trapSteps to be followed- Discourage the development of personality cult or hero worshipping- Practices delegation and participation to encourage development of enduring management structures independent of the influence of an individual leaderEncourage constructive dissent to take decision makers away from the influence of charismatic leader- Promote functional values (co-operation, discipline, fairness, initiatives)- Be willing to step aside or move on if the staying involved inhibits and transition to a more stable and strategic culture- Recruit and select people with values congruent with functional organizational values- Institutionalize the proper functional values by extensive socialization- Prevent the development of counter-cultures by a strong central culture- Remove the charismatic leader if he/she is blocking the effective transformation of the entrepreneurial organization into a strategic culture

  42. Core Abilities Managing Across Cultures • Understand, appreciate, and use cultural factors that can affect behavior • Appreciate the influence of work-related values on decisions, preferences, and practices • Understand and motivate employees with different values and attitudes • Communicate in the local language • Deal effectively with extreme conditions in foreign countries • Utilize a global mindset (use a worldwide perspective to constantly assess threats or opportunities)

  43. Diversity: Myths vs. Realities Myth (1) Diversity is about exclusivity. No its about inclusivity and maximizing everyone`s talents and contributions for organizations to gain a competitive human resource advantage. Myth (2) Diversity is just another fad. No, because the national and demographic workplace trends prove its here to stay. The real question is whether you can manage it as a positive rather than a negative force for change in your organization. Myth (3) Diversity is just another form of EEO/AAP. No, because Diversity goes beyond compliance as an organizational commitment to excellence, by using diversity as a source of strength.

  44. Diversity: Myths vs. Realities Myth (4) Diversity is not a problem, Its an opportunity True, only if well managed Myth (5) Diversity is the HR Departments responsibility . No, its our responsibility Myth (6) Diversity is about just race and gender. No, because managing diversity is much broader and pervasive than just race and gender.

  45. Diversity: Myths vs. Realities Myth (7) Diversity is only about minorities and women in the workplace. No its about recognizing the diversity of your internal(employees)and external customers to compete in a diverse market, both nationally and globally.

  46. Global Management

  47. The Flattening of the World http://www.jeitosa.com/presentations

  48. Stress in the International Situation http://www.jeitosa.com/presentations

  49. Why International Assignments Fail… http://www.jeitosa.com/presentations

  50. Hidden Costs of International Fail http://www.jeitosa.com/presentations

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