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ANIMAL SOUNDS in various languages

ANIMAL SOUNDS in various languages. Ask students / pupils what language the card is written in ( it is always the same as the 2nd speech bubble from the right ) What sound does the animal make in THEIR language /s?

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ANIMAL SOUNDS in various languages

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ANIMAL SOUNDSin variouslanguages

  2. Askstudents/pupilswhatlanguagethecardiswritten in(itisalwaysthe same asthe 2nd speechbubblefromtheright) Whatsounddoestheanimalmake in THEIR language/s? Reflect on the different onomatopoeiaofthesoundsandtheirsimilaritywhenthe different pronounciationistakenintoaccount. Comparethephrasesandwords on thepostcards. Can they understand certainwords in otherlanguages? Whatothersounds/animalnoises do theyknow in otherlanguages? SOME IDEAS FOR YOUR STUDENTS

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